I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

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I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:28 pm

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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:32 pm

neilgin1 wrote:


Howard Bloom, Yale literature professor and cultural critic, recently stated “I am 79 years old and I have never seen this country in such a bad state. It is madness. What we are seeing is the fall of the Roman Empire, only now it is the fall of America, the glory of our Empire.”

Ebola is threatening to make a comeback sweep across America. The United States sits on the brink of World War III. The economy is teetering on collapse. The JADE HELM 15 forces sit poised to wreak havoc in the Southwest. The Chinese are on the verge of owning your possessions and you and this arrangement was agreed to by people who were elected to “protect and defend the Constitution”. The UN is poised to be in charge of the demise of this country when martial law is declared. The eternal “bail outs” have robbed this generation and future generations of any chance at financial solvency. America has more people on welfare than are working full time. Election fraud is rampant. The price of a college education is going up 8 times faster than inflation. The average person cannot even name one thing that the Obama administration has done to improve the condition of the middle class, yet, he got re-elected.

The world is insane!

Is There Any Life On This Planet?

As I look at America’s daunting and mounting dilemmas, I cannot help wondering, “Isn’t it time to get mad, mad as hell”?

There can be little doubt that America needs a rallying call to action if we are to reverse the destructive path we have embarked upon. The middle class is in desperate need of a spokesperson, somebody who could awaken the masses and spur an apathetic America to action. Who could provide this much needed clarion call? Will it be Glenn Beck? Or, maybe, Rush Limbaugh will heed the call and step forward. NOT LIKELY! Perhaps it will be Hannity. No way! Every one of these media figures are too mainstream and too entrenched in the existing system to effectively take the torch and lead America out of the abyss that it finds itself in. What if America did find its spokesperson? What would it sound like? What form would it take? Right now, the best America can do comes from a movie character and this character was introduced to movie goers over 35 years ago. I am speaking about Howard Beale.

Who could ever forget the classic move Network and the mythical broadcaster, Howard Beale, and his impassioned attempt to get America “as mad as hell” and not “to take it anymore!”

What if Howard Beale were to attempt to call America to action today? What would it sound like? It might go something like the following:

“I don’t have to tell you that things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. We are in the greatest depression of all time. Several hundred thousand Americans lost their jobs last month and several million more afraid of losing their jobs. Thanks to the FED, the dollar buys a penny’s worth; your local bank is only still open through the forced “generosity” of your hard-earned tax dollars in the form of bailouts in the biggest wealth distribution plan in all of recorded history”.

A modern day Beale would go on to say “We know the air is unfit to breathe, we are being sprayed by Chemtrails and our genetically modified food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TV’s as some local newscaster tells us that the Dow is approaching 6,000, the FDIC and Social Security are near insolvency. Because of the NDAA, the government can secretly snatch you off the street and nobody knows what to do about it. We know things are bad—worse than bad—they’re crazy! It’s like everything, everywhere is going crazy. So, we don’t go out anymore because we cannot afford the photo radar tickets and the toll road fees. We sit in our soon-to-be foreclosed homes and slowly the world we’re living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, “Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my satellite TV and my MP3 players as well as my smartphone, and I won’t say anything. Well, I’m not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don’t want you to protest, the new DARPA weapons of citizen subjugation that would render protest efforts to be futile. I don’t want you to riot, NORTHCOM and DHS lie in wait. I don’t want you to write to your Congressman, because they are already bought and paid for by the forces that are already at work trying to enslave you. I don’t know what to do about the depression, the Russians and the Chinese and neither does Obama. I also don’t know what to do about inflation, your lost pension and the crime in the streets.” All I know is that first, you’ve got to get mad. You’ve gotta say, “I’m a human being, (bleep)! My life has value!”

“So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!!“

Fortunately, most Americans are angry, terribly angry as evidenced by Congress’ 7% approval rating. Unfortunately, most of America does not know where to direct their anger or who is responsible for our declining fortunes and we are quickly running out of time.

