Thogey wrote:Aren't we still in a dip?
68Camaro wrote:If I actually owned any silver, I would have scored a couple hundred ASEs at spot plus $2.79. But... I don't own any.
RR GUY wrote:Didn't buy any junk, couldn't find any real bargains. I spent the whole weekend shopping, online, a few LCS'' and they all wanted at least 25X. So I called a more established big-time dealer, and I did treated myself to a monster box for $15.5K.
silverflake wrote:OK, on the non-physical side, I was stopped out of GDX, and I was closed out of the SLV puts I had sold. OUCH!
Buy physical, stay thirsty my friends.
beauanderos wrote:Thogey wrote:Aren't we still in a dip?
Nah... you're thinking of the Lil Dipper... I'm talkin bout the Big Dipper. We're on our way back up. Official Pronouncement. Egg on my face if I'm wrong (and more buying opportunities)
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