I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the same

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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Corsair » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:02 pm

VWBEAMER wrote:Slander is VERY hard to prove in court, and besides, what are his damages......in Dollars? Non that I can tell. :|

If he gets cut off, he can say that the accusation of slander cost him potential profit of copper. Like others said, banks aren't required to order coins. However, it's impossible to say that they aren't shutting him off for any other reason than the slander accusation. So, slander -> no more copper -> no more money -> financial damages.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby VWBEAMER » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:08 pm

How you going to prove slander? You think the other members of the bank are going to testify against the banker in question? What are there names, who are you even going to subpoena? How much does each cost to subpoena each witness?

Banks are under no obligation to deal with anyone, save maybe a minority on a home loan. Now, if he is a minority with good credit and got turned down for a home loan, a lawyer may take his case. Other wise it's doubtful a lawyer would even talk to him about the case.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Corsair » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:10 pm

I don't think anyone here is recommending that he go to court and prove his case to a jury. I, and the others recommending the lawyer, are in the belief that a letter from a lawyer to the bank in question could do wonderful things. Judge Judy isn't necessary.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby VWBEAMER » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:11 pm

yeb, and then if i was the banker after i got the letter, I would tell the penny Hoarder to get the hell out of the bank.

The OP took the right attitude and approach IMHO.....only I would bring the teller a big box of donuts and hope the teller felt guilty enough to help me even more..
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Corsair » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:12 pm

VWBEAMER wrote:The OP took the right attitude and approach IMHO.....only I would bring the teller a big box of donuts and hope the teller felt guilty enough to help me even more..

Getting slandered and then saying, "Thank you sir, may I please have another?" No thank you. I respect OP's decision and hope everything works out for him, but if this happened to me, I'd make sure I had someone more knowledgeable help me out, instead of just bending over and taking the beating.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby VWBEAMER » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:22 pm

In life I try to win the war, not every battle.

If you win the battle and lose the war, what have you gained?

he went in the bank to get pennies....as long as he leaves with pennies he has won the war.

If makes a point with the banker and gets cut of from that bank and possibly other banks, he has lost the war.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby goldteam » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:27 pm

Corsair wrote:
VWBEAMER wrote:The OP took the right attitude and approach IMHO.....only I would bring the teller a big box of donuts and hope the teller felt guilty enough to help me even more..

Getting slandered and then saying, "Thank you sir, may I please have another?" No thank you. I respect OP's decision and hope everything works out for him, but if this happened to me, I'd make sure I had someone more knowledgeable help me out, instead of just bending over and taking the beating.

I don't think I bent over.

I called him up and let him have it. He has promised to contact everyone and set the record straight. I know two of these people very well and will be asking if he indeed did contact them.

Again, he legitimately thought I was melting pennies which is against the law. I just wish he would have contacted me or kept it in house more.


again guys and girls, thanks for info and advice

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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Corsair » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:37 pm

And for calling him and giving the idiot what he deserves, I commend you, goldteam. He's got to swallow his pride, call around, email, whatever, and set the record straight. As long as you get pennies now, you're good. My next move, however, would not be to bring in a box of donuts to rectify the situation. You did nothing wrong. They should be bringing you donuts.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby VWBEAMER » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:01 pm

Some people don't make enough money to buy a box of doughnuts, so I understand. :D
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby biglouddrunk » Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:09 pm

Withdraw down to the minimum without being charged a fee and make them your dump bank. Being a dump bank is the ultimate insult.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby knibloe » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:22 pm

[quote="goldteam"]i have no interest in suing the guy. He literally thought I was melting them and I did have a poor choice of words. I said I was pulling out the copper. He took it to mean I was literally taking out the copper. I can understand that.

What I am more pissed off at is the fact he still calls it unethical. THAT IS FLAT OUT RIDICULOUS!

If they still call you unethical, than they still have an unreasonable bias against you. This could cause you problems in other areas. What if you you want to get a loan? Would you being labeled an unethical character affect that? What if one of the tellers moves to another bank (not branch) would the "unethical" label follow? Banks have a responsibility to report suspicious behavior have they done that?

I don't envy your position. I don't know what I would do, but I would think long and hard before I ust let it go.

Good luck.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby VWBEAMER » Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:21 pm

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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Coppercrazy » Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:13 am

Quick moral to this story NEVER TELL THEM YOURE PULLING COPPER I say we look for the old ones and errors.Why get any more specific than that?
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby JobIII » Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:33 am

One bank I used to drop pennies off at, the teller said to me and the people around me that if he had this hobby he'd prefer to shoot himself in the head. Later he told me the bank would not allow me to dump pennies because they would not take part in my money laundering operation.

I don't bring coin to that bank much anymore, but i'm still a member and will if i really need to... :)

This is a strange hobby, so some people are going to say things that may not sound so nice. And the banks are allowed to refuse to order you money, take your money and outright close your account(s) without reason.

Goodluck. I'm sure you'll find other banks that are willing to help you.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby ed_vantage17 » Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:32 pm

VWBEAMER wrote:Slander is VERY hard to prove in court, and besides, what are his damages......in Dollars? Non that I can tell. :|

If he's selling the copper for a profit now, and has a track record of doing so, then the monetary damages shouldn't be hard to prove at all.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby ScottyTX » Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:03 pm

Oh wow, reading through the post makes me think of certain individuals/groups that holler I'm gonna sue you, U gonna hear from my lawyer in the morning!! Umm thats sickens me when I watch it on TV. Nobody want to sit in the banker's chair from the other side?? OK, I will.... I commend the banker for doing something about what he truly believed to be an illegal activity from the information that was given. He set into action a plan to stop possible criminal activity at his banks! No crime had been committed so.. why should he call the cops for what exactly? So many people just turn their back to criminal activities and do nothing about it!! So many people only look on one side of the issue, sounds like an honest misunderstanding due to lack of communication/misinformation from both parties. I typically use the words collect/save the copper pennies when referring to my penny activities. Pulling the copper out of them would techinically mean you were literally removing the copper from the cents, that is illegal my friends!! He should be monitered by police on a 24 hr baisis to ensure he is not engaging in illegal activity :) I do not fully believe in any of the above statements but......

****Disclaimer***** ScottyTX does not support or recommend the use of the above statements for anything other than for entertainment purposes only. Use at your own risk!!
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