To the sheep of America, there is nothing more that anyone can tell you. My media colleagues have identified the great usurpers of the Constitution. Thanks to many in the media, the names of the robber barons are on display for all to see as well as their crimes against humanity. There is nothing more that I can write or that Doug and Joe Hagmann can broadcast. We, in the media have made the information known to anyone who takes the time to look. If you do not get it by now, it is not likely that you ever will as you have likely accepted your enslavement with a smile.

Where is Howard Beale when we need him the most? Look in the mirror, America, YOU are Howard Beale and it is time to get as mad as hell!

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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby johnbrickner » Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:59 pm

:clap: Bravo SIR :clap: BRAVO!!! :clap:
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby NDFarmer » Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:19 pm

neilgin1 wrote:Fortunately, most Americans are angry, terribly angry as evidenced by Congress’ 7% approval rating. Unfortunately, most of America does not know where to

I don't doubt the approval rating is 7%. I'm actually surprised it is that high. But if this is the case WHY do we keep sending them back term after term for 30 to 40 years?
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby Know Common Cents » Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:36 pm


You've come to the right place to get "Mad as Hell." You're surrounded here by like-minded friends and supporters. I wish I knew what might serve as the rallying cry to get the complacent public off of their collective buttocks and jump into action.

Have we been beaten down, laughed at or just generally ignored for so long that we've just become content to wallow in our own apathy, content to roll over and go back to sleep? God, I hope not. In my heart of hearts, though, I believe those of us who've been able to take a punch for decades have been kicked by the media for so long it's just easier to accept our fate.

It's just not cool to be a conservative these days. It's almost as if we're a secret society who's reluctant, or, better, afraid to approach like-minded folk for fear of being drawn and quartered in some public arena. This is so contra-Constitution and free speech that it stinks of absurdity. The founders of our great land would weep at the populists' non-involvement.

There's a handful of people who have the ability to rally the sleeping masses. Among those are Scott Walker and possibly Ted Cruz. We can't hide behind their coat tails, though. Even the best of the best cannot wake the sleeping giant (general public) from its slumber to lead the charge alone.

As individuals, we must lead the charge. We all have our own sphere of influence. Let's lead by example on a grass routes basis to gain some forward momentum. Most humans have an innate understanding of right and wrong. Once that has been realized, we can project that upon larger and larger groups of people.

(I'm speaking to everyone here, including myself.) Let's rise above this and return to the fundamentals of freedom. Our future is wholly dependent upon our ability now to find other like-minded individuals and share thoughts and plans.

We have so much work to do. Surround yourself by caring people who really understand that we've reached a pivotal point in America's survival.
"I don't know what I'm doin' but I'm sure havin' fun" Herman Munster

I've recently adopted the Groucho Marx philosophy for dealing with politics and other life challenges, "Whatever it is, I'm against it!" (Horse Feathers 1932)
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby Z00 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:02 am

Starve the Beast

How extensive is your emergency storage?
Can you go a full month without going to the store to buy something?
3 months? 6 months? A year?

This is a strategy that can be undertaken by anyone. You don't like the idea of being on
the forefront of a "protest movement?' You can't take time from work to go marching or
waving signs?

What is the one common denominator that all the "BIG" ones need?
BIG corporation, BIG pharma, BIG agriculture and of course, BIG GOVERNMENT.
Can you guess? It's fairly simple and basic.

It is:


If you and enough "like minded" folks stopped spending money for a month or 2 or 3, what
would happen to the income and profit line of the BIG corporations and the income from
taxes on those purchases to BIG government?

Are you in a position to do this? If not, then get there. NOW.
Try it for a month and see where you have not planned for enough of something. See if
you have enough toothpaste, coffee, toilet paper etc.

And when you are at the point where you can go 3 months without spending a dime at the
store, let us know and we will set a 3 month period of Starving the Beast.

