I have never seen a bull market like this

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I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:37 am

Thirty years, trading commodities and physicals, and i have never seen anything trade like silver, circa 2008 to today.

the power behind it, is so intense. a lot of guys say its a short squeeze. Yeh, sure, shorts are being squeezed, no doubt, but its not only that, there is new money coming in, there are a lot of old time players ramping up physical positions.....foreign money, everything, and my only entreaty to ya'll is this: dont be foolish and try to pick tops, don't get it in your minds that silver is overvalued, because the reality is, that silver is vastly undervalued.

thats not just my opinion, that's the ticker's opinion, the screen. used to be a "ticker", now its a screen, and its saying, "I want TO and I WILL go higher".
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:48 am

It’s the death of the dollar. It’s being dropped like a hot potato and PM's are the place to be.
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby theo » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:06 am

neilgin1 wrote:Thirty years, trading commodities and physicals, and i have never seen anything trade like silver, circa 2008 to today.

the power behind it, is so intense. a lot of guys say its a short squeeze. Yeh, sure, shorts are being squeezed, no doubt, but its not only that, there is new money coming in, there are a lot of old time players ramping up physical positions.....foreign money, everything, and my only entreaty to ya'll is this: dont be foolish and try to pick tops, don't get it in your minds that silver is overvalued, because the reality is, that silver is vastly undervalued.

thats not just my opinion, that's the ticker's opinion, the screen. used to be a "ticker", now its a screen, and its saying, "I want TO and I WILL go higher".

I don't think anyone has seen a bull market like this. It is an investing perfect storm. Those who compare silver's current rise to 1980 simply aren't paying attention. What astounds me is the mainstream media has barely noticed.
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby Lemon Thrower » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:11 am

this is a repeat of the 70s except there is no capacity for Tall Paul to raise rates this time like he did back then. so it will end very differently this time.
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby hejira11 » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:15 am

...And if the main stream does report it, they call it a "PM bubble."
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby beauanderos » Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:06 pm

I read something humorous on the daily crux, it said that lately there's been a bubble in people calling silver in a bubble. :lol:
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:39 pm

theo wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:Thirty years, trading commodities and physicals, and i have never seen anything trade like silver, circa 2008 to today.

I don't think anyone has seen a bull market like this. It is an investing perfect storm. Those who compare silver's current rise to 1980 simply aren't paying attention. What astounds me is the mainstream media has barely noticed.

agreed Theo, the media just seems to ignore the importance of the WHOLE story, but maybe thats a blessing, coz if folks really knew how in danger the fiat currency is, and how superior a form of currency insurance silver is, we'd be sitting at 80-100 this second.
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:52 pm

add to post to Theo:

re: the 1980 bull market, in juxtaposition to the 09-11 bull market.......in 1980, we had enormous wiggle room on two counts, first, our manufacturing base was still potent, and our ability to pump crude oil in the 7 to 9 mln barrel a day rate was still there.

we were pumping 2 mln barrels a day plus from the North Slope fields in the early 80's, those days are over, the Alaskan North Slope fields are lucky to pump 500-600,000 barrels a day. in short, we dont have the crude oil anymore, and we dont make things.

oh yeh, we can print paper, and we can send our military in to grab crude, but long term, thats a recipe for disaster.

i hate to sound like a broken record, but we better devise a way to move past the age of petroleum, because this whole mess is predicated on a world commerce system tied to petroleum.

Just writing this to you makes me want to head out and buy MORE silver......ski ya, neil
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby Rodebaugh » Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:50 pm

neilgin1 wrote:we were pumping 2 mln barrels a day plus from the North Slope fields in the early 80's, those days are over, the Alaskan North Slope fields are lucky to pump 500-600,000 barrels a day. in short, we dont have the crude oil anymore, and we dont make things.

Thats the big trend: drop in domestic oil production compounded by greater consumption. There has got to be a chart somewhere illustrating Dom prod/year against Don and or world consumption. Why haven't I seen it?
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby Market Harmony » Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:42 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:we were pumping 2 mln barrels a day plus from the North Slope fields in the early 80's, those days are over, the Alaskan North Slope fields are lucky to pump 500-600,000 barrels a day. in short, we dont have the crude oil anymore, and we dont make things.

Thats the big trend: drop in domestic oil production compounded by greater consumption. There has got to be a chart somewhere illustrating Dom prod/year against Don and or world consumption. Why haven't I seen it?

Look up "peak oil"

edit: I don't believe in peak oil
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Re: I have never seen a bull market like this

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:46 pm

i've known of Hubberts Curve, peak oil since 98-99, but i thank you all the same.

i'm going to write something, which i dont mean to sound smarmy, but might; i believe in God, i dont believe in "peak oil'.
i see stats that indicate peak oil, and we are in whats called the "rocky plateau", year to year spikes in output.

unfortunatly petroleum statiscal data interpretation can get politicized.

if you dont have the link, here's the Energy Info Administration website;


so you can give the numbers a going over.

point of conversation, may i?

like for instance, if i said, 'global warming is truth', that very statement can be politicized. You could assume i'm some left wing tree hugger. i'm not.....left wing that is. i might hug a tree, but thats our business, what happens in the forest......

but i said "climate change", would you think it more palatable?

the only reason i ask, is that this spring seems like the 2009 spring, and both of them, in upper Corn Belt seem to be very chilly LONGER than usual, with greatly reduced sun hours, its a little bizarre, and i want to ask you, could it be, what is refered to as "climate change" is really a stretching of the eco-system, meaning if you live in the Sahara, it stays MORE DRY, and gets MORE HOT, while if you live in a temperate agrizone, you get longer winters, and longer springs, or when you drought, its a longer drought, when you flood, you get longer rainstorms, tornados's bigger, all the parameters just get more extreme....what do you think?

i been watching the wrecked Fukushima nuke plant in Japan for over a month and a hay, and that thing is still spewing radiation big time. i'm not huddled up in fear, but sure is a shame,k coz now it appears we no longer have nuclear energy as a option, to help replace hydrocarbons as a means for electrical power generation.....and a shame coz a lot of people might die prematurely.

and on that cheery note..........
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