wild mercury

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wild mercury

Postby INTRINSICK » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:09 am

Hello everyone,i have been just a lurker and reader since the old site...but i just had 2 share with you guys that i found a merc.dime while sorting. I know i dont sort near as much as some of you guys. I just ask for any halves and probably $100 a week in other coins for my job...but this is my FIRST ever mercury dime find in the wild..WOW 'AND' it was in a string roll not cwr...there is hope :D
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Re: wild mercury

Postby Thogey » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:54 am

Welcome and

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Re: wild mercury

Postby BlackOut » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:10 am

nice find, I have found one in a brinks roll, most of mine have come from CWR's, not too many in my area though. Not really "wild" since you were roll searching, wild would be if you received it back in change after buying a burger or something.

Welcome to the forum btw...
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Re: wild mercury

Postby INTRINSICK » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:56 pm

Thanks guys...ah k i guess not really wild.but hey def' awsum...i find roosies n wheats all the time...i was so happy n shocked i jus had to post it
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Re: wild mercury

Postby Diggin4copper » Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:03 pm

BlackOut wrote:nice find, I have found one in a brinks roll, most of mine have come from CWR's, not too many in my area though. Not really "wild" since you were roll searching, wild would be if you received it back in change after buying a burger or something.

Welcome to the forum btw...

Hehe.. I got one in change from buying a burger last year! I saw it in the cashiers drawer before he handed it to me...
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Re: wild mercury

Postby NotABigDeal » Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:20 pm

Welcome and good find. Don't be a stranger, post more!

Got 'em back as change a few times, but I've found several in my penny bags.

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Re: wild mercury

Postby woodyh » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:42 pm

nice :) ive only found 1 roosie in about 600 dollars in string rolls
life is like a box of pennys , you never know what your gonna get
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