Selling them this week and the month or so ahead would probably be tough to make a decent profit. Current Cu spot is in the crapper. If you look in our trade forum a few guys have $100fv shipped for $150. That is a $35 profit for the work cause shipping is around $15. While $35 isn't bad, it most likely took 3-5 hours labor (man/machine) to sort through roughly $400 face value to get out $100 cu. My numbers are all estimates everyone has different actual results I am sure. To even get $400 from the bank would take at least 4 trips unless your big time. I do $100 each bank myself, easy enough to carry out and I don't piss the tellers off too much

My point being, if you drive you have to factor in gasoline cutting into that profit of $35. So say you have pure profit of $32 / 4 hr (avg labor) = $8 per hour. That's about minimum wage, not bad but not were you want to be.
I suspect the guys selling for $150 shipped are trying to liquidate some coins to purchase or pay bills. If this is your case your best bet is to sell here also. I would avoid eBay, because they charge 9% for final value and shipping and PayPal is another 3%, so even if you sell for a bit more on eBay the fees kill you. The only great thing about eBay is the vast market it opens to you, just REALLY eats up your profit.
Like most of the guys on this forum I am in it for the long haul. I wouldn't sell any of the Cu that I personally sorted for less then 2x on my money. If you are looking to make some fast profits, I would suggest hitting some yard sales and buying some stuff cheap and reselling on eBay or CraigsList for 2x+ on your money. You can easily make $20-$100 profit a weekend once you get the hang of it for a few hours work.