100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby NDFarmer » Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:39 pm

Ebay just removed the listing.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby tbram88 » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:49 pm

TXBullion wrote:If anyone here has ever had a legitimate problem with ebay such as this one, you will know that buyers protection covers you. Heck, I paid them over 200$ last month and will be the same this month from earning money for them selling. So when I buy a new digital camera that is scratched up, or counterfeit coins from china, Im only tying up money. For me it will be worth it. If these are counterfeit coins (and they deliver) I will be able to have taken my time to study , examine, and play with a counterfeit which will make me that much better at identifying fakes. Im sure not all of you have had the chance, you dont walk into the LCS and ask for fake morgans do you?

Im banking on the fact that these are bogus, and if I get to keep them like I did last time (ebay usually requests to send them back to seller i think unless they dont get contact) I will be happy to sell them a coin for the sole purpose of education.

Thats my piece and im sticking to it.

And I think paypal sets up a measure where they can draft your account or debit card or some type of recourse (not sure exactly) but there is something. Maybe they get a red flag when an abnormally large amount of cash starts coming in during a short span. Like if we send to many gifts we get locked. Dont think they are so dumb to get ripped off 300K . Maybe someone knows something on this topic

That's what I was thinking, you got 100 examples of what a fake Peace looks like, now you can sell them as that, fakes. I'll give you 5 buks for one so I don't get ripped off in the future. My buddy and two LCS's would buy some too.
If the fakes do come just sell them as fake examples for $5.00 ea. its faster than getting a refund.

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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby Thogey » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:52 pm

tbram88 wrote:
TXBullion wrote:If anyone here has ever had a legitimate problem with ebay such as this one, you will know that buyers protection covers you. Heck, I paid them over 200$ last month and will be the same this month from earning money for them selling. So when I buy a new digital camera that is scratched up, or counterfeit coins from china, Im only tying up money. For me it will be worth it. If these are counterfeit coins (and they deliver) I will be able to have taken my time to study , examine, and play with a counterfeit which will make me that much better at identifying fakes. Im sure not all of you have had the chance, you dont walk into the LCS and ask for fake morgans do you?

Im banking on the fact that these are bogus, and if I get to keep them like I did last time (ebay usually requests to send them back to seller i think unless they dont get contact) I will be happy to sell them a coin for the sole purpose of education.

Thats my piece and im sticking to it.

And I think paypal sets up a measure where they can draft your account or debit card or some type of recourse (not sure exactly) but there is something. Maybe they get a red flag when an abnormally large amount of cash starts coming in during a short span. Like if we send to many gifts we get locked. Dont think they are so dumb to get ripped off 300K . Maybe someone knows something on this topic

That's what I was thinking, you got 100 examples of what a fake Peace looks like, now you can sell them as that, fakes. I'll give you 5 buks for one so I don't get ripped off in the future. My buddy and two LCS's would buy some too.
If the fakes do come just sell them as fake examples for $5.00 ea. its faster than getting a refund.


Great idea, true capitalist. I'd like to see fake myself.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby 999Ni » Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:23 pm

i dunno, i think you guys buying these who already know they are most likely fake, is just a big fricken waste of time! but g/l anyway!
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby toomuchcopper » Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:57 pm

an update for all who care:
ebay emailed me within 20 minutes of when the listing was cancelled to say that they had cancelled the listing. There was no reason, it was a standard form email for when this happens and covered all scenarios of what a person in my situation should do....basically under my circumstances the protocal is to wait and see if you get the item.
Being curious I went to paypal and looked up the member and found that he is Verified...which means he has not only a credit card but also a bank account linked to his paypal account.....
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby beauanderos » Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:11 pm

The idea of selling fakes as fakes would be fine... except that some who received them would put them back onto the market as real, and few would be the wiser. Plus... I doubt you would even receive anything. This guy stole the pics, stole the wording, and is even stealing China's rep of making fakes to feed off the greed of others.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby aristobolus » Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:40 am

I bought some bogus Chinese Pandas last year. It takes time to work through the system of retrieving you money. First you must contact the seller, and wait for a time for him to reply. Then, Ebay will allow you to open a dispute, but will attempt to contact the Seller. They then give the seller at least a month. The whole process can take six weeks to three months. In the end Ebay will honor the buyer protection plan, but it can be somewhat cumbersome.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby bman » Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:10 pm

When you guys file your claims and they want you to send the "coins" back to the seller.....send them a package full of steaming "Made in America" dog crap! :twisted:
Don't send them the fake coins back just so they can sell them to someone else.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby Dr. Cadmium » Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:55 pm

TXBullion wrote:Maybe they get a red flag when an abnormally large amount of cash starts coming in during a short span. Like if we send to many gifts we get locked. Dont think they are so dumb to get ripped off 300K . Maybe someone knows something on this topic

Correct. If you suddenly have a large amount of money coming into your PayPal account it will get frozen, regardless of what kind of account it is or how long it's been active - unless you have a history of averaging that much per month. The automatic freeze is set at around the $10K mark, but also takes other factors into consideration. The same goes for an eBay seller account.

