What is the FMV of coppers right now?

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What is the FMV of coppers right now?

Postby creshka46 » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:19 pm

So I've seen this figure of 1.7x FV talked about on a few threads as if that is the going rate for copper pennies. Is that right? I've been trying to get an idea by looking on ebay and it seems to be bouncing anywhere from 1.4-1.7.

As a followup to that, what would you guys say is a fair price if it's a local deal with no shipping/etc costs? Maybe 1.3-1.4?
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Re: What is the FMV of coppers right now?

Postby ed_vantage17 » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:32 pm

I'm looking to sell at 1.4X (local pick up), 1.55X shipped, 1.6X paid via paypal, 1.8 eBay. All of these equal 1.4X in my pocket after various expenses.
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Re: What is the FMV of coppers right now?

Postby adagirl » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:06 pm

Ed's pricing is quite reasonable. You might want to ask also HCBTT to see what he thinks. I think 1.3 in today's market is too low.
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