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Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:44 pm

hey brothers, "happy" New Year..i GOTTA write more, but its late...anyway, I wanted to share a real good end of the year podcast sum-up on Chris Martenson's "Peak Prosperity" podcast...he's got David Collum with him....well worth the 90 minutes. umm, God be with you all, neil

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Re: "Pandemonium"

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:22 am

Collum is better than most, but he's still somewhat of a "believer" in the system. How can anyone support/believe ANY of these presidential candidates? Tulsi Gabbard (as cute as she is) is a gun grabbing socialist... she's not much different than Bernie or Warren. The only politician I've seen who has not contradicted himself and told the truth was Ron Paul.

Tucker Carlson? - lol That guy is a MSM shill and is there to stir-up all kinds of crap just to get people to watch him. He's doing the same thing as the leftards on MSNBC and CNN. The whole thing is an "Us vs. Them" paradigm. The MSMs main purpose is to keep people angry, frustrated and fighting with each other. They use race, religion, sex, politics and social status to keep everyone divided. That way TPTB can maintain their control over everyone.

The entire political and financial system is corrupt. You can blame the Fed and their bankster minions. They own and control the government and all MSM media. Don't let them fool you into believing otherwise.
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Re: "Pandemonium"

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:41 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Collum is better than most, but he's still somewhat of a "believer" in the system. How can anyone support/believe ANY of these presidential candidates? Tulsi Gabbard (as cute as she is) is a gun grabbing socialist... she's not much different than Bernie or Warren. The only politician I've seen who has not contradicted himself and told the truth was Ron Paul.

Tucker Carlson? - lol That guy is a MSM shill and is there to stir-up all kinds of crap just to get people to watch him. He's doing the same thing as the leftards on MSNBC and CNN. The whole thing is an "Us vs. Them" paradigm. The MSMs main purpose is to keep people angry, frustrated and fighting with each other. They use race, religion, sex, politics and social status to keep everyone divided. That way TPTB can maintain their control over everyone.

The entire political and financial system is corrupt. You can blame the Fed and their bankster minions. They own and control the government and all MSM media. Don't let them fool you into believing otherwise.

I think you take Collum's view of Gabbard out of context - Collum is not supporting her, near as I can tell - he just notes that she says some surprisingly sane things (a few which I agree with, though not many, but at least she thinking independently) and some fairly forthright things (regardless of what you think of them). I can respect someone of her type without agreeing with her. She doesn't not appear to be (yet) in the pocket of a deeper state on either side.

And while Carlson is strongly an opinion writer and not a journalist, and makes his living doing that, that doesn't make him a shill. He's just another view on the spectrum, and he presents views that run at odds with many others, which in my view makes him more interesting than most.

I didn't know Collum - spend some time looking him up. Apparently he's getting a following by pushing back a bit against leftist academic tyranny, for that's what he is - a chemistry professor. Those public opinions are getting some traction from the likes of Martensen. I'll keep an eye out for him going forward.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: "Pandemonium"

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:38 pm

68Camaro wrote:
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Collum is better than most, but he's still somewhat of a "believer" in the system. How can anyone support/believe ANY of these presidential candidates? Tulsi Gabbard (as cute as she is) is a gun grabbing socialist... she's not much different than Bernie or Warren. The only politician I've seen who has not contradicted himself and told the truth was Ron Paul.

Tucker Carlson? - lol That guy is a MSM shill and is there to stir-up all kinds of crap just to get people to watch him. He's doing the same thing as the leftards on MSNBC and CNN. The whole thing is an "Us vs. Them" paradigm. The MSMs main purpose is to keep people angry, frustrated and fighting with each other. They use race, religion, sex, politics and social status to keep everyone divided. That way TPTB can maintain their control over everyone.

The entire political and financial system is corrupt. You can blame the Fed and their bankster minions. They own and control the government and all MSM media. Don't let them fool you into believing otherwise.

I think you take Collum's view of Gabbard out of context - Collum is not supporting her, near as I can tell - he just notes that she says some surprisingly sane things (a few which I agree with, though not many, but at least she thinking independently) and some fairly forthright things (regardless of what you think of them). I can respect someone of her type without agreeing with her. She doesn't not appear to be (yet) in the pocket of a deeper state on either side.

