getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for stocks

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getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for stocks

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:00 pm

1343 CST Thursday, 1 Sep 2011, SnP 500 trading at 1208.00, and i'm just getting that old feeling of dread for the stock market. Somethings just off, about these rallies. i think by 31 Oct, the SP500 will pierce the 1000.00 mark, and undoubtably as a counterweight, we'll see Gold over 2000.00 and silver over $50, if not 60...just my gut, wish i had some hedge fund level snaps to back that up, build one big honking underground facility to hold the metal, coz i dont trust these ETF's or futures as far as i could throw them.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby ardorlan » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:06 pm

Thank you for this post, I mean it.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:24 pm

ardorlan wrote:Thank you for this post, I mean it.

you're welcome ardy, i just pray that my gut feeling is only a confirmation of something you also were feeling. I'm a terrible market timer, i just had this feeling, watching the ticker. i got a feeling this latest upmove in stocks has a lot to do with the situation in Libya, a perverse buoyancy that if the US wants you gone, you're done, any nation, anytime. This "Arab Spring" is a resource grab, its the logical move. If i was a policy maker, i guess i'd do the same thing. These are some very clever people in the DC/VA area, the US isnt going down the tubes, we're just growing canine teeth, walking like a real empire, and either you can along with it...or not. There will be a LOT more hungry people over THERE...years before you see any real hunger HERE. Even though the printing presses are running full out, i believe that the dollar WILL remain the global reserve currency...or else. Or else you get taken out. Qaddafi was taken out, the guy had prostrated himself in the previous 3 years, renouncing "terrorism", islamism, given up any nuclear ambitions, but he got taken out, why? Because he was making noises about the reserve currency in relation to oil? Hugo Chavez, who had made similar noises, he's in a Havana hospital, has been for months. The press rants about Syria everyday, its obvious Assad is next, but Syria has little oil. However a compliant regime in Syria, boxes in Iran, and that is the prize. Notice how quiet and subdued both Russia and China are? In fact just the other day, Putin himself, SMILING, makes a huge oil deal with Exxon for Artic drilling rights! Back in the Cold War, we'd be on alert.

i really think the "American Century" is going to last a bit longer than people think, imminent American collapse is not in the cards, we are powerful and we are lethal. That is fact, and one can either just stay on the bus, or not. PM's are still going higher, equities lower, maybe a terrorist "event" or two, a little civil unrest, but i dont know if we're going to see wheelbarrow dollars anytime SOON....obviously the 72.00 low in the $ index is key, but pierce that, you go to 60.00, hold there and so what? Just a slightly weakened dollar, but not crazy weak, it will still be the global reserve currency ...or else. i know many of you men arent fans of the President, but it sure looks like he's learned to say "yes" to the right people. Please dont get mad with me, i'm not ARGUING politic's, but its obvious he's not a socialist, or some closet muslim jihadi...or as some have implied a 2nd "jimmy carter". He learned from Carter's mistake, which was pissing off the Pentagon, Big Oil, etc, by not being pliant. Say what you want, but the President is very establishment, sure queers can get married, but so what? General Petreaus "retired" and was named head of what Agency? see? Some hippy beatnik socialist President wouldnt make that move, so he will be do have time to make preps, just dont get complacent, go along for the ride, keep your head down, dont make noise, and dont expect Ron Paul to be the Republican nominee. Forget that, be a coyote.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby ardorlan » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:20 pm

Would you say the IMF is going along with the dollar being the global reserve currency?
Would you say that Iran is going along with the dollar being the global reserve currency?
Would you say China is going along with the dollar being the global reserve currency?

I don't know how much longer the Dollar will stay the Global Reserve Currency, but I have my doubts about it.
I think we could see some real inflation, 12% real inflation per year. I am not forecasting triple digit inflation.
I mean I feel we are at 9% inflation right now.

