"Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting worse

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"Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting worse

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:14 am

True, that might be another hyperventilating headline from ZH, but check out the charts, and the fact the amount gonna be thrown in the furnace by the PBOC is a paltry 19 billion, and ...I don't know, there might be fire behind the smoke.

who knows anymore, our own mockingbird main stream media types, and the haircuts they send up to bloviate, tried their level best to throw America into a maelstrom of fear....but nothing "blew up", or no false flags were sent up the pole of manipulation, which they will claim, is the result of their skill and vigilance, which is load of hooey....AND as I type this the Greek people vote on Grexit.

sad story there, I don't care what anybody says, the Greeks were dealt with most harshly by the germans during WW2, and now again, the germans hold the strings, along with the Ponzi global crew, the IMF, BIS, and all the kind altruistic central bankers,and if you wanna heap scorn on the Greeks, just ask yourself, "why am I stacking?"

now on a personal note, Independence Day is my favorite American Day, because of what it means, and I was just in the foulest of moods.....and my brother came up for porch talk, some reading of Thomas Paine, followed by patriotic salutes (not fireworks either) but as I was trailing behind on my tractor, the rear right axle just SHEERED, and the back dumped, I had the brush hog attached, so it stayed aloft on the level dirt road, BUT if it had been going down the steep gravel driveway, or running farwood up the hill?..it would rolled once if not twice, either throwing me to land on me and squash an arm or me, like a bug, I would lucky to JUST to lose an arm or ??????.......God was with me...OR He didn't want to talk me Home yet....but still, that wasn't the best thing to happen, I had visions of fifties with wings, flying away.

But after a day of misery and bile, when the night was dark, I get an out of the blue call from an old girlfriend, who wants to just get out of the city and hide up here in the Shire with me a wee bit., which is a good deal, I might even try out some of that Niagra.

here's the "China Panic" article:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-0 ... out-stocks

hey! if I blow out my ticker during this visit from a dear sweetie, just bury me with my boots on, n
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby silverstacker » Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:21 am

This is also one of my favorite days and I won't go into the rant like I went into about the lack of flags I've seen raised in my neighborhood on Memorial Day but let's just say our family was in full American regalia :) and the county parade was great :D

Taught my eldest (6 years) the true meaning of the day and why it's so important. She retained maybe 3/4 of what I said as I kept it on a basic level.

Great day!

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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby Recyclersteve » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:48 pm

Since over 50% of the population now relies on government supp, does that mean that in the future that July 4th will be known as Dependence Day? (Only half kidding, sad to say)
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby J_Dodge » Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:21 am


Don't sell your comment short - there is more truth in your comment than many want to believe....

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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby pennypicker » Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:58 pm

Recyclersteve wrote:Since over 50% of the population now relies on government supp, does that mean that in the future that July 4th will be known as Dependence Day? (Only half kidding, sad to say)

If Romney was correct six years ago when he was heard saying that the Democrat Presidential nominee will automatically get 47% of the popular vote because 47% of the people are on government assistance, then is it now correct to say that the Democrat Presidential nominee (Hillary) will automatically get 50% of the vote because now 50% of the people are on government assistance? If so then she needs just 1% of Republican women to jump ship and vote for her simply because she is a women--In other words Hillary is a guaranteed lock to be the next President :o
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:28 pm

If all those on assistance actually voted the scenario would be very likely. We're very close to - if not already past - the point where a candidate can win based on any type of proposed austerity to correct a problem. The politicians have to pander to the masses on assistance by promising them new freebies in order to get elected. This point is the end of a democratic republic.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby beauanderos » Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:35 pm

pennypicker wrote:
Recyclersteve wrote:Since over 50% of the population now relies on government supp, does that mean that in the future that July 4th will be known as Dependence Day? (Only half kidding, sad to say)

If Romney was correct six years ago when he was heard saying that the Democrat Presidential nominee will automatically get 47% of the popular vote because 47% of the people are on government assistance, then is it now correct to say that the Democrat Presidential nominee (Hillary) will automatically get 50% of the vote because now 50% of the people are on government assistance? If so then she needs just 1% of Republican women to jump ship and vote for her simply because she is a women--In other words Hillary is a guaranteed lock to be the next President :o

I've heard that Hillary will never win... because people feel there have already been too many bushes in the White House? :shock:
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby pennypicker » Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:45 pm

beauanderos wrote:I've heard that Hillary will never win... because people feel there have already been too many bushes in the White House? :shock:

