Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

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Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Thogey » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:28 am

I know no one who is, for sure, voting for clinton.

Just curious if you know someone who will vote for clinton.

Why is this person voting for clinton.

1. The way Trump treats women.
2. Fear of Trump that he is not conservative or will silence conservatives.
3. Ads about the way Trump treats women.
4. Voter is Liberal and hates Trump more than distrusts Hillary, because Hillary is a known quantity.
5. Because they are teachers?
6. Trump is inexperienced/does not have presidential temper/he is self-interested
7. Trump is working with Russia.
Last edited by Thogey on Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby natsb88 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:17 pm

Yes. Many.

Most liberals I know are voting for Hillary. That's a couple dozen friends from high school and college, and some former teachers. A few are voting for Johnson. Maybe one for Stein.

Some women who find Trump's behavior and comments too much to stomach are voting for Hillary, even though they don't much like Hillary either. That accounts for 3-4 more Hillary voters I know.

I even know a former Republican, current Libertarian, born raised and living in Texas, who is voting for Hillary. He thinks Hillary is awful, but a known awful, and is pretty much the status quo. He fears Trump permanently fracturing the conservative party, does not believe a word of his new "conservative" rhetoric over decades of pushing liberal values and programs, and thinks a Trump presidency may ultimately shut conservative voices out of the legislative process for many years to come. So he is crossing the aisle and voting for Hillary against Trump.

Trump signs still outnumber Hillary signs around here, but by a much smaller margin than a month ago. The number of Trump signs has stayed about the same. The number of Hillary signs has exploded. This is usually a solidly red rural area, but it's very purple this time.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Doctor Steuss » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:22 pm

Thogey wrote:Just curious if you know someone who will vote for clinton.


Why is this person voting for clinton.

The reasons tend to be as diverse as the reasons for Trump. Just depends on the person, their education, economic/social/religious background, etc.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby hobo finds » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:24 pm

My 18 year old daughter first time to vote and it looks like she may be voting for Clinton I feel due to the negative trump ads on tv here.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:51 pm

The only people that I personally know that are voting for Clinton and who have signs up are teachers. Even the older gay couple down the street have a trump sign in their yard and have said they are voting for him.

Edit: that said, don't take the above as reflective of the state or country because our area is so conservative that even our liberals are conservative and so our spectrum from left to right is definitely shifted to the right.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby highroller4321 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:42 pm

Oregon is not very trump friendly so I know quite a few people voting for Hilary.

#1 reason: A large handful are women who want to see a women president. I have tried to talk to many of them about the actual politics and they don't want to get into it.

#2 reason: Trump can't seem to keep his mouth shut. Several people dislike his comments towards women and his loud mouth type outbursts.

#3 reason: They known Trump won't let them continue on the "free train".
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby daviscfad » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:34 pm

1 guy i work with is voting for Tim Kaine? Hoping she will win and he becomes president when she gets sentenced.
Then the ones who just will only vote D.
more Trump supporters in general though, actually so many i dont see how she is up 4 or 6 points in nc
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby blackrabbit » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:47 pm

I only really know one person, my brother's wife. She is alpha female and thinks that the economy was better for everyone under Bill. My mother was going to vote for Hillary but me and my sister talked her out of it. She is voting for Jill Stein now.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby fasteddy » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:58 pm

CRUD, yeah I think my wife votes demoncratic every chance she gets...she is a good union hand for sure. She apparently does a secret vote somewhere I can't determine. She won't tell me how she votes, never has during our 37 year relationship. I did tell my kids if they were voting for killery then they should pack their bags.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby beauanderos » Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:03 pm

I work with a bunch of Hillary supporters... but three of them have come to the light so far. :thumbup:
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Bigjohn » Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:26 pm

I know of many HC voters. While reasons vary, most come down to picking the lesser of two evils. The reasons why DT is considered to be a bigger evil are vast but here are some (none have anything to do with women, media propaganda or other items on your list):

DT is completely unpredictable, short tempered, and makes impulsive decisions
DT doesn't have the right experience to be President
DT understands enough about politics and global economics to get by and make money but not enough to be able to make educated decisions that are good for the American people
DT had proven to only care about himself and his own empire, his presidency is a continuation of a legacy powered by a very obvious personal agenda
DT had proven to have complete inability to listen, take advise or consider consequences. That, combined with lack of experience and his temper is a dangerous combination when it comes to decision making about everything from local policy to global relationships
DT's fascination with Putin and possible dealings/agreements with Russia

