When we picked up our first 12 ($25) boxes last week, we put in an order for another 6 to be here today. We could have ordered up to 12 but my mom was real sick at the time and we just weren't sorting as much.
Also we have another 8 boxes should be in today from another bank, first order with them.
It's funny, that last few nights I keep wanting to set up the card table, loupe, little halogen lamp, digital scales, hahahah but we just have had to wait.
We have sorted 20 boxes + maybe 50 odd cwr. Have to date 100# pre 83 (I weigh all 83-82's) or should say did. I think with the chance of coming up with an '83 copper is not worth the time it takes me to weigh them, two coins at a time.
Hand sorting is fun, and with 4 of us can go pretty fast. But the rolling has sucked. We now have one bank that will take $50fv bags, so we are looking for a good counter. Have a few jetsort and scan coin 303 on watch list now. Anybody here selling?
My other question, when I have down time (like the last several days with no new coins) I was tempted to go through all of our wheats, and even start rifiling through some of our #10 bags (thats how we store our coppers for now, in 1 gal zips. The 10# bags have everything in them except wheats, and obvious things like planchettes, clips etc.
Another words our coppers are just 59 to 82 10# bags.
And I was wondering if there was anything special we should picking out for more money than we might get just for the copper weight?
I should say we have saved all of our 2009's simply because we get about as many as those as wheats! I can't seem to find out on google that they are collectible, but we have been keeping them because we find so very few, something must be up with em, but it could be a waste of time.
Already we got a book to put pennies in because we were finding so many (like 10) beautiful wheats that looked like new! And there all kinds of 60's and 70's that look new, but we have looked up and tried to remember which dates and such to look for, but I just can't seem to remember what they all are. Even printed out a sheet, but there again the problem is, some price guides say such and such penny is worth 5 cents, while another guide says it's worth $3.50!
So first thing I need to know is what do any of you do? I cannot spend the coin (pun intended) to our get pretties NGC or PCGS graded, and I DO NOT want to sell a handful of coins worth $5 alone or even $2, in my 10# copper bags for the craigslist customers.
Even if there is a very common date(s) that YOU guys look for because they are worth way more for their coin value. I don't mind selling copper all day long a 2x, but I don't want to hand over easy money, as you know, this is VERY time consuming hobby.
Thanks for all your help! Happy sorting!
EDIT to add, we have not sold ANYthing yet. We still have everything we have sorted (of course with the exception of the zinks) So what we have is not gone. We were waiting to get 100 pounds in 10 pound bags before we started advertising. That is why I am asking now, as we are there. Also I do look for '98 99 2000 wide AM's however I have either never found one, or I still don't know what I'm looking at!
