"Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

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"Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:24 pm

for your consideration:

"Looking back at the Lehman Brothers collapse of 2008, it’s amazing how quickly it all happened. In hindsight there were a few early-warning signs, but the true scale of the disaster publicly unfolded only in the final moments before it became apparent that Lehman was doomed."

rest of the article:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-1 ... ext-lehman

what does this have to do with silver?....imo, lots, as i'm always looking for that black swan, that one push over the cliff. In the past weeks there's been a lot of leadership upheaval at DB, so.........

have a great weekend guys, n.
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Re: "Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

Postby IdahoCopper » Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:19 pm

Looks a lot like the 1st domino to me.
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Re: "Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:42 am

IdahoCopper wrote:Looks a lot like the 1st domino to me.

don't it though? what got my ears ringing was that the two chief criminals, honchos, are bailing out, in the way they are, rats flying off a sinking ship......and the other thing is the shear size of these derivatives.....$75 TRILLION?

and that's the whole thing that gets me, all these criminals without a DOUBT, must be sociopaths, because if you really try and wrap your mind around the figure "75 TRILLION USD", I have to assume these "leaders" have abrogated all aspects of their fiduciary duty, and to go further on this line of thought, they must actually believe or ARE, above the LAW, which means in their minds there is NO LAW...and where there is NO LAW, or law that is applied selectively, chaos crouch's.

Maybe its goes like this, the can cant be kicked no more in Greece....Greece lights the fuse...kaboom, and the ensuing explosion shockwaves out, right into Deustche Bank, and their 75 TRILLION hoard of cow pies, and then do we have global contagion?

You have to know that something is REALLY wrong, when Jamie Dimond over at JP Morgan is now the worlds newest billionaire, walking free, and the guy who set up the "Silk Road" cyber marketplace, albeit a marketplace for black market substances, cannabis and what not....gets caught, goes to "trial"...and they sentence him to LIFE in prison without chance of parole...and at the same time, men who have done their level best to destroy a nations economy are walking free?

case in point? Jon Corzine, who blew up a venerable commodity trading form, by engaging in the unthinkable, trading CUSTOMER segregated funds, which I was trained to regard as the holy of holies.....those funds are UNTOUCHABLE, and this criminal blew up MF global for 1.2 bn $! I remember when MF Global was EDF Mann, a 200 year old Brit trading house, that we regarded as blue chip firm.

and Corzine hasn't been indicted, stood trial, been held accountable...nothing, and we hear the words, "the law"...."justice".

I have no love for inner city black gangbangers and their dealings of drugs, their violence...but in a new found way, I understand the why, the disastrous why, they act like they do.....they KNOW they're F####d, they know they really have no hope , so why not go run around like children of the devil, because they really only have two options, an early death or entrance into the gray bar hotel, eating soybean burgers.

this coming storm MUST be a set up, I 'll explain in a bit. in 2008-09, we did have a chance at setting things right(not without some pain though) do you know only one small country got real in 08-09, and that was Iceland. Threw the offending bankers in jail.let the bad fail....didn't start the printing presses to a crazy extent....sure there was pain, 19% inflation, some financial dislocation.....but now, the banks that were left, slowly dug out of the mire, people stoically got frugal, and today they have some of the lowest debt to GDP ratios in the world.

i'm sorry for just being a depressant, so i'll go shower, and get outside and spread pasture seed...let me live you with the url to a ten point article from John Whitehead, a man I really respect at the Rutherford Institute.....its a good article, gives some strategic thought, John's a sharp guy:

"Slave or Rebel? Ten Principles for Escaping the Matrix and Standing Up to Tyranny" [SHORT]
https://www.rutherford.org/publications ... anding_up_

God bless you Idaho, n

later "bonus" material....what the heck is the TPP trade pact
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Re: "Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

Postby beauanderos » Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:38 pm

When Deustche Bank falls the dominoes will all topple, and the first to fall will have the hardest impact, not a small one at all (with ever-widening ripples)... as they have the largest derivatives exposure of any of the Big Banks. Counterparty risk will cause immediate repercussions... the financial equivalent of Yellowstone erupting. I hope everyone has their plans already in place, this could happen soon with economic devastation (currency/ATM withdrawals paralysis)


NOW :shock: :? :shh:
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Re: "Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

Postby Recyclersteve » Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:19 am

neilgin1 wrote:for your consideration:

"Looking back at the Lehman Brothers collapse of 2008, it’s amazing how quickly it all happened. In hindsight there were a few early-warning signs, but the true scale of the disaster publicly unfolded only in the final moments before it became apparent that Lehman was doomed."

rest of the article:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-1 ... ext-lehman

have a great weekend guys, n.