DISCLOSURE: I am NOT a HC supporter, I am not voting for either candidate. Above points are not my own thoughts, they are what HC supporters that I know say to reason why HC is the lesser of two evils. Personally, I think DT has the right intentions but not enough other required qualities to "make America great again". I don't think HC is a good option either, that's why I am staying out of this election.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby hobo finds » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:10 pm

well my daughter did vote for Hillary funny thing my wife, whom I thought would be for her and is yet to vote said she wants to send a message and looks like a trump vote :o And I voted 3rd party several weeks ago in order to send a message as well! :lol:
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby aloneibreak » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:46 pm

the only hilary voters i know are voting for her just because she is the D candidate

same type as the ones who always vote for the R candidate no matter who it may be

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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Rosco » Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:29 am

Yes I do also. But mostly I like them as real people an they :shh: put up with ME :lol:
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby johnbrickner » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:31 am

Don't know anyone. Have only seen one (1) Clinton lawn sign and a hand full of Trump. Most are not talking other than they are sick of the whole thing. As in the conversation I had at the check out at Aldis last night: Checker - "Clinton and Trump get into a car accident. Who Survives?" Answer - "The American People".

And while the Checker was asking who everyone was voting for only a couple said Trump, but no one said they were voting for Clinton. Oh, one woman said her daughter just turned 18 and will vote for Clinton. I didn't catch it all going out the door but it went something like Trump bad, wants woman President.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Treetop » Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:54 pm

I knew dozens who voted for Obama. Ive lived in several states and used to be on many gardening/homesteading forums. Across several states. Mostly ohio, pennsylvania, florida, AZ, NJ and here in NM but others as well. Ive contacted most of them at some point the last month or two out of curiosity. Only three are voting for hillary. A few trump. Several jill stein and gary johnsons. The biggest category among them is no vote. Strangely several havent made up their minds yet. Keep in mind these people happily voted for obama. Those from ohio interest me most since ohio picked the winner of most elections. Only 1 hillary supporter there among those I know. This is out of literally somewhere north of 20 people who all went obama, most of them twice. This is a big reason it is hard for me to see a hillary win if it doesnt have to do with rigged machines.

Among those I know who voted for Romney or Mccain, most are voting Trump. 1 for johnson. Zero for hillary. 1 not voting, another might not vote.

4 of 5 long time libertarian voters I know are voting for Trump. 1 for johnson. I guess I was wrong on saying Johnson takes more righty voters then lefty ones as I debated with Nate before. Atleast among those I know most johnson voters from the poll I know previously voted for obama. LOL 4 of 54 previous libertarian voters I know arent supporting him a second time after seeing things like him saying he agrees sanders 73% of the time. This isnt dissuading the previous obama supporters I know at all. It did dissuade one romney supporter who I know who was going to go johnson who now might vote trump or not vote.

Most interesting is I know many who never voted who are voting Trump. I already thought trump had this, with recent shifts in polls it seems even more solid. Over all the people I canvassed many are family, or gardeners and many more leftys or left leaning independents then any other group so no idea where hillaries support supposedly is.

I find the idea trump would fracture the republicans delusionalx3. There will be no republican party at the presidential level for decades without major policy shifts if trump looses and the borders remain open as they are. It is simple math. The electoral college has long favored the democrats, but with current immigration trends several major red states are close to turning blue. Even Texas. If Texas goes blue, without major changes or some epic republican and horrible democrat youll never see a republican in office again. Or a libertarian for that matter. Trump fracture the republicans? PFFFT none of the others wanted to end the stream of cheap labor or whatever their reasoning is. Trump is and was the entire time the only chance republicans even have to survive. When I see this particular argument against trump all I think is the person is saying "I hate math".

