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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:03 am

IdahoCopper wrote:Discussing Hillary's reveal of this "4 minutes" during the debate. Are other boards discussing this slip?

They still don't really understand what they are reporting but here is a starting point.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby daviscfad » Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:53 pm

Whats up with the cyber attack today?
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby daviscfad » Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:34 pm ... -less-men/

Women paid less than men at clinton foundation
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby daviscfad » Sat Oct 22, 2016 8:52 am

Obama talks about rigged election in 2008, democrats own or have possesion of the machines ... tions-2008
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby daviscfad » Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:39 am

Podesta emails this is how we can go after trump
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby daviscfad » Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:51 am

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Sat Oct 22, 2016 11:32 pm

Treetop wrote:

Trump is up 1 in this poll on the above link which according to the below link was the most accurate of 2012. ... tial-race/

Trump is very possibly the last republican to even have a chance in most of our lives if our borders stay open as Hillary wants. We can also say goodbye to the second amendment if she picks the supreme court. OH well, our warped form of liberty was cute while it lasted. We might all be on the reservation soon. "it takes a village".

After looking closer this is actually the most accurate poll of the last two election cycles.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:10 am ... tipp-poll/

Trump now up by two in the most accurate poll in the last two election cycles.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:42 am

What a coincidence. Wikileaks reveals corruption that undermines Turkey(a NATO ally) and may have been directly responsible for the attempted coup there. The very same morning, a porn star comes out and says Trump kissed her on the lips, offered her 10K and use of a private jet to be alone with him, 10 years ago Naturally this offended her sensibilities and she refused. But the horror of this memory made her come forward now.

Absolutely breathtaking.
All this is for not though, because Obama will pardon her.

How does this play out if she is elected? RCP has Texas a toss up? WTF

ABC has her up by 12pts. You should read their ridiculous sample composition.

His stance on this big ATT-warner merger should be real red meat for bernie burn-outs.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby IdahoCopper » Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:01 pm

TPTB simply must covey the Clinton is ahead in the polls. If they didn't, her "winning" would completely expose the vote tampering, which in truth is the only way she can "win".
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby johnbrickner » Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:59 pm

You could have read this over at BS but, sometimes I just feel the need. Apologies in advance for reposting.

Our Empire is in decline. We are surrounded with it's decay. In the world thru my eyes, bright spots and individuals still exist, but they seem dimmed, few, and far between by the darkness that surrounds them.

What any individual commoner does to deal with the place they find themselves will do little to either improve or make things worse. I hold no ill will towards an individual's behaviors of self-preservation. It is what we do or don't do as a people (as in We the People) that will determine the direction of our lot. I see our society becoming less social, our civilization less civil and our humanity less human.

Unfortunately our past and current acts are now displayed as the signs and symptoms in the personalities, characters, and behaviors of today's youth. These are the young people I have worked with, counseled, mentored, and who's transition to adulthood I have facilitated for the better part of my entire professional life. And for the most part, these are the good kids. The ones who have to maintain a minimal standard for behavior and grades in the public school system.

As one who has a built in position of trust (that must still be earned) with them, I give them the freedom to speak openly of their daily lives, life experience and the world that surrounds them in front of and to me with no fear of being turned in or discipline for the words expressed or subjects shared (save that they are not a threat to others or themselves). Allow me to share with you, my self-imposed job of preparing them for their future gets tougher everyday and their signs and symptoms are worse every year.

For example, it used to be I would hear the raunchiest of things only when other adults were not around, in the back of the bus, in the locker room, in the dugout when the coaches were base coaching. Now, they speak openly without regard of who is listening of things I used to only hear from porn stars in films (yea, I'm no Saint). Again, for example.

And just so you don't think this is only coming from boys, I've ridden the cheerleader's bus and my office is just outside the girls phys ed locker room. The girls are worse, especially in the ways they plan their moves, talk, and treat each other. I imagine what they are experiencing compared to the boys is even worse being female.

So, when you go into the voting booth put aside the petty drama you have been exposed to regarding the two major candidates and decide the best candidate to vote for who will truly make a better future for those who will come after us, if their are any.

Personally, I think my time may be better spent in the company of those whom I serve.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby daviscfad » Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:54 pm

So NC is a supposed hillary state.. but today at the NC state fairgrounds in raleigh. TRUMP stickers out shined move forward vote Democrat stickers.. i would say 3 to 1 or maybe 5 to 1..
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:21 am

Treetop wrote:

Trump now up by two in the most accurate poll in the last two election cycles. ... versamples

Wikileaks just appeared to have confirmed that many of the polls are rigged. Or atleast the democrats wanted them to be, this doesnt verify they were. Considering how in bed the media is with hillary though, coupled with this and the polls that do acknowledge more dems polled (let alone the potential for over sampling of one demographic within each party for example minorities) then represented by registered voters it is essentially confirmed. Meanwhile Trump is winning the most accurate poll of the last two cycles as I previously pointed out.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby hobo finds » Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:00 pm

Colorado 22 choices for President! :o They must be smoking the good stuff :lol: ... /colorado/
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Doctor Steuss » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:12 pm

Thogey wrote:You all may not know this but the 4 minute figure she put out there is extremely classified.

