why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

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why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:27 pm

Hey bro's, look time no post.

Since June 2020, i died three times, and was brought back...for real....cardio. Healing real good.

cant say that about our beloved America....geeez louise, aint these some strange days?

my title was clickbait, those of you here, brothers, know what i've been saying for quite a few years now, that someday, private ownership of PM's will be made illegal, its so obvious that our "leadership" has no honor, no integrity, the stuff they do behind closed doors in a court of law would be classified a felony...they are taking us to the brink of global nuclear warfare, they've destroyed the nations CURRENCY since 1913.......but i still CLING to hope.

my recent purchases,, some nice stuff, just nibbling, bought a slabbed NGC 20 piece roll of ASE's, 2017 MS69's.....bought two rolls of 1946s GemBU wash's, a roll of 1953s Gem bu wash's and a roll of 1953s Franks....and i want to conclude with this, God love you all! neil
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby thecrazyone » Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:52 pm

Nice to have you back! And in both ways!!
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:02 pm

thecrazyone wrote:Nice to have you back! And in both ways!!

Thank you my crazy bro!!!!....i missed this place and the guys.

quick question, just for fun...how many ASES would you offer for a 500 pound Angus feeder ? (I'm talking theoretical, post dollar world)

i'm leaning towards biding 3, and hitting a 5 coin offer.
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:49 am

Hey Neil, great to hear from you! Guess there was reason for concern, but glad to know you're still kicking! Hope you can get continue to participate.
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby silverflake » Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:54 am

Helloooo Neil! Longtime for sure. Good to see you posting. May God speed you in your healing.

As far as your question of trading Ag for green coupons, I can't say a number but the thing is, the dollars received would just be a middle transaction as I would quickly use them to buy tangible assets. Land? House? Rentals? Farmland? Timberland? Tools? Get where I am coming from?

Take care Neil. Post more. Stay alive.

And keep stacking.
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby Gipper1985 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:07 am

Glad to see your post. Always one of may favorite contributors. Hopefully your health is improving.

Very strange days indeed.
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby Morsecode » Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:37 am

You and Fred Underwood...One minute you're here, the next minute gone who-knows-where. I started to think you were one in the same 8-)

Nice hearing from you sir.
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby natsb88 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:58 am

Good to hear from you Neil!
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Re: why would i ever trade good Ag for a "green coupon"/FRN?

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:11 pm

In these times, such KIND welcome backs, are TRUE GOLD........God love all you guys...........hey, dont laugh, but this one ebay seller who i bought the 53s Wash's and Franks, has MORE 53s Wash's and a 48s , all $10FV rolls, 6 hours left......and they are all in the 35 times face plus range.....the bidders are all vet's (y'know 2000 buys).......i assume a lot of you guys, arent wild about ebay....it reminds me now of when you clean out the house, move the stove, fridge, and sweep up all the crumbs and crud?....right, MOST of the 90%(rolls) are crud, G4's to F12's.........anyway, thank you all so much for welcoming me back , respectfully yours, neil
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