amalekidad wrote: (back bedroom closet with a three wall built in spot for a gun safe).
sparechange wrote:Lag bolts are cheap, gold and silver are not.
fa hayek fan wrote:The following You Tube video was eye opening for me. It shows that burglers want to get to the left of the non-hinge side of the door and want to get the safe on its back as soon as possible. If you can slow down these two thing the burglers may not even try.
I suggest "Red Head" brand concrete wedge anchor bolts (5/8 inch by 6 inches long) that any Lowes or Home Depot sells. The pullout strength of each anchor is 4000 to 6000 pounds, so if you use several of these and reinforce the bottow of the safe with a 1/2 inch or thicker steel plate (think of it as a giant washer) with the anchors holding down the steel plate and the safe bottom you should have no problems.
97guns wrote:yeah but when will you ever see "professionals" burglurizing homes with 5 foot pry bars? your run of the mill thief is the neighborhood thug and the best detourance is to be low profile.
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote: One last thing. Get a concealed carry permit and pack some heat. IF they get the drop on you, it's over. If they put a gun to a family member's head... if you don't open the safe, they will kill her. After you open the safe, they will kill you both.
Mossy wrote:Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote: One last thing. Get a concealed carry permit and pack some heat. IF they get the drop on you, it's over. If they put a gun to a family member's head... if you don't open the safe, they will kill her. After you open the safe, they will kill you both.
Sounds like you've been reading FerFAL.
Few states require a permit for concealed carry inside the home. I strongly recommend that people carry while they are at home, permit or no. Home invasions are going to go up.
What is especially troubling is that they have been copying the dress and methods of the various police door kicker teams, and the police are kicking more and more doors.
Anyone else study the layout of the compound where bin Laden was found? They had a killing ground behind the main gate, with a second gate to the rest of the compound. I've read descriptions of some of the older dwellings/mini-forts, the parlor or room where visitors were entertained, just inside the front door, had firing slits around the walls, near the ceiling. I don't know how accurate that description was, but it sounds like an idea: Put the couches and coffee tables in a killing ground and screen visitors there.
Such a set up requires many fighters, at least a dozen, so that means an extended family.
"Who", not "what". It's a posting name for someone who also calls himself "Fernando Aquire". I hope that is also a psuedo-nym as he lives in Argentina and posts about what he has done to keep himself and his wife alive, and gives away information that indicates he might have things worth stealing. He has also posted a few things that the Argentina fedgov might not like so much.Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote: I don't know what FerFal is. Yeah, you are right. I thought of the same thing after I made that post. You don't need a permit to have a gun on your person inside your home.
Mossy wrote:[
"Shoot, shovel, shutup" or "feed the hogs" sure sounds reasonable, some days.
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