May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

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May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Country » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:43 pm


This is for 'true finds" only - coins found in change, rolls, or bags at face value only (not from wheat purchases).

Data includes all posts May 30, 2016 11:18 pm forum time and earlier.


1909 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1909-VDB - (0) -
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S-VDB - (0) -
1910 - (3) - 93 Octane(1), outofsort(1), WileE(1),
1910-S - (0) -
1911 - (3) - 68Camaro(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1911-D - (0) -
1911-S - (0) -
1912 - (0) -
1912-D - (0) -
1912-S - (0) -
1913 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1913-D - (0) -
1913-S - (0) -
1914 - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915 - (0) -
1915-D - (0) -
1915-S - (0) -
1916 - (3) - 93 Octane(1), John Reich(1), WileE(1),
1916-D - (3) - narragansett(1), WileE(2),
1916-S - (0) -
1917 - (6) - narragansett(2), WileE(4),
1917-D - (3) - WileE(3),
1917-S - (0) -
1918 - (11) - Gipper1985(1), hammerrob(1), narragansett(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(4),
1918-D - (0) -
1918-S - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1919 - (12) - cecropia_moth(1), Gipper1985(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(7),
1919-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1919-S - (0) -
1920 - (9) - narragansett(5), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), WileE(1),
1920-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1920-S - (0) -
1921 - (2) - narragansett(1), WileE(1),
1921-S - (0) -
1922-D - (0) -
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (0) -
1923 - (0) -
1923-S - (0) -
1924 - (0) -
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1925 - (4) - 93 Octane(1), narragansett(1), WileE(2),
1925-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1925-S - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1926 - (7) - narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(3),
1926-D - (0) -
1926-S - (0) -
1927 - (0) -
1927-D - (3) - narragansett(1), sparechange(1), WileE(1),
1927-S - (0) -
1928 - (8) - 93 Octane(1), Gipper1985(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(2), WileE(2),
1928-D - (3) - WileE(3),
1928-S - (0) -
1929 - (6) - Gipper1985(1), narragansett(1), outofsort(1), sparechange(1), WileE(2),
1929-D - (3) - WileE(3),
1929-S - (1) - cecropia_moth(1),
1930 - (6) - narragansett(3), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1930-D - (3) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),
1930-S - (2) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1931 - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (0) -
1932-D - (1) - narragansett(1),
1933 - (1) - WileE(1),
1933-D - (0) -
1934 - (13) - Gipper1985(1), hammerrob(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(6),
1934-D - (2) - sparechange(1), WileE(1),
1935 - (17) - 93 Octane(1), Gipper1985(1), hammerrob(1), narragansett(5), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(7),
1935-D - (5) - sparechange(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(3),
1935-S - (5) - J_Dodge(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(2),
1936 - (24) - 93 Octane(2), Gipper1985(4), narragansett(5), TwoAndAHalfCents(5), WileE(8),
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1936-D - (2) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1936-S - (1) - WileE(1),
1937 - (23) - 93 Octane(3), bookshelf(1), Gipper1985(2), hammerrob(1), narragansett(6), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), WileE(6),
1937-D - (0) -
1937-S - (2) - WileE(2),
1938 - (10) - 93 Octane(1), narragansett(3), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(4),
1938-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1938-S - (0) -
1939 - (22) - 93 Octane(3), narragansett(6), outofsort(1), plus1hdcp(1), sparechange(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), WileE(7),
1939-D - (0) -
1939-S - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),

TOTAL FOUND : 242 Lincolns; 48 out of 89 possible categories


1909-VDB - (0) -
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S VDB - (0) -
1910-S - (0) -
1911-D - (0) -
1911-S - (0) -
1912-D - (0) -
1912-S - (0) -
1913-D - (0) -
1913-S - (0) -
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915-S - (0) -
1921-S - (0) -
1922-D - (0) -
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (0) -
1923-S - (0) -
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1926-S - (0) -
1927-S - (0) -
1928-S - (0) -
1931 - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (0) -
1932-D - (1) - narragansett(1),
1933 - (1) - WileE(1),
1933-D - (0) -
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1938-S - (0) -
1939-D - (0) -


