I made a stop at my local coin shop this morning. He had a few silver dollars in 2x2s in the case for $35-$40. But in the past he has always had a bowl of dollars where you could pick your coin for a price close to melt. Not today. I asked if he had any dollars, halves or junk silver and he said "not right now."
He finally said he could pull a few "culls" out of a roll for me to look at at $25 each ( $1 over melt). He handed me 7 or 8 dollars to look at after he sorted them back at his desk. A couple of drilled Morgans, a couple more with major rim damage.... I picked the best three out of those that were in pretty good condition with no major issues. Asked again about halves he said "No, not right now" -- Pretty sure he's bought at close to $40 and doesn't want to take a 25% loss on them. And I don't blame him. I was glad to get the three at the price he sold me.
I did get a nice Columbia button up shirt and an ice cream maker for $2 each at the flea market -
- no silver at all there today though.
Anybody else checked in at their local dealer this weekend..??