What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are you?

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What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are you?

Postby 999Ni » Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:07 am


Do you have a certain silver spot price in mind for when you are going to sell everything off and bail outta the silver game?


Are you going to wait it out and consider other factors going on in the world and make your decision then?


Are you gonna hold silver forever until the dollar collapses so you can use it to barter with?

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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:54 am

My goal is to use my silver in a post-FRN world. I don't intend to sell anything unless my back is against the wall.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby Treetop » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:00 am

I will have to sell a set dollar amount to cover a balloon payment on my mortgage sometime within 15 months. It could be anytime.

I am also considering selling a bunch soon to fund a building project.... then buy back my silver instead of saving for building. Im guessing Id loose some silver doing this, but my project would be done much faster, that would be nice... Im on the fence about it.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby Dave » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:08 am

I really don't know what to do. I have only been collecting for @ 2 yrs. now and bought most of my silver between $14 and 20 per oz. I'll decide when it hits $55 oz.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby hejira11 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:07 pm

Not planning to sell. I will probably "Profit take" on some off market bars and rounds I picked up at the beginning of my collecting phase...but my coins, Engelhards, JM and PAMP are staying RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE!
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby BamaJoe » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:19 pm

SELL??? You can actually sell this stuff? All this time I've been buying because it was shiny and I like shiny stuff. You should see my stack of juicy fruit foil wrappers.

Seriously, it will all depend on what's going on in the world. Just as it made sense to sell during the Hunt Brother's run up, at some point it will make sense to sell/trade silver for other assets. It's not that time at the present, but somewhere along the line it will be.
If you are waiting for the "correction" to buy you need to realize that the increasing prices ARE the correction.

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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby inflationhawk » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:37 pm

I was seriously considering selling earlier this week, until reconsidering the gold silver ratio. I think I'll base my silver selling, not based on price, but on the ratio. When it gets in the 20s, which we are getting very close to, I'll have to make a tough decision. But, when I sell silver, it would only be to swap into gold.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby timmus0382 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:17 pm

I'm selling 50% at $ 82.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby OldPeddler » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:22 pm

I will sell when the dollars in my care are backed with PM. Or If I need it to buy FOOD. I don't like to be hungery
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby coppertone » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:44 pm

Had to sell some yesterday as I was out of cash. Broke my heart although I liked the price.

Hopefully when the time to really sell or more importantly convert the accumulated value to some other undervalued asset it will be obvious if you've done your homework. Much like the time to buy was and is at present.

I will try to keep an open mind and watch the situation unfold. Difficult to be objective, though, as I really like my shiny coins.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby anarchir » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:00 pm

I will only sell as a matter of paying for another investment as I plan to move somewhere where people are already paying for things in silver: freestateproject.org.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby blackrabbit » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:08 pm

I plan to sell bits to trade up until fall 2012 when I will sell a majority of my holdings to buy real estate. I figure by that time the herds will be panicking throughout Babylon and metal prices will be incredible.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby Dvorak » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:46 pm

I knew I'd have to sell some to recover what I spent on a few ATB sets. It feels wrong letting anything go, even though it was to just to get money to buy more silver. Especially when it jumps a dollar+ a day. Oh well, I can't own it all, right?
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby rainsonme » Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:19 pm

I would like to pass my US silver coins to my 2 kids. I think they could be more valuable and useful in a future I will not see. But, if I was desperate in the meantime, I would of course sell to provide for essentials. I don't think it will come to that. and I think all these old coins will be even more valuable as more and more are hoarded or melted. So, my answer, I don't plan to sell at all.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby Morsecode » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:07 pm

Since 1979 I have bought and sold more hoards than I care to remember. Most selling was done during times of need, with no regard for market conditions, because there was something else I wanted more - a condo, a motorcycle, a gun collection, whatever. I expect this time will be no different. I'll keep buying silver until I get bored. That could be at $80 or $8. The size of the stash this time around is growing, but small by my historical counts, so I can afford to be indifferent. For me, the future never means further out than next week.

Besides, I'm more of a copper guy now ;)
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby jerry278 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:18 pm

999Ni wrote:Folks,

Do you have a certain silver spot price in mind for when you are going to sell everything off and bail outta the silver game?


Are you going to wait it out and consider other factors going on in the world and make your decision then?


Are you gonna hold silver forever until the dollar collapses so you can use it to barter with?


Interesting post, probably on a lot of peoples mind as well. It seems that there is two prevailing logics to this question. One group that wishes to move into another assest when the price is right, e.g. housing. Another is in for the long haul, more as a means of financial 'insurance'. Then lastly theres the day traders who are trying to accumulate FRN's which seems a little risky at this point in the game but more power to them. As the price of silver rises its likely that there will be more volatility on the downside like gold. Ex: It could move $3 in a couple hours, something thats been unheard of so far.