The Core issues of our economy are not being fixed, fiat currency, over sea-jobs, and over seas goods.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby silverflake » Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:20 am

neilgin1,regarding your thoughts about the American Centuty not quite being done, you are very poignant in your words. While I agree with most of the doom and gloom about the situation America is in, with it's abusive orgy of debt over the last 50 years, theres a couple of things we precious metal fans have failed to see. First, let me say straight out, I do believe that gold and in particular silver are going much higher in price as measured by the dollar. The reason they are going higher is because the dollar is going to go lower and I don't think we will dig out of the debt we are in anytime soon, despite the lip service. Now, here's the kicker and it is what actually gives me hope , in a cynical sort of way. The rest of the world, especially China, has finally woken up to the fact that the U.S. has outspent itself. Bad. BUT, now these countries (read:China) realize that it is in their best interest to allow America to 'survive' for lack of a better term because all of their economies revolve around the American consumer and a big portion of their reserves are held as U.S. debt. So it behooves every country in the world, friend or foe to help save America if only to save themselves. Kind of dimply put but I hope everyone gets my drift. Put another way, if we collapse, we ain't going down alone!
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:06 am

Things go off-topic fast, but my philosphy is prepare for the worst, hope for the best. There are actually varying levels of "worst", some of which are effectively impossible to fully prepare for, but the point is you do what you can. What do I think the odds are of the worst? Hmmm... low. Maybe 5-10%. And I'm thankful for that. (As I'm sure I"ve noted in past posts) I think the most likely scenario is something in-between.

We do have the most powerful military in the world, stlll, and the will (at the moment) to use it (to some extent). How long will that last? It will depend on the will to keep it going, but things can flip within 5 years or less folks, if we don't stay prepared. Jimmy Carter proved that, when he completed the gutting of our military of the day, which took Reagan years to correct. As did (to a lesser extent) Clinton. And Carter's mistake was not that he didn't bend to the right forces; Carter's mistake was that he is an idiot (and still is). And I say that having voted for him, in the ignorance of my youth. I know it has been suggested that we decommission our carriers, for example, but China has just launched their first super carrier, and I personally don't want to live in a world where we have no carriers, while China steams their's up and down our coasts. But I digress from the original digression.

The dollar will remain relatively strong (while diminishing, as all fiats will be) for a time. If anything goes down first it will likely be the Euro. But I believe the Asian markets (which are the strong ones now) are quickly moving back to GOLD as a reserve, and when they accumulate enough (maybe several more years) they will simply bypass the dollar, technical reserve or not, and eventually they will make the dollar irrelevant. The US will continue to diminish. The trading partners will continue to prop up the US (as noted above) because it is in their best interests, as long as it is in their best interests, but they will make a slave state of us, and then kick us to the curb when we become of no use to them. That is not a pleasant future folks. The internal unrest that results from this, and the political reaction to it - I shudder to imagine it.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:49 am

silverflake, first of all, welcome to this board. A great bunch of guys, who know metals, and this is about the first board, i've ever had the pleasure of being on, where guys dont get off on flaming each other, its a real blessing to be allowed to discuss here. so welcome.

