In my business when an athlete has an injury (not having a $1,000,000 worth of medical diagnostic equipment at my disposal,) I have what I call Red Flag tests I do on a body part that point to the type and severity of the injury. I'm not Super Trainer. I don't have x-ray vision or MRI eyes so nothing is cast in stone. The most expensive diagnostic equipment I have is a neurological hammer. The least expensive is a 6 sided pencil. However, the accuracy of the Red Flags will almost always get me in the ball park if not the infield or right down the tube for a perfect called strike. Since I mostly deal with minors here, I err on the since of caution and the long term best interests of the child.
Folks, if the Red Flag disconnect between the melt value ($2.18) and the asking prices on 40% silver right now isn't getting your attention then well, . . . you need more awareness. I emphasize, who is going to pay a 100% (or more) premium on 40%? If you are wiling to do so then you missed the boat on buying silver or are seriously misguided in your thinking on what silver to buy at this time. And before any of you are thinking I'm dissing any of the sales of 40% here, I'm specifically using APMEX and Provident at $4.39 and $4.80 per coin as my examples. If they are not sold out by the time I am finished writing here.
Sincerely, I expect to see the premiums climb on all silver in the not so distant future and hope you are not on the back side of this learning curve. See the Red Flags as they fly in your face and act appropriately. Do not let fear guide you to accepting the greed being offered you. And on that last sentence I'm talking a whole lot bigger picture than the Red Flag I mention above. Err on the side of caution and your own long term best interests.
For those of you who are opportunistic, you might want to take advantage of the price Spread Trade here to make some money and come out of it looking like the "Good Guy". DYODD though.
Edit: Ray was kind enough to point out to me an error of my ways, that being a lack of attention to the details. APMEX and Provident prices are not per coin but per $1.00 face. Kindly disregard. Whew, I thought the world had gotten much crazier than I thought it was already. And Thank You Ray!