And while Carlson is strongly an opinion writer and not a journalist, and makes his living doing that, that doesn't make him a shill. He's just another view on the spectrum, and he presents views that run at odds with many others, which in my view makes him more interesting than most.

I didn't know Collum - spend some time looking him up. Apparently he's getting a following by pushing back a bit against leftist academic tyranny, for that's what he is - a chemistry professor. Those public opinions are getting some traction from the likes of Martensen. I'll keep an eye out for him going forward.

I know all about Collum. Good to have a professor out there who calls people out, too bad he's very outnumbered.

For the record... most of my views are conservative. I'm a live and let live social moderate, just as long someone or some group does not force me to speak or behave in a way that goes against my morals, values and beliefs.

I respect Gabbard for her anti-war stance. She's a decent speaker and she can debate anyone fairly well. However, she's a socialist gun-grabber. I could never support any of that. With the exception of Ron Paul, I've never voted for anyone... not even in local government. 99% of the politicians out there are full of [shucks].

Anyone you see on tv who is getting paid to read a teleprompter is a shill.
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Re: "Pandemonium"

Postby Thogey » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:07 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Anyone you see on tv who is getting paid to read a teleprompter is a shill.

They would be hacks not shills.

Were tucker to be reading cnn's words on fox, he would be a hack for fox but a shill for cnn. :ugeek:
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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Re: "Pandemonium"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:05 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Collum is better than most, but he's still somewhat of a "believer" in the system. How can anyone support/believe ANY of these presidential candidates? Tulsi Gabbard (as cute as she is) is a gun grabbing socialist... she's not much different than Bernie or Warren. The only politician I've seen who has not contradicted himself and told the truth was Ron Paul.

Tucker Carlson? - lol That guy is a MSM shill and is there to stir-up all kinds of crap just to get people to watch him. He's doing the same thing as the leftards on MSNBC and CNN. The whole thing is an "Us vs. Them" paradigm. The MSMs main purpose is to keep people angry, frustrated and fighting with each other. They use race, religion, sex, politics and social status to keep everyone divided. That way TPTB can maintain their control over everyone.

The entire political and financial system is corrupt. You can blame the Fed and their bankster minions. They own and control the government and all MSM media. Don't let them fool you into believing otherwise.

My bru Penny, thank you!! how I wish there was an "app"(oh crickey) where I could speak the thoughts of my mind, and the "app" could type them out, as I just spent 40 minutes reflecting on everything you good men wrote(hey 68 and Thogey!)...but there isn't, and i'm a hunt and peck typist, so here goes the abbreviated last 40 minutes:

re; the above posted podcast, IF I post something audio/visual, what I've sought are 3 to 5 nuggets, takeaways of value.....takeaway 1, "politics are toxic"...okay, we've sensed that already, #2....David uses the word "hate"..."I hate dot dot dot".....I believe "hate" is the name of a demon, a dark spirit, and when one has imbibed "hate", they have lost and are lost. Hate leads to fear, which is the absence of faith, love, wisdom....he also spoke about "fiat", both in currency and "authority" and to paraphrase one day us commoners will say 'enough' and authorities or TPTB will LOSE 'currency'...fiat..the scenario then becomes the angry peasants with pitchforks, which leads to a napoleon, not a happy outcome, lots of blood and death.....I want to write so much more, talk about all yours and others well thought out reflections, but i'm weary...so forgive me and allow to condense what is my heart to share.....been deep in the Bible (oh I have a good share!!, just thought of it, also I am NOT a deeply wond religionist)… and reading Sun Tzu, among a lot of stuff....Sun Tzu, "all warfare is deception"...let me post a good 22 min vid, good nuggets there....so, if the correct stance is to NOT fight, or be "deceptive", hiding in plain sight...I look to the coyote for example, master at survival, deception, cunning, yet within the pack there is order, (love I dare say?)...so there's another share.....Dan Flores wrote a great book, "Coyote America"...i'll share a wee bit from when joe rogan had Dan on...sorry for being brief, wish we could all hang out, agape, neil
Sun Tzu bit