Actually there was a hedge fund guy named David Einhorn (Greenlight Capital) who came out publicly and said he was concerned about Lehman declaring bankruptcy about a year before they announced it. He was criticized by many for saying so, but was vindicated on September 15, 2008.
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

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Re: "Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:45 am

Recyclersteve wrote:[
Actually there was a hedge fund guy named David Einhorn (Greenlight Capital) who came out publicly and said he was concerned about Lehman declaring bankruptcy about a year before they announced it. He was criticized by many for saying so, but was vindicated on September 15, 2008.

Steve, I didn't know that....thanks....its always the one or two or few, that have the courage to swim against the tide, because man's natural inclination is NOT to hear bad news, or to see truth in ANY discipline, if said truth is hard to swallow.

the human experience is all about PAIN AVOIDANCE , don't you think. believe me, I am NOT positing myself as "prophet", God forbid. this is the only social media I ever post on, because the other core posters treat one another with love and respect, almost as if we were all sitting around a campfire, or on a porch, and that is a rare thing on a hostile internet...its a wonderful thing, a refuge of sorts, especially for a sometimes lonely soul like myself.

my "oh oh" 2007 moment came out of the blue, sitting besides a pool, of someone dear to me, while I was traveling. I was scanning the net, checking markets, smoking a butt, and this dear friend, came out to join me for a cigarette. The house had JUST been bought, and i'm not a busybody, but I asked, "so what did you pay for this wonderful house?"...the relationship is close enough, that I didn't feel out of line with my query.

"674" (thousand) (and bought with a subprime, interest only loan)

in reflex, my jaw just dropped, the house, while wonderful, imo, was worth about 400, but the whole dang bubble was (obviously) blowing up in the summer of 2007. i always try and follow the price of EVERYTHING...i'm serious, from cans of corn, to razor wire, to coal and uranium, etc etc etc. (btw..slightly off topic, IF i was a 90 caliber big shot, with a high 9 digit net worth, after the coming implosion, i would be buying with CASH, every distressed coal mining concern, that still had ample reserves, because right now, every fund is divesting from coal, calling it a fuel that's time is "over". coal prices NOW have been pummeled 50% and when everybody is selling?.....that's when you buy. same thing with uranium, but the situation with nuclear energy is more murky, given the Japs inability to get Fukushima under control, and that's an understatement...but coal?...dirty fuel, but there is a LOT of it, the problem is the stack scrubbers, and yes, i see the CO2 emission charts spiked up crazy, which is not good, because that's sailing into unknown outcomes, but someone who is high net worth in dollars, would want to get OUT of currency, and park it into tangibles, especially "out of favor" high BTU tangibles, like coal....AMERICAN coal....and spend the money for some out of the box thinkers, to patent 21st stack scrubbers.....but i'm beautifully middle class, so its all just talk on my part...lol)

so when my jaw dropped, i said...."really?.....674?"...this dear soul, who is a writer, a poet, a GREAT writer saw my concern, and said, "neily, real estate is just going higher".

i didn't say it, because that would cruel, but at that moment, i KNEW the TOP was in for real estate, because while a brilliant mind this dear one is, very little concern or knowledge about general economics or trading.

They wound losing this house, which to this day , just breaks my heart, and was one of the few times, i ever wished i had more resource, because i would have swiftly, lovingly and eagerly paid this house note for them....and this disaster, for them, spelled the dissolution of this family...THEY had to live by "moral hazard" in taking out a subprime crappy note, but the bank that bundled this note and thousands of others was given LEAVE of "moral hazard", and bailed out by the US government, starting with that first "TARP" of $700 bln USD under the Bush admin, continuing to the admin of lil grey Barry, who has his minions just spinning the currency presses into QE infinity....and to add insult to injury, criminals like Jamie Dimond, is the newest billionaire in America (true, "CNBC" broke that lil bon mot), who in my estimation should have been indicted, and let justice have sway. But justice has fled the land, they ripped her blindfolds off, She is NOT "blind" anymore, because as i said before the kid who founded the "Silk Road" got sentenced to life without parole, while Jamie and Jonnie Corzine, and all the worms like them, crack open lobsters and wash them down with a nice Gran Cru Classe Margaux bottle of wine....probably a '75...or '76.

so.....here's live coverage of the kabuki dance between Greece and the EU and the ECB...enjoy the show:
http://www.theguardian.com/business/liv ... ve-updates
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Re: "Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:54 am

"Lehman Weekend" Looms For Greece As Europe Readies "Emergency" Sunday Meeting"

"European leaders may convene an emergency summit this Sunday to decide Greece's fate as Varoufakis says no new proposal from Athens will be tabled at Thursday's meeting of EU finance ministers. With capital controls now imminent, and with Greece reportedly set to delay a June 30 IMF payment, a "Lehman Weekend" looms."

rest of article:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-1 ... ay-meeting
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