i've had this seismic shift in my own thinking, it was Libya, that flipped a switch on my thinking. I noticed that everywhere you look on the net, all the commentators are preaching doom and gloom. There are whole websites devoted to prepping, some call it "survivalism", and there are guys out there, making a lot of money in this endeavor. You see banner ad after banner ad devoted to buying "stuff" to make it thru...whatever s###storm the commentator envisions. There's a very well known website, where the commentator has written novels that serve as de facto "bibles" for us preppers, the guy has probably made a small fortune. Folks are out there buying toy after toy after toy. having planted myself in a retreat area, which i love, coz its rural back country, i feel so much at home; but i've learned this; when you get on the land, about 80% of the "stuff" thats pitched at you to buy, you dont really need. As you take the land, and live on it, you'll see, after time, what you REALLY need to'll "show you" what you NEED, not what you FEEL you need, just coz you read fear soaked article after article.
having traded for years, i've noticed this; when everybody thinks one way, you can bet that its all headed the other way. So those predicted the IMMINENT DEMISE of America, are flat out wrong. Does that mean i drop my prepper stance? absolutely not. Does that mean that i drop my view that accumulation of silver coins as currency insurance is the wisest path? NO.
But what it means is, now, i'm not sweating bullets. I'm not complacent, but i'm off the path of visions of marauding "golden hordes" streaming down a rural highway, bent on rape and havoc. Because of all the dysfunctional institutions in America now, there is one very potent institution; that is both robust and has their act together; thats the councils of national security, and the military....and what they've done is brilliant, boxed in the entire arab world. The "arab spring" was an operation unparrelled in history, and Libya is just the latest victory, done without boots on the ground, and a not a peep out of Russia or China, and it appears the EU is leashed up and walking along like little puppy dogs, and the countries of the world have realized, (as you implied) that its in their best interests to shut up sit down and behave, which means the dollar STAYS the global reserve currency, (for oil) and we're not going to see any "global one currency"...and any nation that preaches that, will be, as my son uses this word: "ganked". My own son "had it" before i did; we were having a long discussion and he was arguing precisely the points i'm making. i was talking imminent demise, and he was arguing against it, This was about a month, month and a half ago, the boy is right, i believe. Told me that Iran is "gonna get ganked". Sure looks like it, because Syria is the next arab state to "embrace democracy", then Iran is boxed in. the Russians will be no aid, they just want to make money. the Chinese will swallow hard and keep boxing up stuff to ship to Wal Mart. Our standard of living will slip a bit, maybe more than a bit, but everybody will eat, have a warm toilet, an auto, schools will still be open, highways maintained...and we could do this for 20 more years, 30...before any kind of black swan.
All that said, i say again, still keep prepping, still keep just dont have to sweat bullets, and you dont have to load up on useless toys, pretending a red dawn or mad max scenario is imminent...thats just my new found feeling. Guys like Max Keiser, (an "RT"-Russia Today employee") Alex Jones, Jimmy Rawles can keep peddling their "product", i aint buying, coz i just went from DEFCON 2 to DEFCON 4. i dont care what any of them say, i play my game, they can play theirs. God bless you, neil
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby ardorlan » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:03 am

I like to prepare with items or things that will be a return on investment if things don't goto s##t because, I don't think they will. I believe Sugar prices will continue to raise, so buying a bunch of sugar now is a smart investment regardless of what happens and sugar has a really long self life.. Food prices could stay the same, or raise more, I don't see them dropping, from my calculations having a backyard garden is a great return on investment.

I just have to ask myself 2 questions
Will this thing or action make me money if things stay the same?
Will this thing or action help me if things go bad?

If the answer is yes, I try to do it.

I am way more worried about saving for my retirement and my children's college then I am about preparing for doom and gloom.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby ardorlan » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:10 am

My sister told me, she doesn't need to save for retirement because the world is going to end.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:26 am

ardorlan wrote:My sister told me, she doesn't need to save for retirement because the world is going to end.

sounds like you best make up a bed for her at your domicile....i just got slammed up by a king mother of a micorburst, saw an F! swinging around about 200 yards away, didnt touch down though.....i WAS begging Jesus to spare the place, prayer is are SOMETHING else, lemme tell ya.

speaking about tornados, looks like stocks are gonna get hit by an F3 today, look at silver goooooo!
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby RR GUY » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:42 pm

Thank you Neil for bringing some common sense to the board. One thing that I have learned is that the more things change, the more they stay the same. There are now hundreds of prognosticators all over the web touting the end of the world. In fact, there is now a TV show on it. I caught one episode which showed some typical overweight middle aged woman stockpiling wheat, grain and ammunitition for the day of reckoning. Just what she needs, more food. I believe that these people are simply praying off of the desperation of the middle and lower middle classes who have been annihilated by the elite. I have no solution to offer these people, or any solution to the problem. The fact of the matter is that many people are spoiled and lazy, and don't get me started with regards to the lack of savings and investment.

Oh, and if the day of reckoning comes to bear, stockpiling wheat is worthless. The rich will still have assets, and the one thing they do buy in bulk is sex. Rich people have a lot of sex. Screw the grain, I would make sure that I would have the body of an adonis or a godess so that I could really make money in a brave new world.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:47 pm

Neil, re: not having any "global one currency"...