I think you may be mistaken on the classified status of the response time -- or, if it is classified, the intelligence community doesn't exactly care about keeping it that way. Zbigniew Brzezinski tends to like re-telling the stories of the various nuclear false alarms during Carter, and how he had 3 minutes to decide whether to notify the president, and then the president had 4 minutes to decide to retaliate.

Just a few months ago, Foreign Policy had an article about the 4 minute response time, and how badly it needs to be revised.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:33 pm

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Thogey wrote:You all may not know this but the 4 minute figure she put out there is extremely classified.

I think you may be mistaken on the classified status of the response time. If it's extremely classified, Zbigniew Brzezinski should've found himself in prison long ago. Zbig tends to like re-telling the stories of the various nuclear false alarms during Carter, and how he had 3 minutes to decide whether to notify the president, and then the president had 4 minutes to decide to retaliate.

FWIW, Foreign Policy also had an article just a few months ago about the 4 minute response time, and how badly it needs to be revised.

:lol: i know of what I speak. I was in the MMIII business for many years. I had the clearances. I was an evaluator that tested the best missile crews in the world in operational and simulated scenarios.

I was a Top Secret control officer, I was an Emergency War order evaluator. I won multiple decorations for doing things right and an fixing broken [shucks]. I was a nuke guy under SAC, ACC, and Space command, and highly respected by my peers and commanders as a guy who knew his [shucks] and did it right EVERY TIME.

I won the 15th air force crew member excellence award in Space Command.
I was the guy the field crews called at 3 am when stuff wasn't working right.

I wrote the Emergency War Order code change procedures for our missile wing's combat crews

It's not a "response time". This is all I'll say about it.

That [time] means something very specific and very classified. You will not read these things on the web.
I guarantee what you have read does not provide the slightest clue. The politicians don't understand the timing significance, because they don't understand the procedures or the weapon and communication systems. Timing is not a political tool or tactic, timing is hard and cannot be changed because someone simply wants it changed.

Hillary blew it. She is incompetent period.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Doctor Steuss » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:51 pm

Thogey wrote:
I guarantee what you have read does not provide the slightest clue.

You're right. All I (and 99.9% of America) can go on is what she said, and what information is readily available to the general public. What she said was this:

CLINTON: ... advocated more countries getting them, Japan, Korea, even Saudi Arabia. He said, well, if we have them, why don't we use them, which I think is terrifying ... But here's the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so. And that's why 10 people who have had that awesome responsibility have come out and, in an unprecedented way, said they would not trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes or to have his finger on the nuclear button.

Similar information can be found in the Global Zero 2015 report (although, they say the launch occurs "within 5 minutes"). ... port_0.pdf

The 2012 UNIDIR report also discloses the same amount of information as Clinton. So, if Clinton did spill some beans, they weren't known to be spilt prior to people claiming that there was something more to what she said than... well... what she said. ;)
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:03 pm

Seems like you understand it well. God job!
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Doctor Steuss » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:10 pm

One thing that I've been trying to understand lately is the polling data -- hopefully some of you might have some ideas.

There seems to be a drastic disconnect from the size/amount of crowds that Trump draws (vs. Clinton's sporadic sad little gatherings). But the majority of polls don't tend to demonstrate the same data. I personally don't buy into the "all the polls are rigged" (and, maybe I'm naïve). Some probably are, but most are probably an accurate representation of the responses from random samplings. That being said, one thing I'm currently wondering is whether a kind of Bradley Effect might be playing a role in the poll numbers?

I love reading experimental psychology journals, but either I've never stumbled upon anything regarding social desirability bias, or if I have, I've managed to forget it completely.

Does anyone think this might be playing a role: i.e. people who intend on voting for Trump are saying they are voting for Clinton when polled? Or am I off my rocker for entertaining the idea?
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Sanford02 » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:32 pm

My limited experience tells me that the least badass people in the world are those who have to tell you how badass they are...
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:39 pm

I think a few things are involved with polling. From wikileaks we know they certainly WANTED to weight the data, in various ways. One is sampling more women of each faction, or minorities so as to weight towards democrats. If you look according to a range of polls trump has slightly more of the republicans then hillary has democrats, and more democrats are voting trump then republicans voting hillary. A few points more dems overall though. We have no idea if they pulled this off or not, but the power structure is clearly anti trump so perhaps so. Likely atleast several polls did this. Ive watched polls for several election cycles Ive never seen such massive differences between the polls.

