Pennies coming from "the fed"

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Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby stonewallrabbitry » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:17 pm

I picked up my first box of pennies two weeks, this week I decided to step it up and I just called and ordered three boxs. I told her that I would take bagged unwrapped pennies and she said that they do not do that and that my boxes would be rolled and boxed by "the fed", Does that mean they are coming from the mint and will be all new pennies?
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby spjegues » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:57 pm

No- Banks get confused about where they get their coins. They will come from one of the coin places - brinks, loomis etc. who get their coins from the fed in big bags that then the coin guys roll to sell to the bank.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby AGgressive Metal » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:37 pm

Fed as in Federal Reserve, not the US Treasury. The Federal Reserve is a quasi-private monopoly central bank that sets interest rates, reserve requirements, issue banknotes, does currency swaps, gives credit to the US government, etc. It was established by Congress in 1913 and its shareholders are most of the major US and European banks, though they will not release the exact list.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby galenrog » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:48 pm

The Federal Reserve also introduces coin to circulation. The Mint does this on a limited basis, but the cash management part of the Fed does most of it by purchasing coin from the Mint, and distributes it with FRNs through their network of cash management and armored services to Banks, Credit Unions, and other institutions that handle large amounts of cash.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby Lemon Thrower » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:37 am

banks take their surplus cash and deposit it with the fed, with whom they have an account. if they are low on certain denominations, they place an order with the fed and its delivered by brinks, loomis, etc. the order is essentially a withdrawal.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby anarchir » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:53 pm

End the FED. I remember in HS learning about the FED Senior Year. I am positive not a single person walked away with any knowledge from that lecture. I sure didnt, had to find out later on my own.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby galenrog » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:51 pm

Agreed, but the legitimate functions of the Fed need to be retained at some organization. The legit functions are cash management and distribution, serving as a clearing house for both electronic and paper transactions, among others I might not be considering at this time. Most of this can be done by private organizations.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby AGgressive Metal » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:56 pm

galenrog wrote:Most of this can be done by private organizations.

So far as payment systems like checks, yes. So far as cash distribution, yes as well, though I think Treasury could fill in the gap in that area as well if the Fed was abolished.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby John_doe » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:21 pm

anarchir wrote:End the FED. I remember in HS learning about the FED Senior Year. I am positive not a single person walked away with any knowledge from that lecture. I sure didnt, had to find out later on my own.

The fed is illegal. It's a legal and ethical obligation IMHO to oppose the fed and it's detrimental policy.

Everything I have learned about the fed I found in independant study, however I did have an Econ professor in college that helped to steer me the right way.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby exbingoaddict » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:00 pm

John_doe wrote:The fed is illegal. It's a legal and ethical obligation IMHO to oppose the fed and it's detrimental policy.

Everything I have learned about the fed I found in independant study, however I did have an Econ professor in college that helped to steer me the right way.

You're going to be tilting at a windmill for some time.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby exbingoaddict » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:09 pm

Ah the old Federal reserve debate. Funny how it becomes much more heated and more interested parties show up when the economy is not too hot. Somebody has to place the blame somewhere for all the trouble in the world.

Is the Fed making missteps currently? Likely yes. That said, we have bigger problems. U.S. governement itself needs to turn the ship. It's spending way too much. If entitlement cuts are not made, we're going down the path of becoming a lesser power in the future.
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby John_doe » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:45 am

exbingoaddict wrote:
John_doe wrote:The fed is illegal. It's a legal and ethical obligation IMHO to oppose the fed and it's detrimental policy.

Everything I have learned about the fed I found in independant study, however I did have an Econ professor in college that helped to steer me the right way.

You're going to be tilting at a windmill for some time.

Against the wind, almost sounds like a song. ;)
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Re: Pennies coming from "the fed"

Postby exbingoaddict » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:53 am

John_doe wrote: Against the wind, almost sounds like a song. ;)

Ha, don't forget about the 'night moves'.
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