68Camaro wrote:Not that there is any pleasure in it, but things are lookin' spooky. Had thought this afternoon might change things, but it just got worse. There is no good news in the air, the Pres is pointing fingers instead of leading, the Germans are spooked, London is burning (listened to BBC World on the way home and they even seemed spooked in their stiff upper lip way). The end of the day attempt to stop the bleedin didn't even phase it. I'm goin' with 700-1200 points down, possibly a 10% market suspension. Not 2000 down, but... "point" taken.
plus the lid really hasnt come off the pot yet...and things are going like this? at 52, i gotta live like i'm in Mad Max?...
OneBiteAtATime wrote:neilgin - what are CCW laws?
Re: 2,000 points down...Black Tuesday
by 68Camaro » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:09 pm
OneBiteAtATime wrote:
neilgin - what are CCW laws?
I'm not neil, but one of the various acronyms for concealed carry weapons permit.
kidman232 wrote:london riots have nothing to do with the economy, but rather some cops abusing their power and people lashing out
68Camaro wrote:kidman232 wrote:london riots have nothing to do with the economy, but rather some cops abusing their power and people lashing out
You must not be listening to the reporters. Think what you want, but this is not some random uprising of the poor abused lower-class against the oppressive upper-class. There are organized, weaponized gangs (in numbers of scores to hundreds) with lookouts communicating by cell phone, who are actively looting parts of the city, staying away from the police.
kidman232 wrote:london riots have nothing to do with the economy, but rather some cops abusing their power and people lashing out
68Camaro wrote:PHYS is the other GLD option. CEF is down because it's a silver/gold mix and the silver is down, but because of that it's actually the better buy of any of the choices I would go for. Or PSLV if you want to go with silver, because its a good buy now also. I bought in again to PSLV Thu and Fri and almost hit it again today (it dropped to 16.98) but missed the big drop it took by a minute (I didn't have an order in), and by the time I got it in it was on the way back up too fast to catch.
theo wrote:Thanks, PHYS and PSLV might be the places to be when Moody's and Fitch announce. Any idea why the miners continue to underperform PMs? Are they being shorted?
68Camaro wrote:Gold at 1745 - what a run-up, and I don't think its done - I'm going to bed. 19 points away from Sinclair's "parabolic" number... I don't put any faith in 1764 myself as a magic number, but the guy has intuition, knowledge, and some significant gonads (for a geek).
HEY!!!! dont tread on us geeks mr 68. Or we can take this out back behind the barn.....
kidman232 wrote:london riots have nothing to do with the economy, but rather some cops abusing their power and people lashing out
theo wrote:68Camaro wrote:PHYS is the other GLD option. CEF is down because it's a silver/gold mix and the silver is down, but because of that it's actually the better buy of any of the choices I would go for. Or PSLV if you want to go with silver, because its a good buy now also. I bought in again to PSLV Thu and Fri and almost hit it again today (it dropped to 16.98) but missed the big drop it took by a minute (I didn't have an order in), and by the time I got it in it was on the way back up too fast to catch.
Thanks, PHYS and PSLV might be the places to be when Moody's and Fitch announce. Any idea why the miners continue to underperform PMs? Are they being shorted?
Edit: I'm thinking that oil and agriculture plays might make a recovery once its apparent that the U.S. sub AAA rating is here to stay.
OneBiteAtATime wrote:
neilgin - what are CCW laws?
Thogey wrote:In Az you can buy a piece from a private party, no paperwork, and stuff it in your pocket...Legally.
Rodebaugh wrote:Thogey wrote:In Az you can buy a piece from a private party, no paperwork, and stuff it in your pocket...Legally.
You can buy them at yard sales, garage sales, and flea markets in WV (legal)....but have to holster it in plain view without a CW permit.
I only own one gun registered to me. Thats a fun fact.
Edit: and yes the DJIA is going to get smoked tomorrow.
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