The Shapeshifter

Dan Flores on Rogan show #942

finally Duncan Campbell, he is one of the FEW "pastors" i listen to, and in this offering, he does NOT "preach a sermon", instead in his beautiful way tells about his own story, with honesty and authenticity...its TRULY a beautiful testimony, bereft of chest pounding "religion"...o would NOT lay on you guys anything...."lame" (didn't know a better word)...again God love and comfort you all...what has all this to "do with stacking"?...imho, everything, neil
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Re: "Pandemonium"

Postby Treetop » Thu Jan 09, 2020 1:58 pm

Ive seen plenty of Tulsi gabbard. I would have never vote for her, but I liked her intellectual honesty at first. After fol.lowing many of her speeches, I still think she is intellectually honest but I dont think she is very bright. Im not saying this because of her political views.

I dont believe in peak oil being an issue our kids grandkids will face. Not trying to convince anyone, but my uncle is a geologist who spent 11 years in saudi arabia helping them find new spots to potentially drill. According to him they lie about how much they have, and they have so much they could be the single source globally for thousands of years.

As most here likely know I dont believe a warming climate is a real thing, anywhere close to the levels its a danger. That said, as these guys touch on we have plenty of other environmental issues. This is one of the saddest parts of all this. Over fishing alone will have 100s of millions without food in packed asian countries alone in coming decades. The official stance is to stop fishing. They dont have the land to do othe things even with methods like mine that can multiply some aspecs of our food production er area of land. We have reason to believe artificial refs (and planting more real ones) can fix this. You can put artifical ones where real reefs wont grow. There are old oil rigs that are artifical reefs now for instance that consistently roduce more fish then those areas ever did. This is but one example, there are others but this one is pretty clear cut. The issue is huge and pressing. Meanwhile many leaders pushing climate change tell us its more about wealth redistribution then the climate. While people like gore and obama build homes on coasts both insisted will be under water in our lifetimes.

I think the worlds string pullers plan to set up dire circumstances and play a game of musical chairs where they already have seats. Im not ure how else to interpret the enviro issues and everything I know about them. Desertification is another, the worlds "leading experts" on this either lie constantly or know a tiny % of what I do as a backyard gardener. Sure I study it, but I dont have their resources or training, or ability to test variables. I do test variables and methods but Im one dude. I dont have a team or many acres in different regions. heck man I could solve the soil issues drying out here where I live with something as simple as lots of grass seed and more cattle. With more effort I could have these soils retaining more water then they ever did while "non arable" lands poured out resources AND supported local wild life better. Are leaders in my field all really dense unable to think outside the box? Or liars? I dunno.
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Re: "Pandemonium"

Postby Treetop » Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:17 pm

I dont consider Tucker a hack at all. I disagree with him many times but he is willing to call out both sides on what appear to be his opinions. Could be hes told what direction to take things, no way for me to know that but Hannity for instance is definitely a hack. The GOP are ALWAYS golden children in his eyes unless its some obvious wrong doing everyone hates. You compare shyt he said about obama to him praising trump for the same things, like talking to dictators as one example that came to mind easily, and youll see he loved it when Trump did it and hated obama doing it. Tucker is relatively stable growing changing guy from what I can tell and what Ive seen of him anyway.

This reminds me of a debate I had with a left leaning guy the other day who wa saying the right was brainwashed. Many on both sides of course are I have no doubt but the right wings trust in media has been in the gutter for decades. While the lefts trust in media has dropped its significantly higher then the right and always has been. The right have a moral compass and you can lie to them, but you can condition the left to believe new contradictory things much easier. Im convinced a bunch of the right wing infrastructure has always been playing controlled opposition as the "deep state" or whatever the heck we want to call it guide the more manipulable left wing to take us where they want us. I know many scoff at his, but Im with what I think Collum was saying in the podcast. Im still convinced Trump is shaking this up. Dont agree with him on everything at all, but I still think hes a regular very wealthy guy who likes his country. I see pe0ople point to a few things he did as proof hes a shill like most presidents appear to be, but politics always have a give and take. Its not the right wing those pulling the strings appear to want to coddle. So no reason for a Trump figure if he was directly part of that. Maybe Im wrong, I dont know what happens behind closed doors, but from the shadows I see on the walls around us, this is how I take it.
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