1919 silver six pence

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1919 silver six pence

Postby beauanderos » Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:26 pm

Well, this is a first for me. I was already a member of the "found-a-mercury-dime-in-a-penny-roll" club, and I've found more than one rosie in the same fashion... but this is kinda cool. A 1919 King George V silver dime mixed in with the rolls of cents from the bank! I know it can't be worth much, but still it's a woohoo moment. Image
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Re: 1919 silver six pence

Postby shinnosuke » Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:29 pm

That's so cool. I have found perhaps a half dozen clad Roosevelts in my searching of BWR since February. I echo your woohoo. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: 1919 silver six pence

Postby Country » Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:30 pm

Nice Find!!! Congrats... :mrgreen:

Post your find in the George V Tracking if you have not done so already.
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Re: 1919 silver six pence

Postby Somnophore » Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:53 am

.925 silver, all good, probably worth 5 bucks.
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