[quote="DeanStockwellBefore the recent price increase, Warren Buffet said this:
"You could take all the gold that's ever been mined, and it would fill a cube 67 feet in each direction. For what that's worth at current gold prices, you could buy all -- not some -- all of the farmland in the United States. Plus, you could buy 10 Exxon Mobils, plus have $1 trillion of walking-around money. Or you could have a big cube of metal. Which would you take? Which is going to produce more value?"
Today, the AU cube could buy probably double mentioned above. Seriously ask yourself. Which would you choose?
The problem with is that if I turned my AG into crop land, I cannot farm it and thus could not make it profitable for myself. I would see it eroded away to property taxes. If I bought shares in Exxon Mobil, they get manipulated and the little guy loses also. Many people are just now recovering from their stock market loses in 2008. Before that there was Enron...
My financial advisor told me last week to sell some of my silver and lock in a profit. My question to him was "where do I put it?" If I take it in FRN, I will lose due to inflation. Not to mention Uncle Sam would want his cut and I woudl lose to taxes again.
So my question to the forum is where do I put it if I sell it?