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Does the foregoing description (esp. the final verse or two) apply to only one locale or just one country? I always assumed it was describing conditions in the whole world. To buy or sell requires some sort of currency.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:01 pm

“Google is what happens when we pool information energy on a software network. Everyone understands this. Bitcoin is what happens when we pool monetary energy on a software network. Few understand this.”
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:35 pm

The point above is excellent. There are people that are making money off the issue of fear, and doing so by artifically hyping the issues, even the wrong issues, so that they can sell subscriptions, and books, and product, and advertising. Buyer beware. Have your own convictions. Determine your own needs vs. your own means.

However, please note that some, or many, of the preachers of this being false, does not necessarily make wrong all of the message being preached.

Distinguish between the preacher and the message.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby argent_pur » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:27 pm

Thank you Neil! I was beginning to wonder about the general direction of the PM community. The constant "could this be the end of America???" drivel begins to grate, especially when it doesn't happen. I won't say how much of my savings I had in gold (I'm too embarrassed even on a PM forum), but looking back, it was a shamefully high percentage. I've since taken to the wisdom of Solomon to divide my portion (buying good quality stocks at low prices with both hands, as well as some bonds). As long as the division of labor, skills, and knowledge exists--and men are relatively free--commerce will continue and a currency will be found to facilitate it. In the end, it's the real variables like goods and services and peoples' willingness to produce them (labor) that have the real value. This is a wise group...makes me proud to be a part=)
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:38 pm

argent_pur wrote:Thank you Neil! I was beginning to wonder about the general direction of the PM community. The constant "could this be the end of America???" drivel begins to grate, especially when it doesn't happen. I won't say how much of my savings I had in gold (I'm too embarrassed even on a PM forum), but looking back, it was a shamefully high percentage. I've since taken to the wisdom of Solomon to divide my portion (buying good quality stocks at low prices with both hands, as well as some bonds). As long as the division of labor, skills, and knowledge exists--and men are relatively free--commerce will continue and a currency will be found to facilitate it. In the end, it's the real variables like goods and services and peoples' willingness to produce them (labor) that have the real value. This is a wise group...makes me proud to be a part=)

You're not kidding? Selling gold and buying stocks in a down market is a good thing... because?

Guys, regardless of the level or timing of the decline of the USA, at the very least, and the very best, we're only 2/3 (if that) of the way through a down market before we find a real bottom.

Inflation adjusted SandP.jpg
Inflation adjusted SandP.jpg (71.2 KiB) Viewed 556 times

Note the above. We've been in an overall down market since the dot-com bust of 2000, and from history, the down market will persist for an average of 15 years, so I wouldn't expect to see a real bottom for several more years. Meanwhile gold is on a record bull run, and you're happy that you sold Gold and bought stocks?

That's why I'm thinking you're spoofing me and I'm just too tired tonight to realize it.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby argent_pur » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:40 pm

68Camaro wrote:
argent_pur wrote:Thank you Neil! I was beginning to wonder about the general direction of the PM community. The constant "could this be the end of America???" drivel begins to grate, especially when it doesn't happen. I won't say how much of my savings I had in gold (I'm too embarrassed even on a PM forum), but looking back, it was a shamefully high percentage. I've since taken to the wisdom of Solomon to divide my portion (buying good quality stocks at low prices with both hands, as well as some bonds). As long as the division of labor, skills, and knowledge exists--and men are relatively free--commerce will continue and a currency will be found to facilitate it. In the end, it's the real variables like goods and services and peoples' willingness to produce them (labor) that have the real value. This is a wise group...makes me proud to be a part=)
and you're happy that you sold Gold and bought stocks?

Yes. I sold some of my gold at a fabulous profit, and now those profits will compound for me every quarter in good-quality, dividend-paying stocks.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby justj2k78 » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:35 pm

argent_pur wrote:
68Camaro wrote:
argent_pur wrote:Thank you Neil! I was beginning to wonder about the general direction of the PM community. The constant "could this be the end of America???" drivel begins to grate, especially when it doesn't happen. I won't say how much of my savings I had in gold (I'm too embarrassed even on a PM forum), but looking back, it was a shamefully high percentage. I've since taken to the wisdom of Solomon to divide my portion (buying good quality stocks at low prices with both hands, as well as some bonds). As long as the division of labor, skills, and knowledge exists--and men are relatively free--commerce will continue and a currency will be found to facilitate it. In the end, it's the real variables like goods and services and peoples' willingness to produce them (labor) that have the real value. This is a wise group...makes me proud to be a part=)
and you're happy that you sold Gold and bought stocks?

