shinnosuke wrote:My daughter is turning 14 in August. She wants a laptop, among other things, for her birthday. I said, Help me help you. She agreed to sort an average of a box a day until her birthday. Works out to 75 boxes, by hand, of course. We'll see how long her motivation lasts.
Her older brother is starting UTSA this year. He needs a new saxophone (music major) a laptop and tuition. Help me help you....
biglouddrunk wrote:you guys have the right idea, but opposite. You need to get old people with good eye site to do your bidding. I have my 65 year old mother and 82 year old grandmother sorting my pennies. It gives them something to do. They have sorted probably 8K face for me. They each can sort and roll 2 boxes in one evening.
biglouddrunk wrote:I would, but not many of us know how to get 1200 face per week, how to dump 950 face in zincs or how to sell 250 per week in copper.
Oakair wrote:Im 20 and can't find a job for the summer...
Ill sort for someone in FL for a cut of the copper
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