False Flag?

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False Flag?

Postby beauanderos » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:23 am

How long before they criminalize stacking? Watch for a false flag capture of a terrorist lair, and agencies proclaiming they
foiled a plot... and discovered a cache of precious metals in the hideout. If you don't think this is a possible scenario, you're
not giving enough credit to the devious schemes of the behind-the-scenes marionettes.

not gonna stop me from stacking, tho
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Re: False Flag?

Postby theo » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:48 pm

I think they will do whatever is necessary to ensure that we don't financially benefit from PMs. Make no mistake, there are those in the Government and banking system that regard any investment in PMs (especially stacking) as a hostile act. This is why I rarely buy on the internet these days.

I don't see the terrorist false flag event at this point. With the current (engineered) volatility, physical PMs would be a poor choice for funding terrorism or any criminal activity. Also, its not actually easy to liquidate PMs into large amounts of cash discreetly. Can you picture a Muhummad Atta-like character trying to sell a monster box of silver eagles? Associating terror with PMs is unnecessary, as They are very successfully marginalizing silver and gold as an investment.

I think the effort to create a cashless society would make physical PMs even less liquid and easier to track. Even though the "war on cash" has receded since the latest Greek crisis, it will start up again soon enough.
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Re: False Flag?

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:45 am

beauanderos wrote:How long before they criminalize stacking? Watch for a false flag capture of a terrorist lair, and agencies proclaiming they
foiled a plot... and discovered a cache of precious metals in the hideout. If you don't think this is a possible scenario, you're
not giving enough credit to the devious schemes of the behind-the-scenes marionettes.

not gonna stop me from stacking, tho


when one looks at the world right now, and our land, this nation, "they", I could call them the "pharaohs", since what we are witnessing is a millennia old set up...Plutarch's and serfs, pharaohs and slaves, or bondservants.....the pharaoh's have already laid a great deal of hurt on stackers, just by the rank manipulation of the "board", whilst they paint the tape of the stock market higher.

now , imo, "criminalize stacking"?....and i'm not disagreeing with you at all, but there is a profile the pharaohs keep for "domestic" tearawrysts, as opposed to the foreign types...the domestic profile is if one stacks, speaks about the Constitution, engages in stocking one's larder with food for six months plus, stacks "lead", etc.......fits a certain "profile", I've read there is a color coded "list", and its part of a program that actually has a code name, which I don't want to write on this forum, for obvious reasons. i'm NOT telling you and my brothers this to put you in fear. NO! ...its the pharaohs that live in fear, because they know the current paradigm CANNOT BE SUSTAINED.

why do think they air on corporate media such goofy shows like that prepper show?, I cant remember the name. But there's a reason why, the average clueless couch planted citizen gets to "see" examples of the most bizarre examples of people engaged in "prepping", so the couch sitter gets to judge and think, "what freaks and weirdo's....that's not US...we have our starbucks, and our soft and warm chocolate chip cookies, credit cards, free porn, McDonalds, electricity on demand, which turns on our air conditioning, so why are these NUT JOBS engaging in such bizarre behavior?"

"....these NUT JOBS"........mission accomplished...i'll get to that later.

so why do I say these pharaohs are in such fear?....because even though they are sociopaths, they KNOW there is NO WAY the "calories" exist to pay down the mountain of DEBT...global debt, governmental, business and private CANNOT be paid off, and they KNOW IT, but they are not stupid. They will use any trick in the book to forestall the inevitable, ranging from the velvet glove mind f### to the velvet glove in the steel fist, to the steel fist. am I making sense?......but why?

at the heart of the matter is the paradigm of unlimited consumption hitting the wall of finite resources. Basically as I said before, at the heart of the matter is "ERoEI"....Energy Returned on Energy Invested.....and at the advent of Petrol World, it was 200 barrels returned for 1 invested....now, it ranges from (maybe) 5 to 1, or I've been seeing 3 to 1 (the depth of insanity is ethanol which is I barrel invested for a return of 1.3 barrels)...when we get to 1 barrel invested for 1 returned?...watch out, you might hear the ghost of Chuck Heston screaming, "Tell them! Tell Soylent Green IS PEOPLE!" (lol)

