What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are you?

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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby IdahoCopper » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:28 am

My spreadsheet has a calc to find the $/oz that pays off the mortgage on my house.

But after some thought, it might be better to default on this house in a few years, and use the hoard to buy a different house at a lower Ag cost. Its quite possible that real estate has another price crash coming up. Why sell the hoard & pay the mortgage off, only to loose all that value?

And then there is the possibility of liens attached to any house, where its not likely the hoard can have a lien against it, if it can be found. ;)
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:24 am

What about selling your house now to an investor and then signing a lease for 2-3 years? In the meantime, if the stink hits the fan, it will be easier to walk away from a lease than from a mortgage. But with a long lease term like that, the investor would have confidence to buy. You can then cash out and buy more PMs.

Since San Antonio is not where I will be during societal meltdown, that's what I would do if I owned a house.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby Lemon Thrower » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:52 am

i'll sell when its overvalued.

relative to gold, thats at 20 GSR or less.

if I see real estate yielding 15% or more, I might trade for that.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby 999Ni » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:16 pm

Awesome replies, guys. Thank you.

Seems like there are a bunch of different exit strategies that people would pursue. It's interesting to hear other peoples viewpoints on this.

Whether its playing the G/S ratio, or moving into investing in something else that's undervalued, to the real estate game, or selling enough at $50 to recoup your original investment & holding the rest, to not selling at all.......I think these are all good ideas that should be considered by folks on an individual basis or what will work for you!

I love silver, but I'm not gonna be buried with it.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby silverflake » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:41 pm

OK gang, best way to sell? Do I go the ebay route? Do I call APMEX? What about the pawn shop? And what about those dang taxes? What do you do (or how will you sell when the time comes?) Thanks in advance.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby 999Ni » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:24 pm

silverflake wrote:OK gang, best way to sell? Do I go the ebay route? Do I call APMEX? What about the pawn shop? And what about those dang taxes? What do you do (or how will you sell when the time comes?) Thanks in advance.

I will try to do as many face-to-face cash transactions as possible. No paper trail, or taxes to worry about!
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby aloneibreak » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:30 pm

silverflake wrote:OK gang, best way to sell? Do I go the ebay route? Do I call APMEX? What about the pawn shop? And what about those dang taxes? What do you do (or how will you sell when the time comes?) Thanks in advance.

i wouldnt even bother with ebay - they'll kill you with fees...
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby mr18 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:48 pm

ebay classifieds, oodle.com and Craigs list for me, i havent sold, but thats where i buy
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby marine70 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:39 am

On good Friday I sold a bag of 90% dimes for $3150 in St Louis, I also sold all my Canadian for 24 X base. I did not need the money but I thought I would take some profit. If anyone is in the St Louis area, Missouri coin pays the best. Honest and respectable business.
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Re: What price point are you gonna sell your silver, or are

Postby knibloe » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:59 pm

I was going to sell half at 28. Then I was going to sell half at 35, 40, 45.

I guess I have to face reality and accept the fact that I do not need to sell it and do not want to sell it.

As far as the best way to sell it, I have had some good transactions on the forum. If I ever decide to sell, I will start here.
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