I get why many dont like Trump atleast a 1/3 of the things you hear about him are true. I have no idea how a cognizant person could vote for hillary though. For me Trump is the single major party candidate (perot was 3rd party) who deserved a vote my whole life. Despite his faults.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby coppernickel » Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:39 pm

No one around me is willing to vote for her. Most tout how great Trump is.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby natsb88 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:52 pm

This is the problem with echo chambers. People surround themselves with like-minded individuals and shut out dissenting opinions. They get a false read on where things stand as a whole and decide that all of the polls are wrong because they don't match their personal microcosm. We'll see where things stand on Tuesday. I suspect Trump supporters will be sorely disappointed by the level of support Hillary actually has, and of course already have the rigged/fraud accusations queued up. There very well could be some degree of voting fraud, but the bigger problem is a 300+ million person population that is brainwashed into thinking their candidate is God and the other candidate is the devil, when they mostly overlap on the policies that most affect everyday Americans.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:02 pm

The polls may be an expression of trend but only the vote is the vote, which is why the media "calling" races" 10 minutes after polls close drives me crazy.

I can only say that I would prefer not to live in the same country as anyone who truly believes that Hillary is the best choice on the ballot. And by that I mean that I want them to leave (not me).
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Bigjohn » Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:28 pm

natsb88 wrote:This is the problem with echo chambers. People surround themselves with like-minded individuals and shut out dissenting opinions. They get a false read on where things stand as a whole and decide that all of the polls are wrong because they don't match their personal microcosm. We'll see where things stand on Tuesday. I suspect Trump supporters will be sorely disappointed by the level of support Hillary actually has, and of course already have the rigged/fraud accusations queued up. There very well could be some degree of voting fraud, but the bigger problem is a 300+ million person population that is brainwashed into thinking their candidate is God and the other candidate is the devil, when they mostly overlap on the policies that most affect everyday Americans.

This is an excellent point. It's very sad how strong this brainwashing effect truly is, driving so much hate, dividing the American people, tearing apart relationships.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Treetop » Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:58 pm

<no echo chamber here. I have a diverse list of friends I mentioned from many backrounds met through a range of ways. I dont make friends within an echo chamber, lol. Sure as heck dont close out dissenting opinions, in fact the people who remain my friends are generally from all political stripes that embrace differing ideas well above the norm because if its not clear from my posts here over the years I love to discuss ideas and contemplate what ifs. The most unifying factor here is I generally stay friends with people who like ideas, from any backround. I used to be on forums for a range of topics, Ive since backed off and this is the only forum I still frequent, but still loosely in contact with alot of them especially the gardeners and homesteaders, which do lean left. I used to be on various types of gardening, homesteading permacuulture, fish culture, outdoors, survival, and other forums. Less drama here then most places so I am still here. lol plus its nice to kep contacts if ever need a quick buck and sell some silver for a project. Politics was not what made them friends though. Plus lots of family in my numbers above as well. Specifically out of ohio and florida. My ohio family is always blue, but I could tell from others they knew bush would win and I was right. Measured the same way Trump seems the clear winner there. For whatever its worth I correctly predicted all elections since 2000 based more on the feel of those I know in ohio who historically almost always go the way the whole country goes. It is the swing state among swing states.

I followed polls several elections and never saw disparities this large. Did you notice how believe it was the ABC poll shifted 12 points like a week ago towards turmp? Due to changes they said in whow as voting that apparently didnt register at that level on ay other poll. Or did you see the extensive document podesta waas passing around to who knows who teaching people how to weight polls to make it look like hillary was winning? Which by itself doesnt prove polling places are doing this, but again we are seeing much wider ranges then in past years, and it does prove hillary insiders atleast wanted polls weighted towards her to deceive.

I also spent an hour or two almost daily reading comments section on articles left and right. Its become an obsession this election cycle. I rarely see anyone who likes hillary, I see many who love trump. I do see many supporting hillary but they rarely talk of her virtues rather about trumps lack of them in their minds.

The most accurate national poll of the last two cycles currently has trump up by .1 points. With hillaries voter enthusiasm waning and 30 plus percent saying they might rethink their vote based on things coming out the last week. In state polls trump is doing much better then many imply with polling with margins of error or winning in way more then enough battleground states to win. Plus we might easily be underestimating trumps support since many are first time voters. Further historically the candidate from the party who just had 8 years will generally face a 2-4% difference in outcome over polling averages. No matter what people saying when polled a few on the incumbent side stay home and on the opposing side make it when they werent necessarily planning to. SO built that into state polls and its a trump landslide already IF past elections and polls play out the same this time. OBviously a big if in an election like this, but again hillaries support is indeed waning while trumps voters are more adamant then ever.