But the pharaohs in the US, at least , have little to REALLY worry about because the American people, at large have abrogated their responsibility as free citizens in a free Republic...to be..."well informed"....ie, the "dumbing down" of Americans. This is easily shown, for instance in Mark Dices little man on the street video's, for instance when he offered passersby in SoCal either a free Hershey bar or a free 10 toz bar of silver...or as one lady asked, "what would I do with silver?"

and if i'm wrong on this, why would such a callow excuse of a haircut of a man like the Donald be leading the Republican polls?
I know its early, but he's tapping into a river of muddied thought in American people. They know SOMETHINGS gone bad, they cant tell you what, nor can they offer SOLUTIONS, but they can sure gravitate to a guy who taps into inarticulate anger, and says whatever stupid bull[excrement] comes into his conk......but whats offered after him?...another Bush?....another Clinton?

so, the American people know something's wrong....but unwilling to dig deep, or feeling the futility of it all...why not just throw your hands up and say, "what the heck can I do about it?"...which is why a cable network will air a program like "After Armageddon" ....all the scenarios they posit CAN happen, but to the average American accustomed to living the life of riley in this Empire, it paralyzes most people into a state of fear and "what the heck can I do about it"?

i'll post the whole 90 minutes of it, watch 10 minutes or the whole thing, its not boring, but it sure aint "Caddyshack",

I believe OB, that the only thing that gives these pharaoh pause for thought...worries them is the Second Amendment, they will try EVERYTHING to strip it. its so obvious....you remember the Beantown marathon bombing?....and the manhunt for one little skinny Chechen kid with a 9mm?....they told everybody in watertown mass, stay in your houses while we search for this armed and DANGEROUS criminal (i'm laughing because in my county, if word went that we were to stay inside our ranches and farms and the houses in towns , which mostly have pops of 200 to 700 people, because of a skinny lil muslim with a 9mm pistol, there would EASILY be about 1,000 guys whooping in delight, gunned up and roaring about the county in 4 by 4's and atvs, going hunting, having some fun........but watch this 6 minute video, captured in watertown mass of militarized police screaming at innocent civilians with their M4's leveled at their faces....OBVIOUSLY not the "suspect"......that was the WHOLE point of the "bombings"....this! a beta test to see how easy Americans in a "gun controlled" (and gun free) area would meekly comply , by being screamed at with a machine gun in their faces....and it worked! ......up here?....I don't know if it would work that well. i'm going to respond to theo, and post one more video, your YB

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Re: False Flag?

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:23 am

theo wrote:I think they will do whatever is necessary to ensure that we don't financially benefit from PMs. Make no mistake, there are those in the Government and banking system that regard any investment in PMs (especially stacking) as a hostile act. This is why I rarely buy on the internet these days.

I don't see the terrorist false flag event at this point. With the current (engineered) volatility, physical PMs would be a poor choice for funding terrorism or any criminal activity. Also, its not actually easy to liquidate PMs into large amounts of cash discreetly. Can you picture a Muhummad Atta-like character trying to sell a monster box of silver eagles? Associating terror with PMs is unnecessary, as They are very successfully marginalizing silver and gold as an investment.

I think the effort to create a cashless society would make physical PMs even less liquid and easier to track. Even though the "war on cash" has receded since the latest Greek crisis, it will start up again soon enough.

