Part 3 of 3 "Who? way"So I call up my brother’s long term live in girlfriend and explain that me and my wife are coming to collect my 12 year old niece to take her shopping. Mrs Rodebaugh and I arrive at my brother’s house. While my niece is getting ready I begin talking with pseudo-sister-in-law. She is a pretty nice chick but can be as windy as my brother at times.
I present a ring out of my pocket to her and ask “what do you make of this?”
She turns a little white and asks softly, “where did you get this?”
Being the ass that I am I do not answer her question. I just say, “yeah I am some sort of wizard or something”
Not fazed by my silliness she goes on to say, “This is my ring....Holy crap! How could you have it? I lost this ring when I was in Junior High just after I got it. That had to be like 11 years ago or the lake......swimming!”
As she stood in disbelief I explained how I had bought a metal detector and used it to find her ring along with some other cool stuff. She still was standing there with her jaw in the floor as I went on taking about how I located EAJ.....she was just amazed.
The ring, after being lost at
sea the lake for eleven years, has been returned to it's original owner.
So folks, out of all the people that swim and enjoy the largest lake West Virginia has to offer......The ring’s owner “EAJ” happens to be my sister-in-law/brother’s long-term live in girlfriend.
Hope you enjoyed the story, Doc Rodebaugh