Yes. I sold some of my gold at a fabulous profit, and now those profits will compound for me every quarter in good-quality, dividend-paying stocks.

Absolutely. While I am buying all the PMs I am able to, I'm not pulling the plug on my retirement vehicles by any means. 70% stocks, 30% bonds, see you in 2040. PMs are a supplement to that, a supplement I *really* freakin like.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby Country » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:59 pm

I probably won't be around in 2040. So, I look at it from the opposite point of view. My stocks, CDs, and bonds supplement my PM holdings. They are my diversification holdings. My goal is not capital appreciation, but capital preservation now that I am approaching the golden years of life.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:07 pm

the whole point of my prior long post was that i'm not "sweating bullets" anymore in regards to prepping, and that i personally went from DEFCON 2 to DEFCON 4. i still have little trust in paper "anything", whether it be fiat or equities. The fact of the matter is, i'm decidely and happily middle class, which means to me, the purchase of a roll of BU 64 Kennedy's at 31X's, and a roll of 70-s Proof 40 Kennedy's at 15X is a big deal for the month, and that $460 dollars, which purchased 10 tOz's is now in "savings", or currency insurance, and that to me, is a good thing. i do this steadily and with discipline, stay focused on a narrow group of coins, pre-65 American 90%'ers, 65-70 40% Kennedy's, 71-74 40% Ikes, ASE's, $100 FV bricks of nickels, and at present i have more than enough copper PRE-82 pennies. aside from the coppers, i fully intend to keep saving. Sure i like Kraft, Boeing, McDonald's, etc...but not only do i not have the funds, to do more than a lousy 10 shares, i wouldnt feel comfortable "stacking" stock certificates, thats just me.

Sure i have wheat, i have a hand grinder, but i also have a 100 year old, beautiful cast iron cider press. that i bought for $75 from a man who likes to pop a cork too much, because i have access to UNLIMITED apples, and there's nothing more i love than iced apple cider, soft cider (lol) but i'm not sweating bullets with my night dreams full of mushroom clouds, and hacking crowds of doomed bird flu sick psuedo zombies running amuck, because i realized that though the congress, civilian leadership is utterly dysfunctional, and financial leadership is utterly corrupt craven and greedy, the national security apparatus and the military are NOT dysfunctional, they have their [shucks] together, so they have become the foundational underpining of this empire, and anybody that thinks they are standing by to let the whole thing fall apart, doesnt know what the hell they're talking i'm not sweating bullets anymore. So let Alex Jones whine and bleat about this and that, let Max Keiser do his little dance on Vladi Putin's dime, Jimmy Rawles can sell books and real estate in the "American Redoubt"....i'm gonna be my own Bilbo Baggins living in the Shire, happy, harmless and content. ...and full of love for my bro's at RealCent, neil

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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby theo » Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:13 pm

argent_pur wrote:Thank you Neil! I was beginning to wonder about the general direction of the PM community. The constant "could this be the end of America???" drivel begins to grate, especially when it doesn't happen. I won't say how much of my savings I had in gold (I'm too embarrassed even on a PM forum), but looking back, it was a shamefully high percentage. I've since taken to the wisdom of Solomon to divide my portion (buying good quality stocks at low prices with both hands, as well as some bonds). As long as the division of labor, skills, and knowledge exists--and men are relatively free--commerce will continue and a currency will be found to facilitate it. In the end, it's the real variables like goods and services and peoples' willingness to produce them (labor) that have the real value. This is a wise group...makes me proud to be a part=)

Yes, some of their scenarios are overly simplistic and perhaps self-serving, but that doesn't mean they are completely wrong. There are few historic precedents for our present situation. . . . Zimbabwe and Weimar Germany don't compare well IMHO. No one (especially the experts) has a handle on how this will play out. I can think of a few possible scenarios where our status as a functioning republic could be threatened. For example if Obama gets re-elected and continues to regulate through Health Care Reform, FINRA and the EPA; it is only a matter of time before one state (or a group of them) refuses to comply. And when the Feds say "But you have to under the law" the reply will be, "MAKE US!" Also racial and economic tensions are as high they've been in the last 40 years. About 50 million people depend on some type of government assistance. They will not react well when they realize the government has let them down. Think London at the very least.

