OK... 1st... I know that you cannot convert an IRA to Gold/Silver and hold on to it physically. It must be through an approved 3rd party. I have an IRA that's drawing about 4% and I'm thinking about putting it into Gold/Silver mix (thoughts here?)... but I like the idea of being able to have "readily predictable" access to it in the event of a SHTF situation or otherwise, but I don't want to be in violation of any IRS requirements. So I'm wondering if anyone has any known LEGAL solutions?
The alternative I'm also considering is to close down the IRA, get the cash and pay the fines/taxes, and buy physical gold/silver to hold. I'm a little anxious about the gov't views on private retirement funds as well right now... Thoughts on this route?
PS... I REALLY WISH I HAD done this back when I opened this IRA! I was young and simply needed a way to protect my retirement funds when I left a certain job. If I had put it into a gold or silver IRA like I should have... MAN! Oh well hind sight is 20/20. I'm just hoping that gold/silver continue to climb if I go this route. FYI... this is not the bulk of my retirement funds (maybe 1/3 to 1/2 or so)... and I'm young... so I'm ok with the risk.