"If I had to pick one player to take the last shot to win the game I would pick Michael Jordan...if I had to pick one player to take the last shot to save my life I would pick Larry Bird"--PAT RILEY, L.A. Lakers Head Coach

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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby AGCoinHunter » Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:00 pm

beauanderos wrote:
pennypicker wrote:
Recyclersteve wrote:Since over 50% of the population now relies on government supp, does that mean that in the future that July 4th will be known as Dependence Day? (Only half kidding, sad to say)

If Romney was correct six years ago when he was heard saying that the Democrat Presidential nominee will automatically get 47% of the popular vote because 47% of the people are on government assistance, then is it now correct to say that the Democrat Presidential nominee (Hillary) will automatically get 50% of the vote because now 50% of the people are on government assistance? If so then she needs just 1% of Republican women to jump ship and vote for her simply because she is a women--In other words Hillary is a guaranteed lock to be the next President :o

I've heard that Hillary will never win... because people feel there have already been too many bushes in the White House? :shock:

I bet that's one nasty bush...
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby rsk1963 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:20 am

down :shock: 38.7% in not even a month. :sick: poor banksters.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:04 pm

rsk1963 wrote:down :shock: 38.7% in not even a month. :sick: poor banksters.

the commies in the China, "allowed" the average Chinese clodhopper to "bet" on the market, they have a variation of the Nasdaq there....so its the average guy or gal over there that's getting a purty rough lesson in Trading 101...once the dust settle's, watch for the Red politburo, to start stoking anti-west fever to take the peoples mind over their grim lot in life......then they'll spend even MORE on a standing army, to counter OUR standing army....and then its ON.....maybe 10-15 years from now..maybe sooner....all them young Chinese bucks need SOMETHING to do...right?
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby rsk1963 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:47 pm

can't they build more ghost towns?
those that sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither

the bee...gathers it's materials from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but transforms and digests it by a power of it's own.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks"

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:00 pm

rsk1963 wrote:can't they build more ghost towns?

Your question got me thinking about an article I read earlier today.
China at Risk

In China, the most fantastic credit bubble in recorded history is beginning to burst. That is, notwithstanding Wall Street’s sell-side propaganda, China’s vaunted $10 trillion GDP is not capitalist GDP in any familiar or meaningful sense; nor is it the product of organic market-based economic growth.

Instead, it is “constructed GDP” which has been fabricated out of centrally issued and allocated fiat credit. Over the past two decades the People’s Printing Press of China issued virtually unlimited bank reserves in the process of buying up dollars to peg the RMB exchange rate in support of its national policy of export mercantilism. This, in turn, has enabled China’s total public and private credit outstanding to soar from $2 trillion at the turn of the century to $28 trillion today.

In short, the overlords of red capitalism in Beijing caused the entire nation to borrow itself silly in order to fund a construction and investment mania that has no historical parallel. Indeed, the fourteen-fold explosion of debt in fourteen years has resulted in not only trillions of artificial “printing press GDP,” but, more importantly, in a stupendous accumulation of over-valued and uneconomic “assets” on both public and private accounts.

There are currently an estimated seventy million empty high rise apartment units in China, for example, because under the baleful influence of unlimited credit these apartments were built for asset appreciation, not occupancy. In fact, most of China’s tens of million of punters who have invested in these units have taken pains to keep them empty and spanking new; like contemporary works of art, appreciation potential can be impaired by marks and scrapes.

Needless to say, there is a huge problem when you turn rebar, concrete, and wallboard into tulip bulbs. Namely, when the price mania finally stops not only do the speculators who put their savings into empty apartment units get crushed, but, more importantly, demand for new units quickly evaporates, causing a devastating contraction up and down the building supply chain.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:44 am

Chinese stock markets continue nosedive as regulator warns of panic
Main markets open sharply down as nearly 700 companies request their shares be suspended in unprecedented move

Chinese stock markets tumbled again on Wednesday as investors shrugged off a series of support measures by Chinese regulators, including the central bank’s first public statement in support of the market since it cut interest rates in late June.

Minutes after opening, the Shanghai Composite Index fell by just over 8%. while the Shenzhen Component was down almost 5%.

Within ten minutes of trading, more than 1,000 shares across China’s two stock markets had dropped by the daily limited of 10% and had their shares automatically suspended. About 1,400 companies, or more than half of those listed – filed for a trading halt in an attempt to prevent further losses.

China’s securities regulator said there was “panic” in the stock market with irrational selling off increasing and “leading the stock market to a situation of intense liquidity”.

rest of article:
http://www.theguardian.com/business/201 ... s-of-panic

(note...THIS could be the REAL gamechanger.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:38 am

Investors trying to sell Chinese shares have found themselves locked out of 72 percent of the market.