I agree with Camaro. The stock market has a ways to go before it hits bottom, especially against gold. Remember that in 1980 the Dow/gold was close to 1:1. Today it is 6:1; Ten years ago it was about 35:1. It is very possible we'll see 1:1 or perhaps even lower again. Of course there are good quality stocks out there, but as long as the Fed controls the currency their value will always be distorted, mostly to the upside.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby argent_pur » Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:50 pm

Your points are well taken, Theo:) And because I don't know where the bottom is for stocks, or the top for gold, I only sold some of my stash to diversify. Since HeliBen is keeping int. rates low into 2013, that should bode well for the rest of my stash, but when rates start to climb, we'll have to be on the lookout for a drop in gold. Many here are well-versed in monetary history, probably more so than our "leaders". We, of all people then, should also know that while debasement is ultimately disastrous for a country that makes it a way of life, all those currency crises ended eventually and business went on. I stack PM's for the immediate effects of a crisis and the stocks/bonds for afterwards...and there will be an afterwards. There always is.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:11 am

For those of you that believe the USA can survive anything, consider this below, again, which has been around in emails. If you've seen it, worth a repeat read. If not, keep this in mind:

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinborough, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:

Born 1776, Died 2008

It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the last
Presidential election:

Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:23 am

As far as investing in stocks, bonds, etc. I don't offer specific investing advice because the number of times I've been wrong grates on my nerves. I constantly remember those decisions (and learn from them, I hope), but I don't want to be responsible for anyone else's decisions. I try to stick to facts. Stocks, at least, are technically shares in something. A percentage of a company. Presumably something that has inherent value other than fiat dollars. Presumably will always retain some value. I can't slam people for having stocks if they think they know something I don't - I just think stocks have another 20-30% minimum to dive. Maybe later I'll buy back in, not now. Bonds and the like... well, they are another form of dollars - fiat dollars. If you're prepared to take that risk, and prepared to be able to unload them if things go south, and do it at the right time, without emotional attachment, then - well, you're all big boys. I wish you well. Hope you're right. Right now and for foreseeable future, bonds and CDs are all paying negative real interest. Doesn't seem like a sound strategy to me.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
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Re: getting that feeling again.gonna be a gnarly 4thQ for st

Postby Treetop » Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:28 am

I am far from an investment expert. I do however keep up on the moves of international banks. It started out studying the WTO, then evolved into studying the IMF. Ive read about how the economies of DOZENS of countries were subverted and put under the thumb of these interests. No denying it if you studied it in depth..... the dollar was used to accomplish this. Over inflated in part to do it as well..... Its ability to do this appears to be over to me, and now you see shifts to replace it as the reserve currency, a sentiment that has been growing over a few years now.....

I am sure i will just sound conspiratorial, but even wikileaks showed much info on the subject of the NAU. Keep in mind there were "conspiracy theorists" talking about the clear build up for the EU for 50 years before it surfaced. a constant push for centralized control of markets.... Very strategic and only going in one direction.

Basically what Im getting at is it appears to be the first world nations turn. The third world economies able to be subverted already were. With wars currently going on in a few countries which stood any chance of bypassing it in any significant way. The dollar seems to have used as a means to an end.... as the currency meant to replace it probably will as well. Movements already being made for that at the international level, and Id assume behind the scenes to deep to see for our nation itself.....

I am sure some stocks will do just fine through these movements, however I dont have the needed savvy to know which. But Im rather convinced silver and gold will shine through this, if there isnt a confiscation anyway. something I think is possible, so even more so then PMs I am working at owning my life and being able to produce my food and other things. That is the focus of my investment strategy. Also working on being able to produce for profit to replace my wifes income. She is a school teacher.

Stocks do not seem to be easy to pick in such a shift to me. Some folks will undoubtedly make out like bandits through the worst of times. Its just how it goes. For my part though I will sit to things more solid until things seem to be going in more secure directions... Its not like the current paradigm of stocks is an old trustworthy rock to build a house on. Stocks in the form they are now is rather new.
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