could it be, that the banks have flipped?

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could it be, that the banks have flipped?

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:40 am

just consider this, and i havent looked at the COT's, committements of trader's) but could it be that the 4 major commercial short sellers, that have been previously suppressing the price of silver on the board, have actually flipped, and are net longs?

the reason i'm even posing this question, craven as they may be, these traders are not dummies. They read S/D stat's, they read charts, and to anyone who would give the silver market a dispassionate look, its as clear as day, this is a powerful long term bull market.

you can say, the COT's show otherwise, major bank players are net short, but i know this, there are many ways and entities, to camo your dealings. New accounts, different trading co's. LP's etc.

here's the rub, lets just say i was a player with a $200-500 mln dollar fund, and i'm bullish silver, and i want to put a very large line out there. But the way to do this, is NOT to start with massive, i would start this campaign by putting a short line out first, see how the market handles it, is the support robust?....are their airpockets, etc........because i would use these short sells, as the first salvo, to begin the LONG campaign, short covering would give me the opportunity to cheaply discover overhead resistance. Once i ascertain that.....then i can begin to buy, and buy in numbers.

its just a thought, i might be crazy, but i just got this feeling, that major trading entities are buying everything, especially metals, silver, gold, plat, Pslsd, copper and nickel....i know i would be, if i had a $500 mln kitty, but when you attempt such a large line, you have to make black appear white and vice versa...just a thought, so go easy on me.

respectfully, neil
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Re: could it be, that the banks have flipped?

Postby Know Common Cents » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:06 pm

Without doubt, there's collusion in the PM markets. The above ground silver supply is far less than one would expect and several allied forces could grab almost a controlling interest in it without causing undue attention if their move was fast, precise and well-planned.

The Hunt Bros were sloppy in their 1980 conquest of the silver market. The longer Japan continues to experience aftershocks and other strife, the more silver and other metals they're going to need to rebuild. With many other countries (i.e. Haiti), the rebuilding may never occur or only be completed in a haphazard manner. I admire the resolve of the Japanese people and have no doubt they'll rebuild and retool ASAP. They'll have to draw upon resources from the entire world and those in possession of vast quantities will be the ones who can pretty much name their price.

Even 5 years ago, China would have been able to supply more raw materials to Japan, but now their population has become greater consumers of everything as never before.

The best the small PM investor can hope for is to be able to ride on the coattails of the big powerhouses as they buy, buy and buy, but not sell until just the right time (and on their terms).
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Re: could it be, that the banks have flipped?

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:13 pm

well spoke "Know"...wise words there, my bro.

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