Dear theo.
I've said this before, and i'll say it again, I think the way the pharaohs of this land, will try to thieve honestly garnered gains from us holding silver that appreciates in value, will be to slap a 50% "windfall gains" tax on white market (1099's) sales.

you mentioned the "leader" of the 9/11 hijackers.....in our intel community, there is one man who is good and straight up, Richard Clarke, who served under 4 Presidents, and i'm going to post up a 12 minute interview of him....an alt media interview. of all the video's mainstream and alternative's I;ve seen on 9/11, this ....to me, is one of the most important clues something wasn't right about the whole tragedy. When a man of Clarkes stature is removed from the automatic distribution list of intel reports...pre 9/11....something isn't right....of all those hours of videos on 9/11, in my humble opinion, THIS is the most important......and its only been seen by 12,000 plus viewers...and not only that, Dick Clarke was the ONLY man to apologize to the families of the victims and the American people, they didn't stop this attack. be well brother, and pass this around, n

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Re: False Flag?

Postby Treetop » Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:04 am

neilgin1 wrote:I believe OB, that the only thing that gives these pharaoh pause for thought...worries them is the Second Amendment, they will try EVERYTHING to strip it. its so obvious...

This seems so obvious to many, but I really got to thinking one night and Im not so sure. The final product of those pushes so far, wasnt less weapons out there in the hands of americans. Prices of things are a bit higher then they might be otherwise but the end product atleast so far after decades of this was a more armed public then ever with bigger stacks of ammo then previous generations kept. I mean if the goal was indeed to stripe it, they failed horrendously. More then once in my lifetime the left controlled the presidency and congress and never pushed this further at the national level. If it was as easy as powerful interests wanting this specific nation un armed, I fail to see why it wasnt shoved down our throats already, it was elsewhere.

this! a beta test to see how easy Americans in a "gun controlled" (and gun free) area would meekly comply , by being screamed at with a machine gun in their faces....and it worked!

If TPTB truly plan to this level, Im on the fence about that... but if they do, then what if the goal is deeper? What will be born out of the crucible of the EU? forms of fascism on the rise there for one, high numbers of islamic radicals that they are to politically correct currently to call out. The US though? If my contrarian thinking on guns has any merit what emerges in the US out of a deep reset? Well... a war of course, but of what shape? would they chase down "patriots"... Or would those broken enough to fire on the system simply be culled? I mean if this is all controlled to that level and they mostly get what they want so far, then the product would seem to be a breeding project that culled those who would feed on their neighbors. It would cull those who shot back at the pharohs guards. If deep enough youd also cull a larger portion of those genetically pre disposed to be less healthy. In the end youd have mostly those hard workers and such who were the back bone of the american empire anyway. The compliant ones, and even those who can dig in and handle it themselves but still dont overthrow the kings. The wheat from the chaff.

I mean look at the wilder mindsets on the left. All they know is wealth is BAD. The system owes us. When your mad you light trashcans on fire and hurl them at police. The wildest elements on the right know the government is BAD. Especially when agreeing to international controls. The wildest elements would presumably engage various levels of government. In the end though? You can expect both those mindsets to fail by the shape of what I see emerging. And certainly those mindsets more on the right side who would prey on neighbors during a crisis. those lone wolf types as often they are called. Heck man under the right conditions, those on the left and right might even somewhat welcome those other elements being fully engaged by the armed state. Youd literally be able potentially to run a nazi level breeding project in full light of day and have a large portion supporting it to maintain what is left of stability and the american dream.

I have no idea if TPTB plans go to that level, Im not arguing they definitely do, but the shape of that is there and many other elements we see globally play right into that potentially. I mean even obama who has sold the most weapons of any prez Id expect or close had 2 years he could have done anything. If they were afraid to push to far, he could have banned assault type "evil" black rifles atleast. The left would have CHEEERED. Hey you still have your long guns and shotguns what else do you need for personal protection right? would have made total sense to many. Instead he just poked the edges and helped sell lots of weapons and ammo. While also it seems heavily arming domestic forces. If nothing is coincidence then this wasnt an accident. If it is indeed all planned then apparently this particular countries trial by fire is meant to include those arms.
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Re: False Flag?

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:55 am

Unfortunately most of us are expendable no matter what game they are playing. The idea of being simply collateral damage is the worst to me.