Any takers?
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:08 am

NDFarmer wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:Fortunately, most Americans are angry, terribly angry as evidenced by Congress’ 7% approval rating. Unfortunately, most of America does not know where to

I don't doubt the approval rating is 7%. I'm actually surprised it is that high. But if this is the case WHY do we keep sending them back term after term for 30 to 40 years?

coz the damn local district dems or pubs decide what hump is going to run...our hump congresscritter is a (supposedly) "blue dawg" democrat....a blue dawg means that this hump every two years on his campaign literature, makes extra sure to show a picture of him and his grankids, holding shotguns during the bird hunt...to assure all us idjits that he isn't your typical dem gun grabber, coz he knows good and well, that if he EVEN tried that, he'd be out of office.....but he's kind of do nothing back bencher, that they only use for votes that are tight.

where i'm at....theres a 9 county area that went for Obama by just a tick or two, but was enough to flip the state for Obama....just enough organic farmers, and gun grabbing hippies to flip this nine county area, except for the capital, a college town and a band of minority inner city types with their Obama phones, every other county is red, and the difference is this nine county area, where I've gone to ground. its downright embarrassing.

Now the hippies, (50 to 60 somethings) and the progressives KNOW BETTER than to start talking about "gun control" n this county....they know better....hunting season up here?....everyday life stops for the season, we got a half a million white guys with rifles in this state, in the woods, half soused, doing the kick....meaning WALKING thru the woods....the guys that get deer are the ones with patience, who will sit up in a tree stand or in a blind...in short, if don't get your deer within 4 hours of season open, forget it. Now me, I don't even waste my time, I see deer out back 50 feet away, or right below my BATHROOM window!...just take a sidearm and process the meat off my back porch, or I could jacklight in Dec, but all freezers are stuffed with beef, why would I want "wood goat"?

I digress though, sorry....but our congress critter?...i'm done calling his office, I get some aide that gives me the polite blow off,and there it is. Now the guy I DO talk to and is a friend is the County Sherriff, who is the most powerful elected official in the county, he abides by the Constitution, hasn't taken any "toys" that the feds offered, and is a good man, and so are his deputies....lil while back we had some nut, who wouldn't settle up on a $5,000 tax bill, so he starts getting big pieces of plywood, writes his nutty ramblings on them, so you can read them from the dirt road he lived on...and when they served him , he started firing....It was a while back, maybe 10 years, so the deputies surround his filthy old house, try and talk sense into him, so he comes out shooting...now in most counties, the deputies would go wild, and plaster him drop down dead...our guys hit him with bean bags and wooden bullets....COZ they KNOW him! they know he's crazier than an outhouse rat...why kill him?...so know he's in the jail for a good long spell, and that's about the biggest thing that's happened around here in 20 years....not counting this black guy that thought it was a good ideal to deal coke in a town of 700 people, in a county that's 99% white....lol...that was funny.....here he is, running down the mainstreet of the town of 700 like a gazelle,half a dozen deputies TRYING to run after him, and this guy is tossing dozens of coke bindles, to "get rid" of the evidence, they finally got him though, it was funny.

that's about the biggest madness that happens up here, this isn't Fergusson Missouri, the biggest law enforcement challenge is drunk driving at bar closing time, the brother of my one of my best friends is on his 4th DWI, and is a retard, coz he's on his way to his 5th, which will mean some pretty dire consequences, to which I say GOOD, he's a good guy, when he's sober, but I told him, "hey nutbag, you're an alcoholic, you gotta do "90 in 90" (an AA meeting for 90 consecutive days)......"oh eff that!" is the retards reply...I just pray he doesn't kill anybody in his sickness.

but I agree, the 7% number is high, I didn't write that....among the people I talk to, its more like zero percent with visions of tar and feathers in our minds.....but everybody just stays quiet, coz ignore us, we'll ignore you.
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:32 am

johnbrickner wrote::clap: Bravo SIR :clap: BRAVO!!! :clap:

I wouldn't normally pinup an Alex Jones video, but in the spirit of things, I didn't want ya'll to miss this one:

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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby Z00 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:47 am

neilgin1 wrote:
johnbrickner wrote::clap: Bravo SIR :clap: BRAVO!!! :clap:

I wouldn't normally pinup an Alex Jones video, but in the spirit of things, I didn't want ya'll to miss this one:

His delivery on this video is a sharp contrast to his normal yelling. A welcome change.
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby Z00 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:48 am

A good video. Food for thought.
“Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason.” ― Mark Twain

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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:42 am

Z00 wrote:A good video. Food for thought.

