Number21 wrote:It probably won't be that long until zinc pennies are worth more than a cent. What will we do with them then?
Morsecode wrote:That works.
How about, when your bank shuts you off because they say, due to Brinks' fuel surcharges it's costing them $30 per box, you say, "I could sell you some for $28..."
fasteddy wrote:I feel your CU did that last fall(8%), Can you do precounted bags...or are they demanding the rolls?
fb101 wrote:Can't you find some others anywhere? Tuscon is a BIG place isn't it? There are a few small local banks here that have them only the downtown branch or such; it might be worth a call to find out if it's like that there.
wishing you the best of luck....
wiper wrote:30 miles is 'across town'?
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