Ultimately they are after control with which create currency and increase debt and obligation, with which they perfect their control, and use to gather real hard wealth. Those at the top will know that they can't completely destroy the real mechanisms of wealth creation - the serfs - but they can make life miserable for us in the process.

Opinion can be turned on a dime. Any group: Christian, gun owner, self-sufficiency advocate, etc can be turned into a scapegoat.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: False Flag?

Postby InfleXion » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:43 am

I think it was Lindsey Williams who said that gold and silver are money for the elite, for what that's worth. They stand to profit just as we do from a revaluation. It seems like at some point having metals will be a necessity for whomever doesn't opt for digital currency should fiat currency run its course. Could they be made illegal, sure, but good luck enforcing it unless you're going to stop everybody driving down the street to ask for papers and check their pockets. I don't consider a false flag out of the question, but it seems like blasting the price lower and lower has done a pretty good job of scaring the public away the last couple years. Maybe outlawing something most people don't care about would bring it unwanted limelight. Most people I know think their retirement is safe. It'll take that visibly not being the case before the public will take a real look at metals. If that happens there will be bottlenecks, and who knows where prices would be if that pressure equalizes. Good to be stacking at these prices I'd say.
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Re: False Flag?

Postby beauanderos » Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:19 am

InfleXion wrote:I think it was Lindsey Williams who said that gold and silver are money for the elite, for what that's worth. They stand to profit just as we do from a revaluation. It seems like at some point having metals will be a necessity for whomever doesn't opt for digital currency should fiat currency run its course. Could they be made illegal, sure, but good luck enforcing it unless you're going to stop everybody driving down the street to ask for papers and check their pockets. I don't consider a false flag out of the question, but it seems like blasting the price lower and lower has done a pretty good job of scaring the public away the last couple years. Maybe outlawing something most people don't care about would bring it unwanted limelight. Most people I know think their retirement is safe. It'll take that visibly not being the case before the public will take a real look at metals. If that happens there will be bottlenecks, and who knows where prices would be if that pressure equalizes. Good to be stacking at these prices I'd say.

I don't trust that the Fresno City Pension Fund that my small fire dept pension derives from will remain solvent when the inevitable stock market collapse occurs. That or hyperinflation
will destroy its value for me. The alternative is to self-fund my retirement. One guess how I plan on going about that? :lol:

KWKS :idea:

keep working... keep stacking :shifty:
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Re: False Flag?

Postby InfleXion » Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:27 pm

There is the off chance possibility that equities could survive a hyperinflation assuming that the companies listed on the stock exchange can remain viable in that situation. Pensions would likely get raided if a government default was imminent, but stocks could also survive government default potentially if there isn't also a massive deleveraging accompanying it (though I consider these 2 things intertwined due to leverage, with defaults being compunded in that case). Those companies' balance sheets and investments would have to somehow not be exposed to counter party risk which is next to impossible in these markets, or at least be profitable enough to sustain whatever losses come about which is a longshot in this economy unless you are getting bailed out. Either way, I'm in the "be your own central bank" retirement fund crowd as well, and will keep working as long as the zombies leave me alone while doing so :thumbup:
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Re: False Flag?

Postby Copper Catcher » Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:31 pm

beauanderos wrote:How long before they criminalize stacking? Watch for a false flag capture of a terrorist lair, and agencies proclaiming they
foiled a plot... and discovered a cache of precious metals in the hideout. If you don't think this is a possible scenario, you're
not giving enough credit to the devious schemes of the behind-the-scenes marionettes.

not gonna stop me from stacking, tho

Come on, you know the government is not plotting against some folks...Surely not!

Oops .... Operation Choke Point https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Choke_Point

Some merchant categories that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had listed until July 2014 as being associated with high-risk activity include: (The FDIC then revised the original policy because it received criticism from a few folks in Congress.)