68Camaro - (1) - 1911(1),
93 Octane - (14) - 1910(1), 1916(1), 1925(1), 1928(1), 1935(1), 1936(2), 1937(3), 1938(1), 1939(3),
bookshelf - (1) - 1937(1),
cecropia_moth - (2) - 1919(1), 1929-S(1),
Gipper1985 - (12) - 1918(1), 1919(1), 1928(1), 1929(1), 1934(1), 1935(1), 1936(4), 1937(2),
hammerrob - (4) - 1918(1), 1934(1), 1935(1), 1937(1),
J_Dodge - (1) - 1935-S(1),
John Reich - (2) - 1916(1), 1934(1),
narragansett - (55) - 1909(1), 1913(1), 1916-D(1), 1917(2), 1918(4), 1919(2), 1920(5), 1921(1), 1925(1), 1926(2), 1927-D(1), 1928(2), 1929(1), 1930(3), 1932-D(1), 1934(2), 1935(5), 1936(5), 1937(6), 1938(3), 1939(6),
outofsort - (8) - 1910(1), 1928(2), 1929(1), 1930(1), 1934(1), 1937(1), 1939(1),
plus1hdcp - (1) - 1939(1),
sparechange - (5) - 1927-D(1), 1929(1), 1934-D(1), 1935-D(1), 1939(1),
TwoAndAHalfCents - (36) - 1911(1), 1914(1), 1918(1), 1918-S(1), 1919(1), 1920(3), 1924-S(1), 1925-S(1), 1926(2), 1930(1), 1930-D(1), 1930-S(1), 1934(1), 1935(2), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(2), 1936(5), 1936-D(1), 1937(3), 1938(2), 1939(3), 1939-S(1),
WileE - (100) - 1910(1), 1911(1), 1916(1), 1916-D(2), 1917(4), 1917-D(3), 1918(4), 1919(7), 1919-D(1), 1920(1), 1920-D(1), 1921(1), 1925(2), 1925-D(1), 1926(3), 1927-D(1), 1928(2), 1928-D(3), 1929(2), 1929-D(3), 1930(1), 1930-D(2), 1930-S(1), 1931(1), 1931-D(1), 1933(1), 1934(6), 1934-D(1), 1935(7), 1935-D(3), 1935-S(2), 1936(8), 1936-D(1), 1936-S(1), 1937(6), 1937-S(2), 1938(4), 1938-D(1), 1939(7),
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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Thu May 05, 2016 11:26 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Sat May 14, 2016 11:56 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Gipper1985 » Wed May 18, 2016 9:13 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Gipper1985 » Sat May 21, 2016 2:22 pm

1936 (2)
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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby 68Camaro » Sat May 21, 2016 4:19 pm

1911, which filled a hole for me - for some reason I had missed that one all these years even though it is a fairly large minting.
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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Sun May 22, 2016 7:09 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Gipper1985 » Sun May 22, 2016 10:15 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Sun May 22, 2016 10:55 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Gipper1985 » Tue May 24, 2016 9:40 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Tue May 24, 2016 11:17 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Gipper1985 » Thu May 26, 2016 9:47 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby WileE » Thu May 26, 2016 10:19 pm

1935 x 2
1937 x 2
There'll be time enough for counting when the sorting's done
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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Gipper1985 » Fri May 27, 2016 11:31 pm

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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby WileE » Sun May 29, 2016 10:19 pm

There'll be time enough for counting when the sorting's done
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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby WileE » Mon May 30, 2016 10:18 pm

There'll be time enough for counting when the sorting's done
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Re: May 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Country » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:45 am

The final Pre-1940 Lincoln stats for May 2016 have been posted. Look to the first post of this thread to get the details. Always look to the first post to see the last post that was included in the latest update.

Please post your June 2016 Pre-1940 finds in the new thread:
June 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread.

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