Finally did it

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Finally did it

Postby avidbrandy » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:45 pm

after reading the recent thread on the take a penny bowls at gas station, I realized I have a long way to go. Today I finally made my first achievement. I went grocery shopping today and had 73c in change. Asked for a roll of pennies back and got it. Very happy with doing it. :D Just wanted to share.
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Re: Finally did it

Postby NotABigDeal » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:01 pm

Baby steps, hehe....

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Re: Finally did it

Postby merchoarder » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:09 pm

Good for you! I've done that once or twice but should try doing it more. Its amazing how easy it is to get comfortable asking for pennies, nickels etc. When I first started sorting I was a little nervous about asking but then I realized I'm not doing anything wrong, why be nervous? The worst that can happen is they say no. As long as your always polite and smiling very rarely do you hear no in my experience. Of course, I'm small time, so I'm never asking for anything too outrageous (yet) :lol:

You'll be snagging those coppers out of trays in no time (if you haven't already started)!
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Re: Finally did it

Postby adagirl » Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:28 pm

Good job - keep at it. persistance pays off
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Re: Finally did it

Postby Verbane » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:36 pm

I remember when I used to cringe every time I went to a dump bank machine with 100 or so. Now I have the audacity to dump several hundred and ask for CWR in return. Never hesitate to ask for rolled coin in return, anywhere, or lean a bit into the counter to see if there are halves sitting in the change drawer.
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Re: Finally did it

Postby TXBullion » Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:18 pm

I always get shorted when I ask for a roll of pennies as change
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Re: Finally did it

Postby Chief » Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:33 pm

Always take the free copper that you find in the give a penny, take a penny trays. Good luck!
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Re: Finally did it

Postby daviscfad » Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:52 pm

TXBullion wrote:I always get shorted when I ask for a roll of pennies as change

lol thats no good.
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Re: Finally did it

Postby ed_vantage17 » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:16 pm

I've never been shy in asking for pennies at the bank (8,12,16 boxes). I've been a active member of for years and I'm used to strange looks when dealing with currency. Try buying $80 in groceries with 40 $2 bills with boldly stamped on them. After that, asking for or spending pennies is child's play.
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Re: Finally did it

Postby avidbrandy » Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:32 pm

I just tried to pay for some stuff at the grocery store with 2011 penny rolls, and they rejected them saying the rolls weighed in too light. Hilarious.
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Re: Finally did it

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:47 pm

avidbrandy wrote:I just tried to pay for some stuff at the grocery store with 2011 penny rolls, and they rejected them saying the rolls weighed in too light. Hilarious.

HEB? They weighed them with what...a scale in the fruits & vegetables area? You should have just busted the rolls open, thrown them all over the register and then yelled "COUNT 'EM!" ...and spent the night in jail. Were you in uniform?
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Re: Finally did it

Postby bankmining » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:15 am

Sorry I just needed to hijack a thread for my 200th post:)
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Re: Finally did it

Postby avidbrandy » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:14 am

Congratulations bankmining.

And yes shin it was an HEB. I'm not sure where they weighed it at, but it took them about 8 minutes. There were some grumpy customers in the 10 items are less line behind me. I try to be considerate of other people in the store, because I get annoyed by things such as old women taking 15 minutes to write a check and such. Still I thought it was really funny that they said it was 'too light'. I'm gonna try some other places.

No I wasn't in uniform. If I was I probably should of come with them all loose in a bag and begged that I don't have the money for food otherwise. I try to avoid doing most of my penny fun in uniform, except the banks I use on bases.
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Re: Finally did it

Postby shinnosuke » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:24 pm

Then they must have been comparing them to the weight of a roll of pennies that they had in their vault that contained some true coppers. No way they knew that a 2011 weighs 2.5gms. Hilarious is right.
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