OH!! good eye.....I only got the first five minutes in, but within 10 minutes I can always tell if the film/doc is going to be a piece of shite....and this isn't....its intelligent.....i'm up insanely early, crunching tax numbers, and also me mum is ill, and I have temp guardianship over her affairs, etc.

I want confess this...to how I feel. brother, I don't know your faith set (not talking about "religion"...talking about Faith) my Faith is VERY simple, I believe in Yahweh as Abraham did and I also follow Messiah Jesus.....I NEVER argue Faith, your soul is yours, and mine is mine...I know a lot of people fret about hell, or lust after 70 virgins, but i'll tell you this, strange as it sounds, in the Bible, only two angels are mentioned by name, Michael and Gabriel....okay.....day after day, I see so MUCH evil, pain, hurt, hunger, tears at the hands of evil men...or women. Now we all die in this body, and by the Mercy of God, I've been freed from the bondage of the FEAR of death......and here's my prayer, which might sound weird, but humor me, I ask God when I slip this mortal coil, that he find me worthy to be a golden flaming angel that wreaks havoc on the truly evil men and women that trod this earth, bearing a flaming golden sword that at His Word, to take out, those wicked murderous men that harm the weak....to bring them to total ruin, for His Names Sake.

I know that might sound strange, but there it is....thanks for the doc, gonna watch it later, yours, n.
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby Treetop » Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:27 pm

neilgin1 wrote:There can be little doubt that America needs a rallying call to action if we are to reverse the destructive path we have embarked upon. The middle class is in desperate need of a spokesperson, somebody who could awaken the masses and spur an apathetic America to action.

this middle class you speak of has been living on borrowed time for generations really. Our lifestyles built in large part through the empire building and global reserve currency we have, which in turn is the root of many listed issues. Supported also by spending that isnt remotely sustainable. People claim they dont want this, but most indeed do. Try telling your average baby boomer that they essentially paid nothing into SS because they went on to spend that money and left an IOU. They in fact think your mean and trying to take something they earned when they literally spent what they earned and want to rob an entire generation, heck many of them want to freaking expand on such things showing they are well past delusional and deep into lalaland. The few politicians who argued that we should end this party and sober up, dont get to far at all and havent my entire life. The political landscape my entire life has been shadowed by mostly the same issues and the entire time from the 80s to now people just want to do whatever it takes to keep the charade up. You want to blame the power structure for giving us what most wanted? pffft. Just as silly is when other western nations mock us on our empire building when we in many ways are holding up a western empire not just a Us one.

Dont for a second read this and think it means Im a-ok with the current state of affairs, I never have been. But if we want to look in a mirror as a people we must admit we reap what we have sewn my friends. You can point the finger at others all you like but the fact remains collectively we not only let this happen but voted for what shape we wanted the delusion to be served in. Neil mentioned AA above, the first step if I am not mistaken if to admit you have a problem.

We are reaping what we have sewn. It is really that simple. The harvest is nearly ripe, ready to pick. Sure we can reverse course, and plants new seeds, but this current crop has been in the ground for decades and has deep roots. We wont clear the field for a new crop very easily and without intense joint effort left and right. Much more likely we will just have to take our bitter medicine and hopefully learn our lessons, for awhile anyway. such is the cycle of civilizations which humans havent figured out to overcome yet. The same patterns repeated over and over as long as we have recorded history.

So for me? I stopped being mad, it wont change anything. Instead Im just trying to plant seeds for what comes next locally. Figuratively, but literally as well in my case. I know people all over the world, other western nations, all over the third world. We as a culture have lots of interesting traits. Traits that make it very likely we will pick ourselves back up once we finally do fall and our harvest in our hands. As twisted as our current dream is, there is no other place Id rather be when push comes to shove. This leads into a whole different conversation though. So I look ahead to the transition period, the reset of the current dream. THAT is the crux point. THAT is the point we can affect REAL change. Plant the seeds for new directions, and offer different paths then the power structure might want to offer to stay on top. No use imo trying to change the current path, its to much pressure built up, its gonna pop. Its gonna fall. We WILL pick ourselves back up, its in our blood, all humans do and imo we will do better then most with that but its just a matter of whether or not we start planting a good crop that time around? Or plant the current broken crop again. So for me its about trying to land on my feet during whatever reset eventually materializes and doing what I can to help plant a good long term crop once this one is rotting on the ground.
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby johnbrickner » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:05 am

Well said, Sir.
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:12 pm

Z00 wrote:Starve the Beast

How extensive is your emergency storage?
Can you go a full month without going to the store to buy something?
3 months? 6 months? A year?

