First youtube video about junk silver I acquired

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First youtube video about junk silver I acquired

Postby needler420 » Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:01 pm

Made my first ever youtube video. Its a little long almost 15 minutes as I pause a lot and can't think of what to say. Its my first time making a video as you'll be able to tell haven't had a chance to edit anything. Please don't make fun of me. May need to turn volume up in till I learn to edit certain things.

Its mainly about junk silver and how I won't pay more then spot for it.

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Re: First youtube video about junk silver I acquired

Postby AGCoinHunter » Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:21 pm

Nice! :lol:
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Re: First youtube video about junk silver I acquired

Postby morris14ccm » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:41 pm

Where do you use your metal detector? I've thought about getting into that, but not sure there's any good places to look around here.
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Re: First youtube video about junk silver I acquired

Postby needler420 » Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:25 pm

morris14ccm wrote:Where do you use your metal detector? I've thought about getting into that, but not sure there's any good places to look around here.

I got this on the main road around the corner from my house. For about a mile long stretch or more was a batch of foreign coins to the side of the road. Lots of Canada coins as well as others. The ones i showed were all the silvers canada expect for a Mexican peso 1964 which wasn't in the video. Found it all metal detecting. Haven't found American silver detecting yet though. The silver quarter and dime I got was from my dad going through change etc.

My metal detector is a hotcake seller entry level. Only cost $160 Tesoro compadre lifetime warranty.
Thanks if that was you that subbed.
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