stonewallrabbitry wrote:This was only my second time picking up a my order of pennies (3 boxes) and the vault manager asked "if you don't mind me asking, What do you do with so many pennies", I said my cousin is autistic and I got him penny books to collect pennies so he has somthing to do. It wasn't a lie, I just left out the part about me sorting and keeping the coopers. She did't seem to mind and I asked if it was a problem for me to get three boxes every week, she said "it's not problem at all, just let me know when to stop ordering them"
I am expecting her to ask what I do with all the ones he doesn't need, any ideas on what to say? I was just thiking of telling her that I dump them in coinstar
stonewallrabbitry wrote:This was only my second time picking up a my order of pennies (3 boxes) and the vault manager asked "if you don't mind me asking, What do you do with so many pennies", I said my cousin is autistic and I got him penny books to collect pennies so he has somthing to do. It wasn't a lie, I just left out the part about me sorting and keeping the coopers. She did't seem to mind and I asked if it was a problem for me to get three boxes every week, she said "it's not problem at all, just let me know when to stop ordering them"
, any ideas on what to say?I am expecting her to ask what I do with all the ones he doesn't need I was just thiking of telling her that I dump them in coinstar
slickeast wrote: I want them to leave thinking that I am some weird penny guy.
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