This is a strategy that can be undertaken by anyone. You don't like the idea of being on
the forefront of a "protest movement?' You can't take time from work to go marching or
waving signs?

What is the one common denominator that all the "BIG" ones need?
BIG corporation, BIG pharma, BIG agriculture and of course, BIG GOVERNMENT.
Can you guess? It's fairly simple and basic.

It is:


If you and enough "like minded" folks stopped spending money for a month or 2 or 3, what
would happen to the income and profit line of the BIG corporations and the income from
taxes on those purchases to BIG government?

Are you in a position to do this? If not, then get there. NOW.
Try it for a month and see where you have not planned for enough of something. See if
you have enough toothpaste, coffee, toilet paper etc.

And when you are at the point where you can go 3 months without spending a dime at the
store, let us know and we will set a 3 month period of Starving the Beast.

Any takers?

ZedDoubleOught, I missed this post of yours.

i'm there already, and I don't say that to boast....I been expecting this since 1981. my "buys" are "sarah connor" buys in bulk.....my vice is books, meaning that's the only thing I buy big, exclusive of your list....stack and pay down debt....supplies, extra petrol, both 91 Oct,and diesel......but books? crucial....and the Bible, got a case, coz they'll make it illegal...watch.

Tree, I didn't write that piece, I should quote marked it...I been reading and re-reading your post, pondering thinking about it, before I respond, you have a good heart, wisdom, and your an idealist......nothing wrong with that.....my default setting is "assume the worst, you might be pleasantly surprised"

God bless you all, n
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby cooyon » Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:48 pm

The book that changed my life was "The Alpha Strategy" by John A. Pugsley (Stratford Press, 1980), subtitled "The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense". A valuable read if you can locate a copy.
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby Z00 » Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:25 pm

cooyon wrote:The book that changed my life was "The Alpha Strategy" by John A. Pugsley (Stratford Press, 1980), subtitled "The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense". A valuable read if you can locate a copy.

It's available as a PDF to read online or there are used copies on Amazon real cheap..
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby InfleXion » Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:48 am

When I first became aware of the true nature of things, my first thought was - how can I as a lowly individual effect change on this corrupt system? The answer I thought was simple, buy precious metals and exit the fiat system which is used to buy and sell the politicians, the banks, the markets, and everything downstream. This could very well be the answer, but it's only realistic if everyone is on board collectively. I don't see that happening. I then thought, what if I could influence the caucus system, and get people in power who support sound money. I spent a portion of my own time and money supporting Ron Paul in the 2008 election, only to have him take the money from his numerous "money bombs" and tuck tail at the 11th hour of the election, effectively destroying anyone else's chance at the alternative vote, also after letting HR1207, the Audit the Fed bill, to be gutted in the 11th hour before being passed by including a 180 day delay clause for releasing data on their books; ample time for cooking them. I realized then that controlled opposition was pervasive in all aspects of the power structure. We are all living in Gotham City. Nobody is ever going to be put in a position to be able to get into a position to impact change, and if they somehow defy the odds and get there or if one of the plants has a change of heart... well we know what happened to the man whose face was on the last silver half dollar.

Was I mad as hell? You bet. What could I truly do to impact change? I set on about educating everyone who would listen about why sound money is the bane of our oppressors. I secured my core position. After a while though, I started feeling apathetic. Most people didn't want to listen, didn't want to accept the painful reality I was presenting to them. They didn't want that burden that those of us who love the truth are willing to bear. The people who were willing to listen were mostly in the same boat as me, and didn't need to hear what I was presenting to them. Then there were those who were in the middle of the road. They understood why precious metals were a good investment, but they were in it for the greed. Were our oppressors to give them a position of power they would likely jump on it, as their motives were not for the greater good, but for the glorification of the self, the ego. To me this is worse than ignorance.

