Well, after 15+ years of online trading, dating back to the Usenet / BBS days (pre eBay) - back to about the advent of Yahoo! - I finally received (what I'm told by the local Postmaster) are fake money orders. I received them from another member on here in payment for 8 gold fractionals, which I have yet to send thankfully. The postmaster confiscated the MO's and I'm left holding the empty envelope. Quite upsetting, as the money was going towards a real estate deal that is closing tomorrow.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I did some google-ing last night upon returning home, and there are quite a few examples of over-zealous and / or ignorance on the part of USPS when it comes to money orders, and I certainly hope this is the case. I'm not going to name the member here, because at this point, it could very well be the PO that is at fault. I have asked him to remove any of his ads from the marketplace given the seriousness of the situation however, hopefully he sees this as a reasonable request. I know I would.
If this happened to you, how would you handle it?