Do people actually go for auctions like this? ... 2566d3fbc6
The shipping is $17 and its only to the U.S.
csb3tennessee wrote:Check out that 2nd auction- winning bid plus shipping 139- for 1/2 of a CTU. 2.78 x face. Somebody wanted that one real bad!
PennyBoy wrote:Maybe in the future, when banks start charging a fee to non-merchants, this will be the new normal.
balz wrote:PennyBoy wrote:Maybe in the future, when banks start charging a fee to non-merchants, this will be the new normal.
At that time I guess we will have to start a home company and get a merchant account... There will always be ways for us... and when there won't, that's when Cu prices will be so high that it won't matter anymore...
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