I have since come to the conclusion that each person's search for truth is going to take them as far as they are willing to go, regardless of anything that I do. Sure, I could be the spark for someone somewhere, but for those who truly thirst for knowledge, they will find their own way one way or another with or without my involvement. So I don't get mad anymore. I don't feel apathetic anymore either. I've come to a new conclusion. The only world I can impact is my own, and while stacking metals is a part of that, I now prioritize other things; spending more time with my family, taking care of the little day to day things that ease my burden, and just focusing on enjoying life. We have every reason to be mad, but being mad isn't going to change anything in its own right, and the people who love you would rather see you happy. We all have a limited amount of time here, and it's OK to be mad about things. Jesus wasn't afraid to get mad. Just don't let it consume you. The weight of the world is too much for any one person to bear. Just be the best you can be, and let the chips fall. At the end of the day, there's no shame in that.
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:01 am

InfleXion wrote:When I first became aware of the true nature of things, my first thought was - how can I as a lowly individual effect change on this corrupt system? The answer I thought was simple, buy precious metals and exit the fiat system which is used to buy and sell the politicians, the banks, the markets, and everything downstream. This could very well be the answer, but it's only realistic if everyone is on board collectively. I don't see that happening. I then thought, what if I could influence the caucus system, and get people in power who support sound money. I spent a portion of my own time and money supporting Ron Paul in the 2008 election, only to have him take the money from his numerous "money bombs" and tuck tail at the 11th hour of the election, effectively destroying anyone else's chance at the alternative vote, also after letting HR1207, the Audit the Fed bill, to be gutted in the 11th hour before being passed by including a 180 day delay clause for releasing data on their books; ample time for cooking them. I realized then that controlled opposition was pervasive in all aspects of the power structure. We are all living in Gotham City. Nobody is ever going to be put in a position to be able to get into a position to impact change, and if they somehow defy the odds and get there or if one of the plants has a change of heart... well we know what happened to the man whose face was on the last silver half dollar.

Was I mad as hell? You bet. What could I truly do to impact change? I set on about educating everyone who would listen about why sound money is the bane of our oppressors. I secured my core position. After a while though, I started feeling apathetic. Most people didn't want to listen, didn't want to accept the painful reality I was presenting to them. They didn't want that burden that those of us who love the truth are willing to bear. The people who were willing to listen were mostly in the same boat as me, and didn't need to hear what I was presenting to them. Then there were those who were in the middle of the road. They understood why precious metals were a good investment, but they were in it for the greed. Were our oppressors to give them a position of power they would likely jump on it, as their motives were not for the greater good, but for the glorification of the self, the ego. To me this is worse than ignorance.

I have since come to the conclusion that each person's search for truth is going to take them as far as they are willing to go, regardless of anything that I do. Sure, I could be the spark for someone somewhere, but for those who truly thirst for knowledge, they will find their own way one way or another with or without my involvement. So I don't get mad anymore. I don't feel apathetic anymore either. I've come to a new conclusion. The only world I can impact is my own, and while stacking metals is a part of that, I now prioritize other things; spending more time with my family, taking care of the little day to day things that ease my burden, and just focusing on enjoying life. We have every reason to be mad, but being mad isn't going to change anything in its own right, and the people who love you would rather see you happy. We all have a limited amount of time here, and it's OK to be mad about things. Jesus wasn't afraid to get mad. Just don't let it consume you. The weight of the world is too much for any one person to bear. Just be the best you can be, and let the chips fall. At the end of the day, there's no shame in that.