Here are some other things you wont often see in MSM about the polls. Trump consistently has gotten more republican support then hillary has democrat support. Trump has consistently gotten more male support then hillary does female. Trump has consistently gotten more democrat support then hillary does republican. However there are more democrats overall. Another one, for the first time in the entire election cycle rasmussen has 53% of people who say they will definitely vote siding with trump. Of those saying they will definitely vote on this same poll hillary is only at 43%. Overall the poll has trump at 44, hillary at 42. If you follow fivethirtyfive, there is major lag built into his system as well since he weights together usually weeks worth of polls. Polls have shifted pretty solidly the last week. Based on what five thirty five considers solid atm, but acknowledging that when polls shift so sharply recently as well as the historic 2-4% deficit for the incumbent party and This is easily trumps election. Voter enthusiasm is also historically a major factor. Hillary is hemorrhaging here. Hillary doing poorly with african americans and expecting low turn out while trump is doing slghtly better with minorities then any republican in decades.

heck we have the FBI not only reopening the email case due to new info, which btw we now know what is likely some of the missing emails were found. Because what appear to be classified emails have shown up there that were never handed over the first time. We also have them building an entirely different case on her over pay for play. It generally takes a few days for this type of thing to filter into polling and trump already got a boost from the re opening of the case, now people will here that pay for play they were told was nothing, was in fact a major case were many people are going to likely face charges. We could easily see another 3-10 point shift because we just say more then a 3 point shift. Polls questioning people support for hillary show about 30% of them are considering changing it only based on the re opening of the case not including the pay for play. She could easily go to prison even if she wins. once people realize this? All bets are off.

Dont you think its a bit weird we stopped doing official exit polls the same time machines showed up? Or that we apparently built into our voting system the ability to count with fractions rather then just whole numbers? Or the discrepancies in many elections since we had these machines? There is indeed real reason to question all this.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Thogey » Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:44 pm

Bigjohn wrote:This is an excellent point. It's very sad how strong this brainwashing effect truly is, driving so much hate, dividing the American people, tearing apart relationships.

This is interesting. What does this mean? Who is being affected by the brainwashing effect?
Are you seeing this happen. relationships tearing apart?
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:03 pm

I'm not personally brainwashed. I think others are, to the point of them being functionally incapable of caring for themselves without the government to provide and incapable of knowing what to think without the mainstream media along with PC culture to tell them what to think. I'm getting tired of being one of the increasingly smaller number that has to provide for them through onerous taxes / deficit spending. And I'm getting tired of even having to interact with them on a daily basis. I don't hate them - I pity them. For those few that are interested enough to learn I'm more than happy to teach and even to support for a limited time while they are learning. But boundaries need to be set and hard lessons need to be taught and I have no patience for those not interested in learning. I've found most simply want to take. (Granted there are exceptions, and those few are gratifying.)
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Bigjohn » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:00 pm

Thogey wrote:
Bigjohn wrote:This is an excellent point. It's very sad how strong this brainwashing effect truly is, driving so much hate, dividing the American people, tearing apart relationships.

This is interesting. What does this mean? Who is being affected by the brainwashing effect?
Are you seeing this happen. relationships tearing apart?

Means exactly that. I do see people that have known each other for a long time getting bitter and nasty with each other because of their political affiliations. I stay out completely but hear it around me.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby creshka46 » Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:39 am

I just had a short conversation with my brother-in-law, he said he's probably voting for Hillary. His reasoning was that she would be better for foreign policy. I said, "you mean like Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Russia?" He mentioned Trump's multiple lawsuits, which I am concerned with too. And when I asked him what he thought of all the email and Clinton Foundation stuff, he said it's all just speculation. I said we'll have to agree to disagree.

As a side note, he and his wife are both teachers and always have been. I can't help but think that being a state employee has created a certain level of willful ignorance about establishment politicians and the amount of corruption that they're capable of.

Full disclosure- at the time I wasn't sure if I could vote for Trump. I didn't like him in the primaries (I voted for Cruz) and I don't really trust him, but at the end of the day I decided to vote for him. I think my primary reasoning is best captured in this cartoon: ... n-roulette
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