Its always close to impossible to time the 'up's' and 'down's'. That being said, I think theres a couple smart scenarios.

1. If you have a small to medium sized stack, and we're lucky enough to buy low, you could potentially sell enough to just pay initial investment. Meaning you sell at around double of what you bought it at. This is a good 'safe' bet because you could 'pay off' your initial 'stack' so that the remainder is 'free' and if it goes to the moon, then awesome. If it crashes you didnt lose a penny AND have some shiny coins to play with. The problem with this scenario is that its extremely hard to decide the 'price point' to sell out and break even on your initial return.

2. You could sell it all high and hope for a crash downward (deflation?) However this seems extremely risky and unlikely frankly. One analyst pointed out that if there was a short term deflation, nobody in their right mind would sell physical silver, say at, $7 a oz. Maybe a few would panick, but its unlikely.

3. Hold on tight, for as long as feasible. This seems to be the potentially most 'rewarding' of all scenarios. However you'd have to come to terms with the fact that in theory you could lose it all. E.g. dont take out a second mortage on your house to buy silver and then watch it crash and be homeless. However people who plan to do this usually follow the logic that silver has intrinsic value as a means of monetary exchange. Worst case in this scenario, you still have those shiny coins to look at.

Dont ever borrow money to buy silver. Make sure your ends are met. Dont count on 'hitting it big' and 'Living large' from silver. It could happen but dont count on it.

I personally dont think the 'mad max' barter situation is going to happen. If it does Id be even more skeptical that'd it happen in our lifetime. I hope Iam right on that :geek:
Last edited by jerry278 on Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby whatsnext » Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:34 pm

I think with my small position I'll mostly just rid it out to see what is gonna happen. I'm looking for some maples and maybe gold sooner or later.

I'm thinking trading for other stuff is looking more and more likely. I have not put much into shtf, but I can last a few months easy(if i'm greedy). Plenty of plants to eat.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby jerry278 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:57 pm

One last thought, and lot of people I think plan on playing the gold to silver ratio and get into gold when the ratio goes down considerably. I think its safer and smarter to just get into gold from the start if thats your logic. Investment demand is the primary driver for silver right now. The average joe is slowly 'waking' up. But $45 an oz. plus premium is too much even for your average person. So if the public doesnt get into silver as much as a lot hope, then playing the 'gold to silver ratio' might not exactly work. Not that it couldnt be done, but its obviously more of a chance.

We all know the fundamentals behind silver, but what if it it just doesnt 'take off', but gold goes to the moon. A potential scenario to consider.

Gold as of lately has been a slow and steady thing. Silver has gone up fast quick, with volatility increasing all the time.

It could the fabled 'Hare and Tortoise' story. Most of us are counting on the Hare (Silver) to win the race, but the slow and steady Tortoise (gold) could really win the race.

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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby aloneibreak » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:48 pm

ive sold some on the way up already

mostly stuff i overbought on the bay and can make just a few quick bucks off of

im trying my best to keep my meager hoard intact for the long haul

i'll admit ive got a 10 oz bar set aside that i will trade for a springfield XDM when the price is equal :D

getting closer !!
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby ed_vantage17 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:10 pm

I'm buying and holding for the next year until a major purchase I'm saving for is made. Then I'll sell my whole hoard.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby misteroman » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:17 am

sold All I needed to to buy my last plaza and buy another house. Stacking like CRAZY now and hoping it goes to mid 60's by end of yr which i'm betting(obviously) it will. Wifey is now on board 100%
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby MontanaPM » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:02 am

I don't have a specific price or time decided, I will use option 2
999Ni wrote:Are you going to wait it out and consider other factors going on in the world and make your decision then?
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:35 am

[quote="BamaJoe"]SELL??? You can actually sell this stuff? All this time I've been buying because it was shiny and I like shiny stuff. You should see my stack of juicy fruit foil wrappers.
C'mon Joe.. we all know you don't buy silver.. you just pluck it out of circulation. :mrgreen:
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:47 am

Chemo and other family health issues put me behind on paying bills. I am selling a Englehard 100 ozt bar today. :(

After Ag hits fifty, I will sell more to buy land for my bug-out bunker.

The rest I will hold as long as possible. It would be great if my kids inherited it!
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:23 am

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Chemo and other family health issues put me behind on paying bills. I am selling a Englehard 100 ozt bar today. :(

After Ag hits fifty, I will sell more to buy land for my bug-out bunker.

The rest I will hold as long as possible. It would be great if my kids inherited it!

Sorry for your troubles. There is a lot of it around.

I'm on a plane shortly so won't be bidding on anything today. Someone else will have to save me from myself if you list it... ;)
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