uglies % experiment

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uglies % experiment

Postby cwgii » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:43 am

normally i just pull my uggs / cu_ll without counting.

welll. this last batch i decided to do an experiment. when i count my sorted c oin for my tabulations, i normally have over 50--1975-81 d. so what i did was, count out 50 from each 10.00 lot. i also put aside '' nice'' coins. ie, show some signs of luster.

hence i had 500 d, coins.

lot one... 28n, 69cull, and 2 that were in the wrong pile. so i took the 99 'replacement ' coins ..... 6n, 17cull,

23 replacements... 2n, 2c, 4 replacements,,, 1 n, 2c, 3 re,,, 1c

total..... 130 extra coins, to make the orginal 500

lot two=== 29n, 57 cull. 86 replacements--3n, 16c, out of those 19 1n, 4c out of the 5, 2cull, out of 2, 1c , one more--1n, one more,,,,
total 114....

but of the orginal 1000..... 126 were culls. 57 nice.
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Re: uglies % experiment

Postby Country » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:30 am

Here's my personal stats for the last 235 boxes of pennies:

235 Number Penny boxes searched Per $25 Box
2 0.00% Indian Head Penny Percentage 0.0
2405 0.41% Wheat Penny Percentage 10.2
113775 19.37% Clean Copper Penny Percentage 484.1
14327 2.44% Ugly Abe Copper Penny Percentage 61.0
14710 2.50% 1982 Copper Penny Percentage 62.6
661 0.11% Canadian Copper Penny Percentage 2.8
145880 24.83% Total Copper Penny Percentage 620.8
142814 24.31% Total Copper Penny Percentage w/o Wheats or Canadians 607.7
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Re: uglies % experiment

Postby cwgii » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:04 pm

i knew you would have a better handle on the

so, as i read yours. you run about 2.5% uglies. my experiment was based on only 1,000 coins.. a very small sample. but at 12.5% i guess i am pickyer. i ''cull'' anything that is too dirty, has 'marks' to an offensive degree, ''green'' , big rim dings. etc.

your wheats run higher than me also...... last year, i was at 29 per 1,000 pennies. this year i believe is running a couple higher.

have you ever tried keeping track of your '% ' of canadian that is copper??? i have not sat down to run a total. but on most 100.00 lots, it runs 80% or more. for whatever statistical anomoly, my cdn are mostly older.
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Re: uglies % experiment

Postby Country » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:32 pm

I sort my Uglies with the same criteria as you do.

Sorry... I don't have anything for the percentage Canadian copper compared to all Canadians found.
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Re: uglies % experiment

Postby merchoarder » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:41 pm

I seemed to notice a recent rise in the uglies I was finding, I don't keep great stats or do the volume you guys do but it was noticeable. Then I started getting all 2011's and I missed the uglies :lol:
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