This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

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This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:53 am

Hardly anyone posts here these days.

Everyone move over the WSS?

Are the premiums too high to care?

:cry: :(
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Corsair » Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:43 pm

While not as active as it used to be, Realcent is still a fantastic community with resources for both newer and more experienced collectors. I've been here for thirteen years and watched many users come and go. I'll be staying.

Maybe you could convince that WSS crowd to come to Realcent? :D
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby TXSTARFIRE » Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:15 pm

What is WSS?
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:23 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Hardly anyone posts here these days.

Everyone move over the WSS?

Are the premiums too high to care?

:cry: :(

Those that are still active on this board tend to be people that have survived several metal ups and downs while still seeing it move up a long term bull trend. So the hands here are pretty strong - not many giving up their metal for short term profits when we see metal as being the primary hedge of financial protection that surrounds us.

A point will come very soon (and while people have been saying that for awhile - I think we are now actually in the end game) when you won't be able to get metal at almost any price - and we know that. So for the most part you'll have to get your metal elsewhere.

As to the forum being dead - when something interesting enough to talk about happens and people want to talk about it - people will post. Apart from the gross destruction of the Republic that is going on - which was a foregone conclusion when the party that "won" took power - there isn't much to talk about, and the changes in our land are happening so fast and furious that I spend most of my spare time considering what the warning signs are trying to tell me vs the preps I have made.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Tourney64 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:45 pm

Not sure what WSS is, but RealCent is not dead, just reduced activity. I agree with you 68Camaro.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:59 pm

Think WSS refers to the silver shorts subset of wall street bets (WSB)
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby pennypicker » Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:07 pm

TXSTARFIRE wrote:What is WSS?

WSS: White Supremacy Syndrome--according to the Socialist Left.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby IdahoCopper » Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:18 am

WSS is Wall Street Silver. It is a reddit subforum that promotes buying physical silver and PSLV. They presently have 49,762 members from around the world.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:10 am

pennypicker wrote:
TXSTARFIRE wrote:What is WSS?

WSS: White Supremacy Syndrome--according to the Socialist Left.

:clap: :lol:

These leftists are mentally ill... or.... they are aliens disguised in human form that have taken over the government.

I recently watched the movie "They Live" again last week. As time passes, it's seeming more and more like a documentary rather than just a sci-fi movie. :shifty:
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:15 am

IdahoCopper wrote:WSS is Wall Street Silver. It is a reddit subforum that promotes buying physical silver and PSLV. They presently have 49,762 members from around the world.

Yes. I read it, but do not participate. Most of the memes are silly, but some are pretty funny. If nothing else, at least it is making people (especially younger people) more aware of silver. Lots of people posting pics their "stacks"... they should be a bit more careful about doing that.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby knibloe » Sat Apr 03, 2021 5:41 pm

pennypicker wrote:
TXSTARFIRE wrote:What is WSS?

WSS: White Supremacy Syndrome--according to the Socialist Left.

The picture in your post is almost enough to get me to quit the forum.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby rainsonme » Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:55 pm

I dont post very often, but I read every week. This forum brings out expert opinions on coins and metals, from sincere people I trust. And I learn a lot of things from this forum, both numismatic and general.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Recyclersteve » Sun Apr 04, 2021 3:33 pm

TXSTARFIRE wrote:What is WSS?

I too have no idea what WSS is and I’ve been on RC for a long time.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby rainsonme » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:05 pm

I went to ------- if that is the correct address, it is like a twitter feed, and in fact I believe it is paralleled on twitter. Its OK. Bunch of silver enthusiasts post short notes on silver and stacking silver. Not the exchange that occurs here, and not much numismatics. Not a lot of information, more enthusiasm. If you have a twitter account, you can add WallStreetSilver as someone you follow. Perhaps I found the wrong site -----
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby chris6084 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 12:25 am

I check in periodically but rarely post. In fact, I sometimes start to type out a reply to something and end up deleting it and not posting at all.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby JJM » Wed Apr 21, 2021 3:56 pm

I lurk in both places, but find WSS more entertaining. It's probably the pics vs. words thing.... :shh:
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Kurr » Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:51 pm

I don't post like I used to, but I do check in regularly. Better quality people here than reddit, lol.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Treetop » Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:58 am

I had figured we lost members to I think it was called "BS" bullion stackers??? Been awhile so maybe I got the name wrong. I know many of our members post on both, and a few (atleast one lol) post only over there now. There are probably ways we could get the forum out there so to speak to find new people but I dont really know how that stuff works. I know I found it through coinflation, which I used to check on near daily but havent even checked to see if it still exists for years now. I do feel like we collected a valuable range of humans on here. If there is a way to bring new blood we should do it.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby TXSTARFIRE » Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:26 am

Coinflation is alive and well and I still check it daily for metals prices. At one time Coinflation had a link to Realcent and that is how I found this forum.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:15 am

JJM wrote:I lurk in both places, but find WSS more entertaining. It's probably the pics vs. words thing.... :shh:

Lots of ppl there posting memes. Some are amusing and creative, but most are usually childish and silly.

People posting pics of their stacks are being a bit foolish if you ask me. The internet is f-o-r-e-v-e-r.
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby silverflake » Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:15 pm

Hi folks, it's been a while but I am still here. Love this site and the the people who frequent it. I post less for sure but still read weekly.

Keep stacking!
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Re: This board died. Everyone move to WSS?

Postby JJM » Thu May 06, 2021 9:18 am

I agree with Treetop, I think Bullion Stacker siphoned a lot of folks off from here.

I think another factor is that there has been a massive decline in web based forum use over the past 5-10 years in general. Due to Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, etc.
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