68Camaro wrote:I believe that article is from about 20 years ago.
silverflake wrote:Anyone ever read "The Big Silver Melt" by Henry Merton? I look for it on ebay and/or amazon once in a while but it's always like $50 or more. Supposedly gives an in depth analysis of how many coins were melted after silver was removed from circulating coins in 1964. Description is as follows:
"Discusses the illegal melting of American silver coinage during the 1960s and lists the values and remaining quantities of silver coins"
I believe someone on this site may have recommended it? I think I heard Mike Maloney of goldsilver.com recommend it too.
If anyone has read it and can contribute to this thread that'd be cool. Also is the book worth dropping 50 fed notes on?
Book is old (1983) but I am sure there's some interesting tidbits in it.
In the meantime, keep stacking!
silverflake wrote:Anyone ever read "The Big Silver Melt" by Henry Merton? I look for it on ebay and/or amazon once in a while but it's always like $50 or more. Supposedly gives an in depth analysis of how many coins were melted after silver was removed from circulating coins in 1964. Description is as follows:
"Discusses the illegal melting of American silver coinage during the 1960s and lists the values and remaining quantities of silver coins"
I believe someone on this site may have recommended it? I think I heard Mike Maloney of goldsilver.com recommend it too.
If anyone has read it and can contribute to this thread that'd be cool. Also is the book worth dropping 50 fed notes on?
Book is old (1983) but I am sure there's some interesting tidbits in it.
In the meantime, keep stacking!
NDFarmer wrote:Only $800 bucks? Better jump right on that!!
NDFarmer wrote:Only $800 bucks? Better jump right on that!!
TXSTARFIRE wrote:But its only $38.16 @ month for 24 months!
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