Monday, What's in store?

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Re: Monday, What's in store?

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:11 am

Ag is now $26.33. Please, nobody sell. Stay the course and buy some more. Sell stuff like that signed picture of Elvis in your den and buy some more silver!
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Re: Monday, What's in store?

Postby theo » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:48 am

Back up over 27. This is unreal. I wouldn't be surprised if this recent volatility actually made some PM bears nervous. They have to know that a natural market doesn't behave this way. Lets review the numbers: 14.8 trillion in debt, 1.4 trillion annual deficit for the foreseeable future and effectively zero percent interest rates. Add to that the strong possibility that the F*E*D is helping to bail Europe out.

I'll see if I can pick up some physical Ag on the way to work tomorrow. After the last week I'm convinced that we have less (not more) time to acquire physical PMs.
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Re: Monday, What's in store?

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:26 pm

Not to jinx the bounce-back (another dive into the 20s is not out of the question, whether today or later this week), but it's now back to the Friday close, nearing 31, with an INCREDIBLE range today from 26 to nearly 31. The scale on the plots is now open so wide to capture the dynamic range of multi-day trading that a half buck difference (which would normally be very significant) barely shows as a change on the plots. Oh that 26 was actually a meaningful number to any of us - but its just a number on paper, unfortunately - unattainable (as yet) to the masses.
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Re: Monday, What's in store?

Postby blackrabbit » Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:58 pm

Well down 18 cents is superb compared to the last couple days. I'd like this level to be the floor and for it to head up from here, but wild gyrations seem to be the order of the day so who knows?
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Re: Monday, What's in store?

Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:32 pm

I chatted with APMEX this morning asking if they has any generic bars or rounds and she said nope nothing to sell. Everything was blown out....
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Re: Monday, What's in store?

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:36 pm

Copper Catcher wrote:I chatted with APMEX this morning asking if they has any generic bars or rounds and she said nope nothing to sell. Everything was blown out....

:mrgreen: Good :mrgreen:
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