Hello everyone, I'm new here but not new to sorting out copper pennies. I've been seperating my pocket change since before the coppers were worth extra...
I currently have a small commercial space available and more time than money. I would really like to start sorting on a major-bulk basis. The issue of course is where to get and dump all those cents. Just how big of an operation do you need to be to have an armored truck deliver my pennies and take back the old ones? Does anybody know how much that sort of service costs? Anybody here do that? I guess to have the best luck you would need to have one company deliver and another pickup?
I've got space for many, many tons of pennies, and I'd like to try and build multiple sorting machines. My credit union has no problem giving me $50 boxes and they accept returns for free, but I can't imagine coming in there with literally tons of money.