"At least 1,331 companies have halted trading on mainland exchanges, freezing $2.6 trillion of shares, or about 40 percent of the country’s market capitalization. Another 747 fell by the 10 percent daily limit on Wednesday, making it all but impossible to find buyers at the prevailing price."

rest of article: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-fre ... 48037.html
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby beauanderos » Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:51 am

It's not enough that the markets have halted trading in such a high percentage of companies there... but now, even when they do open
those stocks for trading again...

guess what?

You'll be forbidden to sell your positions! :shock: :sick: :clap:


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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby silverstacker » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:34 am

neilgin1 wrote:Chinese stock markets continue nosedive as regulator warns of panic
Main markets open sharply down as nearly 700 companies request their shares be suspended in unprecedented move

Chinese stock markets tumbled again on Wednesday as investors shrugged off a series of support measures by Chinese regulators, including the central bank’s first public statement in support of the market since it cut interest rates in late June.

Minutes after opening, the Shanghai Composite Index fell by just over 8%. while the Shenzhen Component was down almost 5%.

Within ten minutes of trading, more than 1,000 shares across China’s two stock markets had dropped by the daily limited of 10% and had their shares automatically suspended. About 1,400 companies, or more than half of those listed – filed for a trading halt in an attempt to prevent further losses.

China’s securities regulator said there was “panic” in the stock market with irrational selling off increasing and “leading the stock market to a situation of intense liquidity”.

rest of article:
http://www.theguardian.com/business/201 ... s-of-panic

(note...THIS could be the REAL gamechanger.

Pressure, pressure and more pressure. As if Greece wasn't enough now China has some serious problems.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby hobo finds » Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:03 am

http://money.cnn.com/2015/07/08/investi ... index.html
New York Stock Exchange suspends trading

In a brief announcement, the exchange said it was experiencing a technical issue. The suspension took place at 11:32 a.m ET.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby silverstacker » Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:29 am

hobo finds wrote:http://money.cnn.com/2015/07/08/investing/nyse-suspends-trading/index.html
New York Stock Exchange suspends trading

In a brief announcement, the exchange said it was experiencing a technical issue. The suspension took place at 11:32 a.m ET.

Maybe hacked their saying?? Who knows
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby J_Dodge » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:37 am

neilgin1 wrote: but as I was trailing behind on my tractor, the rear right axle just SHEERED, and the back dumped, I had the brush hog attached, so it stayed aloft on the level dirt road, BUT if it had been going down the steep gravel driveway, or running farwood up the hill?..it would rolled once if not twice, either throwing me to land on me and squash an arm or me, like a bug, I would lucky to JUST to lose an arm or ??????.......God was with me...OR He didn't want to talk me Home yet....but still, that wasn't the best thing to happen, I had visions of fifties with wings, flying away.


You sheared the axle on your tractor?!?!?

Holy Moly - that is a good "trick" - that is something that should never happen. Some years back, late summer, the in-laws were combining oats, and their combine sheared the axle on the main drive wheels. You can't exactly called a wrecker for something like that - no way you get it out of the field.

They called their dealer for assistance - the dealer was incredulous - "you what?" Dealer calls the area supply depot for assistance - come to find out there wasn't a single axle on the shelf in the entire country - it's a part that isn't supposed to break. They call the factory, the factory takes one off the assembly line, and air freights the axle and tech/tools to install it. It took two-three days for all this to occur. In the mean time, the in-laws worked on the combine - getting it jacked up and plenty of blocks, etc to support it - so that the tech and dealer staff had a clear working area once the axle arrived.

Best part - the factory ate the cost of the axle, and the service call - even better - no rain while the combine was down, and even more better - they got the rest of the crop completed w/o rain.

Best of luck on getting your machine home and repaired. Don't know what vintage you drive - hope you can find one somewhere.

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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:37 pm

J_Dodge wrote:
neilgin1 wrote: but as I was trailing behind on my tractor, the rear right axle just SHEERED, and the back dumped, I had the brush hog attached, so it stayed aloft on the level dirt road, BUT if it had been going down the steep gravel driveway, or running farwood up the hill?..it would rolled once if not twice, either throwing me to land on me and squash an arm or me, like a bug, I would lucky to JUST to lose an arm or ??????.......God was with me...OR He didn't want to talk me Home yet....but still, that wasn't the best thing to happen, I had visions of fifties with wings, flying away.


You sheared the axle on your tractor?!?!?

