Thogey wrote:Is this your auction?
JerrySpringer wrote:Thogey wrote:Is this your auction?
No. Just thought it was one of those sleeper auctions but who knows. Someone here may get some SAEs near spot. LOL. I think someone here bid on it as soon as I posted the link.
Thogey wrote:
JerrySpringer wrote:Check the counter total on this one: ... 3f0d5f097f
Read the auction description. Get down on this one.
JerrySpringer wrote:Jump on it:
TwoAndAHalfCents wrote:JerrySpringer wrote:Jump on it:
3 SAEs for $110. I'm tempted...
needler420 wrote:TwoAndAHalfCents wrote:JerrySpringer wrote:Jump on it:
3 SAEs for $110. I'm tempted...
You could buy 3 ASE from an online dealer and pay shipping and it be the same price.
I just ordered 1 ASE and 2 random bars for $105.83 from provident metals. Replace my two random bars with the Premium for an ASE and you'd be at $110 shipped.
IMO id certainly rather do business with a reputable dealer if it ain't saving me anything significant.
Coppertop wrote:3 for $102.50 is a good deal .. more please =)
68Camaro wrote:$16 silver is a great deal, and since I just recently had a tragic loss of my stock in a boating accident when I was moving it to what was supposed to be a safer location, this is the time to re-stock from such a loss. That said, while the 3rd quarter 2011 prices were somewhat hyperbolic and hysterical, which is what happens in such a run-up event, it's also true that in the past 10 years the world has experienced multiple global near-meltdowns that were averted (not solved, the problems still exist and are greater than ever) only by unprecedented multi-national intervention. It was the uncertainty over how far TPTB would be willing to go to maintain the status quo, and how successful they would be, that justified building a physical holding even at higher prices. Now that prices are (and have been) lower again, but the global economic and political issues remain more serious than ever, for anyone that is on the sidelines of PMs wondering when to buy - the time to buy is now. Paper manipulation-based prices are so low that mines are being furloughed for lack of profit, and global production is tailing off.
Yep, in addition to buying some silver in the single digits (not enough) and teens, I bought silver into the 20s, 30s and into the upper 40s. I had a good reason for it, and that reason remains in effect. Hindsight is always 20/20; you can't go back. Dollar cost average to a better position, and hold tight.
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