68Camaro wrote:Warning duly noted. That said I'm in it for the long haul. Not to mention that the world of catalytic metals is spectacularly small. While the move to lower density (and at the time lower cost) Pd pulled part of the market out from under Pt and cranked up demand and cost for Pd, they are now priced competively with each other for that industrial purpose, and I see them both moving up further from here proportially. You see a bubble. I see overdo recognition of the value of Pd as Pt became overpriced. They both corrected to their fair value. Now they can both move further up.
InfleXion wrote:I've got a few grams of Valcambi palladium collecting dust somewhere, hard to believe how expensive it's gotten. I just don't follow that market or understand it well enough to know why there's a squeeze. In other words, any reason why it might be a good time to sell other than profit taking? I'm actually feeling inclined to sell some of my fancy silver before a price boost eats into the premiums, and turn it into something more generic.
InfleXion wrote:In other words, any reason why it might be a good time to sell other than profit taking?
68Camaro wrote:Do you think Platinum is in a bubble?
68Camaro wrote:I see the current rise of Pd only changing direction substantially (to below 1.67 x Pt) if the use of the material actually decreases, which would have to be caused by a substantial change in the world's economy.
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Chasing an already high priced asset is dangerous. You gotta be extremely nimble. Lots and lots of speculators in Pd right now. When traders/algos start selling, the price will collapse fast.
Silver is what everyone here should be focused on. The profit potential is tremendous. Get as much as you can now, while it's at bargain basement prices.
68Camaro wrote:Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Chasing an already high priced asset is dangerous. You gotta be extremely nimble. Lots and lots of speculators in Pd right now. When traders/algos start selling, the price will collapse fast.
Silver is what everyone here should be focused on. The profit potential is tremendous. Get as much as you can now, while it's at bargain basement prices.
In nothing I've written have I even remotely suggested chasing Pd - I merely stated that I was holding what I had gotten at lower prices and why I believe there is still upside. As far as trading, I don't believe the issues with fiat metal ETFs currently apply to Pd or Pt as all the largest funds are physical ETFs or closed end Trusts which actually hold 100% of the metal they trade on.
68Camaro wrote:Still have mine, but it is Pt that I consider closer to best value so bought a bit more this past couple of weeks. From some brief discussions at the FUN show it looks like smelter prices at a percent of spot is the practical price for Pd bullion right now. Had a dealer offer me a raw Pd Eagle for $1850 rather than 2100, which is 88% of spot. I passed. There may still be more to go for Pd but I'm not a buyer at these prices.
68Camaro wrote:The only "problem" with silver is that there are mass/space limits to how much physical silver most people can stand to own. For the other PMs: Pt, Au, Pd - you can own the same value amount for 50 to 100 times lower mass (and related lower space). However, if mass/space is an issue and you want to own more silver, if you're so motivated you can consider a trust fund like PSLV, which actually owns 100% of the silver in it. The only downside to PSLV as far as I am aware is that in an emergency you don't actually have it in hand - but I would presume that one wouldn't be putting money in PSLV in order to fulfill an emergency need (you should still own your own physical silver in addition to PSLV). The upside is that the physical is safely protected in RCM vaults, which is about as safe as one can get in this world (apart from distributed diversity of storage locations). If you believe silver is the value play, consider PSLV, and after you've made your fortune in it when the Au/Ag ratio comes down below 40:1 or lower, you can trade it in for PHYS and convert to gold.
68Camaro wrote:Pd isn't combustible.
.Recyclersteve wrote:If I get too much exposure to platinum and palladium, I will need something else that is very precious- IMODIUM!
Dr. Cadmium wrote:Look at the Pd and Rh price jumps today. Prices are leaving "insane" territory and heading into "ridiculous."
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