Flex, that is one of the best posts I read.....wise. My heart sank at your line about the last President on the last 90% Ag Half, everything you wrote I cannot agree more......at the pains of seeming like a "thumper" or religionist, i'm nearing the end of Romans, and I ate this in Romans 12...its a beautiful template how we be with each other:

"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Romans 12:9-21 (ESV)
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby Treetop » Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:07 am

neilgin1 wrote:Tree, I didn't write that piece, I should quote marked it...I been reading and re-reading your post, pondering thinking about it, before I respond, you have a good heart, wisdom, and your an idealist......nothing wrong with that.....my default setting is "assume the worst, you might be pleasantly surprised"
God bless you all, n

Ive been hoping you would finish your response. Ive been curious what you believe makes me an idealist? I mean my response was basically geared towards bringing a bit of realism to this post. People here are angry out what things have become and I wanted to hold a mirror to that and show we brought ourselves here, and the best chance to fix it is during the reset I personally think is inevitable. being mad at best is a cathartic release of pent up pain at worst blinds you when you need to be the most aware. You mentioned going to survival forums before? Were you going on them in the lates 90s early 2000s? I was on many of them back then. Im reminded of it because those guys also called me an idealist when I pushed the idea they NEED to grow food. Most such forums back then pictured some type of scenario, man versus man. surviving with their MREs and bullets. Id show up and explain that it doesnt work like that, that few will be marching around hunting others food for long. Locals who are stable and on home turf will widdle them down over time and hunt them down at worst. They needed to produce for this they needed seed and basic skills atleast. Its not often Ive ever been told I was an idealist, they thought I was such because most seemed to hear me say "grow food and it will be ok", when I in fact had said "grow food or it will be drastically worse and your at the whim of others actions and luck"... I literally went to these over years on and off doing this. constantly chased away because I was a wide eyed idealist. When the reality was these people had tunnel vision and needed to see the bigger picture. I stpped going when people I used to be mocked from were then teaching people about growing food. I cant say for sure obviously but its possible I helped shift the whole mindset, which was definitely my intent, few ever did anything but mock me publicly when I did this and I didnt personally notice others doing it. I was still a teenager at the time. lol the internet kinda seemed smaller back then honestly.

I get the impression perhaps something similar happened here. I dont exactly assume the worst as you mention that gets lonely boring and sad, but Ive always thought it out the best I could and am prepared. I certainly have ideals, (especially self determination within a framework that keeps us all generally safish) but Ive never been an idealist, atleast any of the ways Ive ever seen the word used. For those I know in real life, Im often the salt in thew wound. I show up and show you what you had missed or wanted to ignore. "tough love" as its called. I dunno, I think I might have some variation on asbergers or something I relate to all these topics much different then most.

my default setting is "do your best and let the pieces fall where they will with a clean conscious"
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Re: I'M MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:02 am

Treetop wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:Tree, I didn't write that piece, I should quote marked it...I been reading and re-reading your post, pondering thinking about it, before I respond, you have a good heart, wisdom, and your an idealist......nothing wrong with that.....my default setting is "assume the worst, you might be pleasantly surprised"
God bless you all, n

Ive been hoping you would finish your response. Ive been curious what you believe makes me an idealist? I mean my response was basically geared towards bringing a bit of realism to this post. People here are angry out what things have become and I wanted to hold a mirror to that and show we brought ourselves here, and the best chance to fix it is during the reset I personally think is inevitable. being mad at best is a cathartic release of pent up pain at worst blinds you when you need to be the most aware. You mentioned going to survival forums before? Were you going on them in the lates 90s early 2000s? I was on many of them back then. Im reminded of it because those guys also called me an idealist when I pushed the idea they NEED to grow food. Most such forums back then pictured some type of scenario, man versus man. surviving with their MREs and bullets. Id show up and explain that it doesnt work like that, that few will be marching around hunting others food for long. Locals who are stable and on home turf will widdle them down over time and hunt them down at worst. They needed to produce for this they needed seed and basic skills atleast. Its not often Ive ever been told I was an idealist, they thought I was such because most seemed to hear me say "grow food and it will be ok", when I in fact had said "grow food or it will be drastically worse and your at the whim of others actions and luck"... I literally went to these over years on and off doing this. constantly chased away because I was a wide eyed idealist. When the reality was these people had tunnel vision and needed to see the bigger picture. I stpped going when people I used to be mocked from were then teaching people about growing food. I cant say for sure obviously but its possible I helped shift the whole mindset, which was definitely my intent, few ever did anything but mock me publicly when I did this and I didnt personally notice others doing it. I was still a teenager at the time. lol the internet kinda seemed smaller back then honestly.

