Kurr wrote:defamation [ˌdɛfəˈmeɪʃən]
1. (Law) Law the injuring of a person's good name or reputation Compare libel, slander
2. (Law) the act of defaming or state of being defamed
li·bel (lbl)
a. A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
b. The act of presenting such material to the public.
2. The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to an ecclesiastical court.
tr.v. li·beled or li·belled, li·bel·ing or li·bel·ling, li·bels
To publish a libel about (a person). See Synonyms at malign.
slan·der (slndr)
1. Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
v. slan·dered, slan·der·ing, slan·ders
To utter a slander about. See Synonyms at malign.
ma·lign (m-ln)
tr.v. ma·ligned, ma·lign·ing, ma·ligns
To make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about; speak evil of.
1. Evil in disposition, nature, or intent.
2. Evil in influence; injurious.
3. Having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent.
Eat em up. I am honest and tell them what I do as well. I have had a branch inform every branch in the district about me, and changed the policy to "we do not sell any coin to individuals in any amounts anymore, businesses only" at every branch within driving distance I could find for that company. That did not last very long let me tell you, ha ha ha. That was back in 09 when the 4 designs were HOT and I was looking for the railsplitters.
Other banks I deal with think I'm some kind of eccentric mild genius for having the insight to do this and JPM opening a copper ETF just proves my point to them.
You get BIG POINTS for speaking "truth to power" in bringing up that they create money out of THIN AIR, make you put up physical COLLATERAL for the imaginary money, loan it to you, then have the stones to charge you interest.
Good on ya. YOU did not screw up. You are well within your rights, and Greshams Law is an established economic phenomonon.
Good luck brother, you have an oppertunity.
i was about to post this, then I read further.