I was just wondering what everyone thought about this subject. I have a few ideas but they are based on original silver/copper prices vs. One ounce of gold. The classic face value of the double eagle runs at $20 vs. The Morgan dollars $1 face value. Gold markets have gold at 1431.00 usd today. 1431/20= $71.55 an ounce of silver. When you take into consideration that there are 7 ounces of gold to every one ounce of silver (71.55x7=500.85). this makes the arguement for 500 dollar silver seem pretty realistic. Not even considering inflation, demand, or rate of consumption. I kind of did the same thing with copper and came up with some pretty shocking results. When calculated against classic united states gold standard face values, the penny really starts to look pretty. About .70 cents, and again this is not factoring in several huge catylists. I'm not an expert by any means, but it seems there are some fishy things going on with the copper too.
Anyone have any fuel to throw in to the arguement?