I get the impression perhaps something similar happened here. I dont exactly assume the worst as you mention that gets lonely boring and sad, but Ive always thought it out the best I could and am prepared. I certainly have ideals, (especially self determination within a framework that keeps us all generally safish) but Ive never been an idealist, atleast any of the ways Ive ever seen the word used. For those I know in real life, Im often the salt in thew wound. I show up and show you what you had missed or wanted to ignore. "tough love" as its called. I dunno, I think I might have some variation on asbergers or something I relate to all these topics much different then most.

my default setting is "do your best and let the pieces fall where they will with a clean conscious"

Tree, forgive me, I got a mini nightmare HERE, that's been going on three months,which is my mother, going legally blind (she's a writer) and long story SHORT, I got my whole thing wired down, my mother is very different from me, and I had to assume guardianship, its temp now, but it might be permanent. Tough thing is, it was my grandmother who raised me, fed me, nurtured me, etc till I was 12, she died, and my mother "took over"...turbulent teen-age years, in the Navy at 17, get the picture? ...and now I've been waging warfare over myself, my soul, ie.....that dark thought, "she didn't really take care of me as child, now at the end of day, her 78, I have to take care of her?!?"....anger, then IF my Faith is real, IF I love God, then I have to kill that thought, otherwise I am a rank hypocrite, and my Faith and love for and in God is a sham.

So, I killed the anger, and embraced the Love....of God,and I am a loving son and faithful steward of her resources, finances, paying off bills, in honesty, love and integrity.....but it sure has rattled my cage, (along with the ravages of winter)....so that's why I spaced.

you wrote: "You mentioned going to survival forums before? Were you going on them in the lates 90s early 2000s? I was on many of them back then. Im reminded of it because those guys also called me an idealist when I pushed the idea they NEED to grow food. "

In 1969, at 9, I read John Hersheys "Hiroshima", and that had GREAT impact on, since I knew every weapon mankind has made, he has used, repeatly...and nuclear weapons are in class by themselves, which is why Ike, in London in SHAEF HQ, upon hearing of the attack on Hiroshima, fell into a very deep depression, according to his son, John, serving as his aide. (John was a LT, I believe)....and Ike voiced as, "WW3?......will be the LAST war".(i'm paraphrasing....Ike was one of seven top brass, who were briefed into the Manhattan project after the Trinity Test in NM was successful and the seven were asked "should we use this weapon on Japan?" Six of the seven replied "no" betya Curtis Lemay was lone "yeh", seeing as it was his own 509th SQN that would deliver the weapon....sad thing is the Japanese, moderates WITHIN the royal family had been making peace overtures as early as Feb 45 thru Count Bern in Switzerland, their only request being, "please don't hang our Emperor", which was the very thing MacArthur did not do


at this point I fell asleep, guess I get long winded and off topic.....but the way I see it, everything is connected....even past history, what I really should have just said, "i was in the prepper mode as a nine year old in 1969".....and NO, I do NOT see local food production as "idealistic"....I don't think idealistic and realistic are separate attributes.....and in the late 90's I was NOT on prepper forums, I was NOT getting ramped up about Y2K.....and frankly I don't appreciate the discourse they have on prepper forums these days, for my own private reasons.

you wrote:
"Most such forums back then pictured some type of scenario, man versus man. surviving with their MREs and bullets. Id show up and explain that it doesnt work like that, that few will be marching around hunting others food for long. Locals who are stable and on home turf will widdle them down over time and hunt them down at worst."

couldn't agree more....and the dialogue on those forums hasn't changed much...and where I live, this sub species of prepper, the "pirate prepper", has only a battle rifle and ammo, and a strategy of murdering others for supplies, as I've said before will be dealt with very quickly, we'll make these arab daesh look like choir boys, for in war, there is time for mercy and tenderness, and there is a time for ruthlessness, which is really just clarity.

when I said idealistic, I might have chosen the wrong word....I meant "thoughtful", your a thoughtful man Tree, neil
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