I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

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I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby Pennysaved » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:32 am

Not sure if many of you watch CNBC in the AM; Ron Paul was on there 8:30AM Eastern time.

He was talking about how gold is not a commodity but is money and was talking about how wrong Ben Bernake was about gold only being a commodity. He said you can't wipe out 3,000 years of history where gold has been hard money.

I remember a couple years ago how I had a couple of friends who said he was nutty with all his talk about wanting to go back to a gold standard.

I am sure a lot of people regret not listening to him sooner.
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby Treetop » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:35 am

I still know many who think hes nuts because of this. Failing to realize the true depth of our issues, and that it would of been impossible to get here, at this level with hard money still in the picture.....
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby blackrabbit » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:02 pm

Ron Paul is one of the only national politicians that I support.
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:15 pm


I worked for the guy in 1976. He's only gotten better with time.
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby NHsorter » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:23 pm

He is the only politician that I have ever given money to. Well, not real money, but FRN's.
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:27 pm

Pennysaved wrote:Not sure if many of you watch CNBC in the AM; Ron Paul was on there 8:30AM Eastern time.

He was talking about how gold is not a commodity but is money and was talking about how wrong Ben Bernake was about gold only being a commodity. He said you can't wipe out 3,000 years of history where gold has been hard money.

I remember a couple years ago how I had a couple of friends who said he was nutty with all his talk about wanting to go back to a gold standard.

I am sure a lot of people regret not listening to him sooner.

and i wish LIKE Ron paul that we did not have 750 overseas bases, (a thousand if you count the "black" bases)...THEY DONT want Paul. when i say THEY....you know who i mean....at least i hope you do. but wishes and a nickel will get you.....6.3 cents.
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:30 pm

Treetop wrote:I still know many who think hes nuts because of this. Failing to realize the true depth of our issues, and that it would of been impossible to get here, at this level with hard money still in the picture.....

the real reason its impossible is because is because the Congressman WILL TAKE ON the national security state....thats the reality, and NOBODY talks about this...you hear a lot of stuff about "entitlements" but heaven forbid, you bring up defense issues, overseas entanglements, that dark secret lil world a brewing...thats why nobody IN THE MEDIA ...REALLY give Ron paul the time of day.
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby Treetop » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:35 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
Treetop wrote:I still know many who think hes nuts because of this. Failing to realize the true depth of our issues, and that it would of been impossible to get here, at this level with hard money still in the picture.....

the real reason its impossible is because is because the Congressman WILL TAKE ON the national security state....thats the reality, and NOBODY talks about this...you hear a lot of stuff about "entitlements" but heaven forbid, you bring up defense issues, overseas entanglements, that dark secret lil world a brewing...thats why nobody IN THE MEDIA ...REALLY give Ron paul the time of day.

I agree.... most i know especially righties have their heads in the sand on that... on day it will come back to bite us HARD... we cant inflate this bubble empire forever...
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby Country » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:13 pm



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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby Treetop » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:15 pm




HECK YEAH!!! Im pretty poor, but i sent him 5 bucks the other day...
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby Hawkeye » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:00 pm

I love Ron Paul and just saw him in person again last night. It's so weird to find a politician who has common sense and who does what he says he is going to do. And I love that he seems to upset the mainstreamers on both sides of the aisle.
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Re: I wish we could clone Ron Paul in Congress

Postby galenrog » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:11 pm

All we need to do is support and elect like minded people and continue to educate our friends (I have given up on my relatives) as to the precepts of liberty and the proper role of government.
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