Holy Moly - that is a good "trick" - that is something that should never happen. Some years back, late summer, the in-laws were combining oats, and their combine sheared the axle on the main drive wheels. You can't exactly called a wrecker for something like that - no way you get it out of the field.

They called their dealer for assistance - the dealer was incredulous - "you what?" Dealer calls the area supply depot for assistance - come to find out there wasn't a single axle on the shelf in the entire country - it's a part that isn't supposed to break. They call the factory, the factory takes one off the assembly line, and air freights the axle and tech/tools to install it. It took two-three days for all this to occur. In the mean time, the in-laws worked on the combine - getting it jacked up and plenty of blocks, etc to support it - so that the tech and dealer staff had a clear working area once the axle arrived.

Best part - the factory ate the cost of the axle, and the service call - even better - no rain while the combine was down, and even more better - they got the rest of the crop completed w/o rain.

Best of luck on getting your machine home and repaired. Don't know what vintage you drive - hope you can find one somewhere.


sheared.......at the axle housing, but here's the thing, when you looked at the two pieces, there was a moon shaped rough spot, as if when they were forging the stainless steel back at the plant in Japan in 91, or 92, SOME metallurgical imperfection was inside the axle, and it took 23 years to finally fail...I kid you not, and thank God I was just on the flat ridge road, and not bucketing up firewood, otherwise she would of just flipped ON me, even though I got a roll bar...its a Ford 1100, 25 hp 1992, mannyed in Japan...in cherry shape, a jobber up north found an axle in Tx, wants 250....done.

a tractor is an invaluable TOOL, but its not some ATV, it can kill you. Farming or using it on flat dirt....easy, sort of, but up on ridges?....skidding logs or bucketing firewood?...and I need that firewood, when the weather is minus 40, and the wind is clipping at 30 mph? sure I got a propane heating system, but when you get into the -10 degree range, high wind?...need that firewood.

for about , I don't know, maybe 2 months now...I been very uneasy, like something big is in the wind, its a gut feeling, I also know its a Holy Spirit thing, but some folks don't believe, which is perfect fully alright, my Faith is mine, its personal and it belongs to me, aint trying to convert anyone, or judge them, so I SAY I got a gut feeling, but its more than that...SOMETHING is in the wind, and this morning, up way before dawn, I placed yet another big (for me at least) order with wal mart online...both for short term (1 to 2 years) and long term (10-25 years) foodstuffs....my larder already is 6 months, maybe more, good to go, but when my "gut" says, "go, do this or do that", I don't hesitate for a second....for instance silver is at 16 to 20 a toz right?....well, a sealed 22 lb bucket of hard white wheat is $17, and I bought 3 of them, to add to all the others I got, as well as a top of line HAND crank stainless steel grain mill I bought in early 09 for $400....I'm just giving you examples, Americans have NEVER really known hell on the ground....especially this generation...and its coming.

there are too many bizarre things happening all at once....for example, they were vetting the new Joint Chief head, a marine, and this man says "Russia is the number one security threat to America"....and i'm not dumb, I KNOW that is a lie, so I think, 'what in the heck are these men up to?"....its nothing good, i'll tell you that....and brother Dodge, that is just ONE thing out of many, that are so out of whack these days...there's a alt-media blogger, Mike Snyder (I take EVERYTHING with two grains of salt)...but just as one small example, he wrote this column, just the other day:
http://endoftheamericandream.com/archiv ... -few-weeks

number eight is the one that really rubs me wrong, I don't trust the man, didn't trust the one before him, nor the one before him....sorry to go as such, but my heart is heavy,and this is the only forum I ever go on.

God love you all, n.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:21 pm

I heard the excerpt from the Marine general and all I can say is that he's not going to disclose our real number one future issue, and further that he will provide misinformation if it's to our advantage.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby beauanderos » Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:57 pm

#3 "hey, hacker dudes... wanna launch some patriot missiles across the Turkish border? How cool would that be??" :?
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:15 pm

68Camaro wrote:I heard the excerpt from the Marine general and all I can say is that he's not going to disclose our real number one future issue, and further that he will provide misinformation if it's to our advantage.

good point....that's something I hadn't thought of....maybe in my dismay and loathing, I was hasty, again, good point.
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Re: "Panic: China Central Bank ----IMPOTENT"...its getting w

Postby silverstacker » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:39 pm

68Camaro wrote:I heard the excerpt from the Marine general and all I can say is that he's not going to disclose our real number one future issue, and further that he will provide misinformation if it's to our advantage.

I heard that quote as well and agree 100%
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