Everyone: DO NOT encourage this type fradulent behavior by purchasing. Scams like this are commonly designed just to get your PayPal email address and/or mailing address. Next comes a flood of spam or phishing attempts.

Also, it can be a slow and tedious process to get your money back. And there are lots of loopholes to still get cheated.

Just report them to eBay and stay far away.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby Pennybug » Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:11 am

I'd say they could be real. Another couple of plausible scenarios that have not been mentioned is that they are stolen merchandise or could be involved in a money laundering scheme. These things DO HAPPEN. Most likely they are fakes I'd say (given they are being shipped from China)... but if they are real... I'd suggest one of the two other mentioned situations are high probabilities.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby smallchange » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:34 am

When something (regarding money at least) is too good to be true... It is.
I would not waste time dealing with the process of getting the funds back.

Doing honest fair deals with honest people is the way to go.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby Thogey » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:47 pm

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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby NDFarmer » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:06 pm

What ever it was it has already been removed.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby Thogey » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:12 pm

It was a trade dollar for 14.99 from Hong Kong.

Seller had zero feedback.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby rexmerdinus » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:27 pm

I bought a handful of fake trade dollars from a street urchin in Manila a few years back...I think I paid $2 apiece after currency conversion. I knew they were fakes and told the kid as much :) For me they were just curiosities for my collection, so no loss.

The first thing I noticed, other than wording and devices on the coins being just plain wrong, was that the quality and color of the metal was bad. Also, there are die cracks and cuds that are identical from coin to coin.

From what I've found in my research, I think these are part of a large group of counterfeits that were produced in China in the 1930's or so.

Kinda neat, I guess :D
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby Thogey » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:24 pm

Some fell for this chinese sticker (as in magnet)

http://cgi.ebay.com/Silver-Dollar-K33-/ ... 43a56e3fdf
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby NDFarmer » Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:06 pm

I like how it says 420 grains .900 fine. But it doesn't say grains of what? I think it will be 420 grains of lead. Plus they have zero feedback. You sure can't feel sorry for some people. I think if you are dumb enough to bid on an auction like this you don't deserve to get your money back.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby blackrabbit » Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:33 pm

Problem is that a lot of these buyers will resell them one day and it will be more difficult to know it the coin is fake. I would not buy any coin from any far east country unless the seller had a long track record of honesty and fair dealings. However, If someone from the states is selling one of these with some other silver coins I would be interested and might be suckered. I wish e-bay would shut down all the shady dealings from the east that are always going on on the site.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby cesariojpn » Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:57 pm

blackrabbit wrote: I wish e-bay would shut down all the shady dealings from the east that are always going on on the site.

They won't, because:

1. They'll just claim ignorance. Seeing as they are a third party facilitator (i.e. the Auction Venue), they can just claim that what the seller put up is legit.
2. It puts money into their pocket, irregardless if it's legit or not.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby goodcents » Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:59 am

I posted a peace dollar auction on here months ago. These guys use and copy other auctions as well as use multiple accounts. I was having auctions deleted about every hour on the hour and in 5 minutes a new name would pop up. I studied the first auction in fine detail. What put the icing on the cake was that the seller had 10 feedbacks that day alone with all buyers from Canada with very low feedbacks. The "buyers" had bought the item that day but said "Great quality coins fast shipping"..You bet your butt that was fast shipping. 2 hours from Hong Kong to Canada. So that was strike one.

If in doubt of a valid auction simply look at last months feedback. See who's been buying and look at how legitimate the feedbacks are.

If something can be faked China's involved.
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby 999Ni » Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:13 pm

ohhh China......you can be so nice when I'm at Wal-mart, yet so bad when on ebay.

sorry, feeling lil weird today
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby TXBullion » Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:03 pm

fyi , still havent received any coins, opened a dispute and got the money back. Still hoping I might see the coins though...
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Re: 100 Peace dollars for $300 ebay rip off

Postby tbram88 » Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:10 am

Check this out http://cgi.ebay.com/Replica-1879-cc-MORGAN-SILVER-DOLLARS-COPY-/250780510075?pt=Coins_US_Individual&hash=item3a63aee77b&autorefresh=true

This is being sold as a copy but notice the word "Copy" was stamped on the coin after it was minted and aged I bet this was meant to be sold as a fake.

If this was made as a copy the word copy would have been struck into it at the time it was made. I bid $0.11 on it and I bet it will make a nice learning piece to help me identify fakes.

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