by Roadrunner » Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:44 pm
My bad, I mixed up the types of magnetism.
Gold, silver, and copper, along with most elements, are *diamagnetic*, NOT paramagnetic, as my previous post said.
Great Video there! However, I'm confused about something. Elements which are diamagnetic aren't supposed to be attracted to a rare earth magnet. The silver should be repelling, not attracting, in the video. Hmm...time for some more science homework.
Remember, if you do purchase any of these magnets, use EXTREME caution. REMs are very powerful and can mess up expensive electronic equipment.
One more thing...rare earth magnets are surprisingly inexpensive for their power. Shop around, there are plenty to choose from. Oh, and MAKE SURE they actually are rare earth magnets. Some magnets are "really strong" but they're just big normal magnets. I don't care how big or strong they are, they won't interact with silver, gold, copper, or cupronickel if they're not neodymium.
"The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of hosts." ~Haggai 2:8