We also know the most accurate poll of the last two cycles had trump as up two recently and tied last I looked.

Polls try in various ways to gauge likely voters. This is trickier then ever. Trump won the nomination in large part with people who rarely or never voted. Over time The enthusiasm of hillary voters has dropped some, and trumps risen. Trump could very well be under represented. We wont know until election day, and perhaps not then if its stolen. Scoff if you like but there were major discrepancies in every election since we had electronic voting and we already have reports out of texas of peoples votes switching from republican to democrat. We stopped doing exit polling just as electronic voting was rolled out despite it being rather accurate, and as I said weve had provable discrepancies ever since. The most notable Im aware of is bush getting more votes then voters in many swing state precints and obama getting 99-100% of the votes in many precincts but there are others. We also have millions registered who are either dead or have moved so theoretically the chance for someone to vote in their place. It is especially dis concerting how most of the media pretends none of what I just said is worth mentioning when it is real when most of what I just said about this even made mainstream news as it happened. albeit briefly. They re outright lying to act as if trump is the first to say things could be rigged, or saying he has no grounds to do so.

Anyway, its very possible Trump has more support then is being acknowledged. Also of note is trump does much better on private polls meaning if you call and ask people directly he doesnt do as well as other scientific polls where you can privately answer. Was reading a report today, close to 90% of trump in the media has been negative lots of his supporters presumably dont want to say it outloud for fear of how people react. I know a few such people myself. My brothers wont tell my mom (in ohio) that they support Trump. They just act like they arent voting if shes around.

So Trump is definitely still in this, being that hes tied in the most accurate poll of the last two cycles among others. His voters are more enthusiastic as well. Also historically there is a 2-4% gaps between polling and election day favoring whoever is challenging the party that just had 8 years in office. If trumps supporters make it to the polls by the 8th I still call it for him personally. For whatever its worth (admittedly little) Ive been right about every election since 2000 when I actually paid attention. I always base it on talking to people and comments sections as much or more then polling and how excited each sides supporters seem. I rarely encounter excited hilary people in comments and I seek them out. Lots of anti hillary voters of course but I find lots of excited trump people anywhere I look.

Keep in mind brexit lost almost all polls before the actual vote then narrowly won. Did they weight the polls? Were people afraid to be honest? I expect both to various degrees, but the only poll that mattered favored brexit, despite all those polls.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:09 pm

Sanford02 wrote:My limited experience tells me that the least badass people in the world are those who have to tell you how badass they are...

Trust me, ICBMs is NOT where bad asses reside. By far the most tedious, annoying, attention to detail, run by pencil-necked field grade officers with concave chests.

But I do know the system.

Just curious, do you guys believe the president can wake up tomorrow, send an execution message and the warheads will be enroute within 4 minutes?
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby hobo finds » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:55 pm

Thogey wrote:
Sanford02 wrote:My limited experience tells me that the least badass people in the world are those who have to tell you how badass they are...

Trust me, ICBMs is NOT where bad asses reside. By far the most tedious, annoying, attention to detail, run by pencil-necked field grade officers with concave chests.

But I do know the system.

Just curious, do you guys believe the president can wake up tomorrow, send an execution message and the warheads will be enroute within 4 minutes?[/quote]

No way, at least not anymore. Now we would have to notify other nations (including the one that's target :lol: ).
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:57 am

Sanford02 wrote:My limited experience tells me that the least badass people in the world are those who have to tell you how badass they are...

also sometimes they are people who did exactly what they say they did.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Doctor Steuss » Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:19 am

Thogey wrote:Just curious, do you guys believe the president can wake up tomorrow, send an execution message and the warheads will be enroute within 4 minutes?


From my (admittedly limited) understanding of OPLAN 8010, there's still a two-man rule (although, technically, it looks like the POTUS can still fire the SOD if they do not verify the president's order -- which I thought they were doing away with? Maybe I'm missing something through). On top of that, there would still be time limitations involved with the carrier, biscuit verification, and then re-verification of order authenticity by each military entity that was notified of the order by the NMCC.

One thing I noticed while on my autodidact spelunking mission is that there doesn't appear to be any safeguards in place as far as the "why" behind the order. There's layer upon layer of identity conformation, and verification of order authenticity; however, there is woefully little as far as making sure there is justification for the order. If the POTUS and SOD went on a drunken bender, there doesn't appear to be anything within the current guidelines that require any type of compos mentis for the order to be followed.
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