Diggin4copper wrote:Can they legally be melted in the US?
justj2k78 wrote:I get a fairly steady supply of Canadian Copper (albeit on a much smaller scale)... with Canadian Copper at 98%, American at 95% - Does this make Canadian more desirable?
HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:If convicted, would you spend your time in a Canadian prison or a US facility?
And would the time be shorter or longer in Canadian prison based on the current exchange rates?
barrytrot wrote:http://www.mint.ca/store/mint/customer-service/faq-1100010
Search for "illegal".
So the question is: Is it legal for people within the United States to melt Canadian coins?
The answer is technically "no" as this would still be breaking the Canadian law, as their coinage is still theirs wherever you put it.
Will it be enforced? Good question. The answer is probably "no" unless you are doing it at a multi-ton level over a period of time.
HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:I would like to acquire a source like that.
tbram88 wrote:What I want to know is, once melted how can 98% copper be refined into .999? I read somewhere that you can boil the copper and the zinc will burn off, but I can't confirm it.
Its too bad all of those Canadian cents are in Portland, shipping would be a killer. Unless it can be refined, melting would be a waste of time.
All the best...Bob.
Copper Member wrote:I don't know what law you would be breaking. I mean you are in the US. Unless there is a law on the US books regarding the melting of Canadian pennies(which I highly doubt) ,there is no offense. I would suppose that the Canadian selling those pennies would be subject to the Canadian laws regarding the export of the pennies. You can't hardly be guity of a law from 1 country if the offense is legal in the country the offense is committed. I suppose that is why Amsterdam is so popular.
psi wrote:Not exactly a perfect analogy (completely different legal charge and the countries are reversed) but for a fairly recent example of a Canadian citizen who was extradited for breaking US law from within Canada, search "Marc Emery". It seems that extradition requires political will from both sides though, and it may well be very unlikely or even completely unprecedented for melting coins. For a currency related example I came across something on Sean Garland, an IRA member allegedly involved in distributing counterfeit US currency (N. Korean "superdollars") outside the US. He has not been extradited to date but the US government has asked for his extradition from Ireland.
barrytrot wrote:Copper Member wrote:I don't know what law you would be breaking. I mean you are in the US. Unless there is a law on the US books regarding the melting of Canadian pennies(which I highly doubt) ,there is no offense. I would suppose that the Canadian selling those pennies would be subject to the Canadian laws regarding the export of the pennies. You can't hardly be guity of a law from 1 country if the offense is legal in the country the offense is committed. I suppose that is why Amsterdam is so popular.
The difference here is that the property rights of one country or even person go beyond national boundaries.
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