Watch President Obama's Full News Conference on Debt Talks'

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Watch President Obama's Full News Conference on Debt Talks'

Postby Copper Catcher » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:28 pm

Today, I have never seen the President so angry and frustrated; I felt like he was doing a little rope-a-dope. I don't honestly think there is a willingness to cut the size of government in any way shape or form.

You notice he wants to extend the debt ceiling, beyond the next election. He would not want that to get in the way to him getting elected.

He expects the Republicans to have the answer versus the President giving a solution because he wants to blame someone instead if saying he is responsible if it fails.
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Re: Watch President Obama's Full News Conference on Debt Tal

Postby franklin » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:14 pm

I believe this a combination of two things. Foremost, a large group of Americans elected representatives last fall to rein in spending. The media can say whatever they want about the 'tea partiers' but they are only representing their constituents. If they don't do it, they will be replaced next year and they know it.
Secondly, Obama treated the Republicans like stepchildren 2 years ago during the Health Care meetings, reminding Boehner that "I'm the one who was elected as president" several times on the nationally televised meetings. Don't think he and Cantor aren't taking every opportunity to shove it where the sun don't shine every chance they get. They know we aren't going to default on the interest obligations we have.
What I find sad is the AARP and other special interest groups paying for scare ads about 'cutting out Medicare and SS.
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Re: Watch President Obama's Full News Conference on Debt Tal

Postby Rosco » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:47 pm

The president is playing Chicago politics, Give it to your constituents an rip all others off to pay for it. Do Any thing to get elected vote the Dead they don't care.

I did not agree to pay for education for all I helped my sons with their education an also the Educations of several Grand children. Each Family needs to be responsible Not the government. If people chose to get pierced or tattooed an dress in a special way, then can not find work they made a choice. I am free to not shop at an establishment that makes me uncomfortable. I do object when my tax dollars are spent to support people who made poor choices. I do support sending Illegals back to their home with any children that they had while they were breaking the law here.

Why do people expect to walk into a Doctors office an get treated when the do not have the money to Pay! Bull-shit.
Buy a nice house and a big Truck and Boat, without money to make reasonable down payments. Banks let them so they can collect interest for the rest of their life. This is a 74 year old Grump tired of higher an higher Taxes. I will not willingly let them make me change the investments that have worked for 40 years so that the poor can have government help. We do contribute to several charities, but do not give to the people with signs on street corners.
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