◾Ammunition Sales
◾Cable Box De-scramblers
Coin Dealers
◾Credit Card Schemes
◾Credit Repair Services
◾Dating Services
◾Debt Consolidation Scams
◾Drug Paraphernalia
◾Escort Services
◾Firearms Sales
◾Fireworks Sales
◾Get Rich Products
◾Government Grants
◾Home-Based Charities
◾Life-Time Guarantees
◾Life-Time Memberships
◾Lottery Sales
◾Mailing Lists/Personal Info
◾Money Transfer Networks
◾On-line Gambling
◾Payday Loans
◾Pharmaceutical Sales
◾Ponzi Schemes
◾Pyramid-Type Sales
◾Racist Materials
◾Surveillance Equipment
◾Tobacco Sales
◾Travel Clubs
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Re: False Flag?

Postby Copper Catcher » Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:37 pm

American consumers are facing a new threat to the availability, diversity and affordability of goods. Its name is Operation Choke Point and it works just like it sounds. Operation Choke Point is a program run by the federal government that, without written regulation or legislation, encourages banks to discriminate against what the government considers unsavory businesses by creating burdensome reporting requirements to prove that these businesses are in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. The operation has succeeded in pushing banks and credit unions across the United States to terminate their business relationships with gun and ammunition dealers, precious metal and coin shops, and more.

The industries targeted by the government in Operation Choke Point may not seem important to the reader. Some may be unsympathetic to the average consumer, such as purveyors of racist materials, pornography and drug paraphernalia. Finally, there are a number of businesses such as coin dealers, dating services, ammunition sellers, payday lenders and many more that sell products that are popular with consumers though possibly unpopular with the current administration.
Last month, the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Richard Cordray, was called before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee. The subcommittee's chairman, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), questioned the director on the implications of Operation Choke Point. Duffy addressed the federal government's use of Operation Choke Point and, very usefully, separated the policy objectives from the process by which those policy objectives were obtained.

The impact of the policy of Operation Choke Point on the American consumer is to limit consumer choice through the operation's stated goal of degrading the ability for legal businesses to maintain banking relationships. In the past year, numerous owners of gun stores have come forward with stories of their banks telling them that they no longer are able to accommodate businesses in their specific industry. Clearly, this reduces affordability to consumers by imposing additional legal and compliance costs on legitimate businesses.

As the consumer looks forward to making purchasing decisions, she must ask herself whether there is any possibility that the goods she is interested in purchasing may be targeted by the government in the future as undesirable. If she concludes that there is a chance of such discrimination happening, she would be wise to stock up on those goods before it becomes more expensive or impossible to do so. These are not calculations that consumers should be making. It's the government's role to protect the ability for legal businesses to serve their customers, not pick and choose winning and losing industries with a secretive bureaucratic process.

It is the process behind Operation Choke Point, however, that is most detrimental to the American consumer. The process of using unelected bureaucrats in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Department of Justice (DOJ) and possibly CFPB to implement policy through administrative programs creates a government that is less accountable to its citizens and less transparent to the public by violating the fundamental principles of rule of law and due process.

Additionally, it creates an environment where consumers can no longer assume that legal products will continue to be available in the future.

On the process of Operation Choke Point, Duffy asked whether Cordray believed that those at the FDIC and DOJ who, without due process, worked to terminate the banking abilities of legal businesses should retain their jobs. On this point, the director backtracked and said that he wasn't sure that this is what happened with Operation Choke Point.

One question we would have for Cordray: If Operation Choke Point was not an example of members of the FDIC and DOJ using their power to discriminate against legal industries against which they bore personal grudges, what was it? It's a question that the American consumer deserves to have answered.

Rep. Duffy is wholly correct in believing that we need not be sympathetic to the industries discriminated against by Operation Choke Point in order to be concerned with the process of discrimination in itself. It's an important point to continue to make. One must not embrace the content of all speech in order to logically support the protection of free speech in a free country, just as one must not support all legal industries in order to support the protection of legal industries, the protection afforded by due process under the law.

Source: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/f ... businesses
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Re: False Flag?

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:14 pm

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